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Rusia ha perdido a Occidente, pero descubrió el resto del mundo, dijo Alexander Duguin en una entrevista exclusiva con GT antes de la visita oficial del presidente ruso Putin a China. Duguin explicó por qué cambió en los últimos sus opiniones sobre China y dijo que cuanto más conoce a China, más la admira.

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Muhtemelen Rusya'da insani bilginin temel içeriğinin gözden geçirilmesine yönelik çok ciddi bir sürecin başladığını biliyorsunuzdur. Bu çok geniş kapsamlı bir girişimdir çünkü Batı medeniyeti ile yüzleşme sırasında, SMO'nun ikinci yılında, Eğitim Bakanlığı'ndan ve diğer bazı ciddi yapılardan uzmanlar, insani alandaki eğitimimizin Batı merkezli tutumlarla dolu olduğunu keşfettiler.

✍️ Aleksandr Dugin

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Russian President Vladimir Putin is on a two-day visit to China at a time when the two countries celebrate the 75th anniversary of diplomatic ties. In their talks, Chinese President Xi Jinping said the two countries are furthering their relationship as "good neighbors, good friends, good partners." Where do China-Russia relations stand in today's complex and ever-changing world? What role does the relationship play in global stability and the development of a multi-polar world? To take a closer look, we are joined by Zhou Bo, senior fellow at the Center for International Security and Strategy, Tsinghua University; Anna Kireeva, associate professor at the Department of Asian and African Studies, MGIMO University; Prof. Glenn Diesen from the University of South-Eastern Norway; and Leonid Savin, chief editor of

🗣 Putin visits China: Key takeaways
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Objęcie urzędu prezydenta Rosji przez W. Putina wyznacza nowy etap w historii Rosji. Jakieś linie z poprzednich okresów z pewnością będą kontynuowane. Jakieś osiągną próg krytyczny. Coś zostanie zmienione. Musi jednak nadejść coś nowego.

✍️ Aleksandr Dugin

🗣 Konserwatywny zwrot
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Buy Alexander Dugin's The Great Awakening vs the Great Reset now:
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Traditionalists of all countries, unite!

Alexander Dugin asserts that President Putin’s inauguration marks a new stage, emphasising traditional values and multipolarity while rallying allies like China and India against Western hegemony.

Read the essay here:
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"In linea di principio, l'Eurasia e il nostro spazio, il cuore della Russia, rimangono l'area di sosta di una nuova rivoluzione antiborghese e antiamericana. Il nuovo impero eurasiatico sarà costruito sul principio fondamentale del nemico comune: il rifiuto dell'atlantismo, il controllo strategico degli USA e il rifiuto di permettere ai valori liberali di dominarci. Questo impulso di civiltà comune sarà la base di un'unione politica e strategica."

Aleksandr Dugin

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COMING SOON from PRAV Publishing
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Di René-Henri Manusardi

“Il viaggio fondamentale dell’anima pura non finisce con la morte, ma inizia solo allora. Il libro di René-Henri Manusardi è una testimonianza di quanto ho detto. I pensieri su Dasha, i versi poetici a lei rivolti, le conclusioni filosofiche a cui lei ha ispirato l’autore, non sono ripetizioni, sono puro impulso creativo. Questa è la creazione vera. L’autore è ispirato dall’immagine stessa di Darya, che come una presenza sottile adombra le sue parole e le sue metafore. Vive attraverso la sua vita. Ci parla, attraverso i suoi versi. I fedeli dell’Amore sono fedeli della Tradizione. Nell’immagine di Dasha, le due vette coincidono, diventano una sola. L’immortalità non è un dato di fatto, dobbiamo crearla noi stessi, la nostra immortalità e quella di coloro che amiamo, di coloro che sono più alti e migliori che noi, di coloro che ci hanno preceduto, di coloro che hanno dato la vita per noi. La vera poesia è sempre una preghiera, e la preghiera di tutto è rivolta a ciò che vive. Vive per sempre”. (Dalla Prefazione di Aleksandr Dugin).

Ordinalo su Orion Libri 👇🏻
Global Times: How do you predict the outcome of President Putin's state visit to China and also the future about the China-Russia relations?

: In diplomacy there are many things that have symbolic meanings. This is Putin's first foreign visit after his reelection and inauguration. This visit is, however, quiet unique. There is something more behind - the will of the creation of a multipolar world.

China is not just a part of Western capitalist, liberal, economic and political system, but it's already out of this system. China participates in it, it's connected with it, but it is a totally independent pole, a sovereign and civilizational state. So, there is no question about China representing such a sovereign pole and pillar of multipolar world order.

The other pillar is Russia. When these two pillars of a multipolar world are meeting and communicating, it's to show the will to continue to build this multipolarity with the two most important instances of it. The world today is not unipolar anymore, so the hegemony of the Western power is over.

Thanks to this communication and cooperation between two poles or two pillars (China and Russia), the other countries and regions also want to join "the multipolar club," such as India, the Islamic world, Africa and Latin America.

That doesn't mean we are constructing or building alliance against someone. Now, if the West accepts multipolarity, they can participate in the construction of this multipolar world. But if the West continues to oppose an emergence of this multipolarity, we will be obliged to fight against this attempt, not against the West, but against hegemony.

We have seen already many times that when the West declares something they pursue, they presume that there is the "rules-based world order." But when it comes to contradiction with their interests, they simply change that position.

They invited China into the open global market, but when China started to gain an edge, some Western countries started to impose some protectionist measures against China. They change the rules to serve their own interests, because they are "the rules."

Together, we want to defend against any attempt to destroy this multipolarity or to maintain hegemony of any power in the world.

Read the full interview here:
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2024/05/18 16:02:23
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