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Love Fridge – level 1

Millions of people around the world do not have enough food. In 2012, an interesting idea starts in Germany. The idea is for a special fridge. People call it a love fridge.

This fridge is outside. People can bring food in it. Then, other people can take the food. They may need food.

Restaurants and local people cook the meals. People help each other. Many people come for food every day. The fridges are often empty.

In the US, 35 million Americans do not have enough food. Sadly, there is enough food. The food does not get to the people who need it. In 2019, Americans throw away a lot of food. Also, stores in some places do not sell good food.

Difficult words: fridge (kitchen equipment which is cold inside, and people keep food in it), local (people or things which are in one area), empty (with nothing inside).


Love Fridge – level 2

In 2012, community fridges started in Germany, and the idea quickly moved to other countries, too.

A community fridge is in a public space, and people can take food from the fridge if they need it. Also, people can bring food and leave it in the fridge. Some people started to call these fridges love fridges because they brought people together. They showed that many people wanted to help each other.

Last year, around 35 million Americans had problems getting enough food. In 2019, an interesting fact was Americans threw away 35% of all their food. It showed that the problem was not a lack of food, but the problem was in communities where people who needed the food most could not get it.

Difficult words: community (a group of people who live in the same place or who have the same ideas), public (open to or shared by all the people of an area or country), lack (not enough of something).


Love Fridge – level 3

In 2012, community fridges started in Germany, and they grew globally. Their popularity exploded over the pandemic with more than 200, spanning the US from Seattle, Washington, to New York, New York.

More than 13 million US households, or around 35 million Americans, experienced food insecurity sometime in 2020. Generally, the issue wasn´t a lack or shortage of food but how they received it. The love fridge’s goal is to address food insecurity, when members of a community make most of the food. However, local restaurants help prepare nutritious meals, too. Volunteers give these meals, and people in need can take them out from the fridges. People come every day, and that is why the fridges are empty all the time.

Problems with a lack of food are anchored in communities, typically to Black and Hispanic families who live in areas with poorly supplied grocery stores. However, in 2019, 408 billion dollars; worth of food was either uneaten or unsold, which makes 35% of all the prepared food.

Difficult words: span (to extend across an area or period of time), insecurity (when you lack something), anchor (to be the start of something).


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New coronavirus variant – level 1

Scientists find a new coronavirus variant. It comes from South Africa.

This is bad news. The new variant is very different from the original virus. Medications stop the original virus. Scientists do not know if they stop the new virus, too. Scientists must learn quickly. Four countries have the new variant. These countries are Israel, Botswana, Hong Kong, and Belgium.

Some countries already ban travel from South Africa and five other African countries. The EU says that it is important to stop travel to South Africa. It can stop the new variant. Then it cannot get to Europe.

Difficult words: variant (something which is a little different from other similar things), original (the first type of a thing), ban (to officially stop something).


New coronavirus variant – level 2

In South Africa, scientists detected a new coronavirus variant.

The news worried scientists and world leaders because the variant was very different from the original virus. The new variant had many changes in its protein, and scientists did not know yet if the vaccines work against it. Some countries already stopped travel from South Africa and five other African countries.

Four countries already reported cases of the new variant. They were Israel, Botswana, Hong Kong, and Belgium. The President of the EU Commission said that European leaders had to do something very quickly. She said that it was important to stop travel to some African countries, because it could stop the movement of the new variant.

Difficult words: detect (to discover something), variant (a new type of virus), protein (a substance which is present in all living things, and it helps the chemical processes in them).


New coronavirus variant – level 3

Authorities around the world reacted with alarm to a new coronavirus variant detected in South Africa, as researchers worked to establish if the mutation can resist vaccines.

On Friday, the last passengers arrived at London´s Heathrow Airport from South Africa after Britain and other countries stopped flights from there and five neighboring countries. The new coronavirus variant alarmed scientists and world leaders because it has a spike protein that is dramatically different from the original virus that the vaccines are based on.

Belgium reported the first known case in Europe, adding to those in Israel, Botswana, and Hong Kong. The World Health Organization cautioned against hasty travel bans; however, the European Commission Chief Ursula von der Leyen said that the EU should act very swiftly, decisively, and as one. She added that all air travel to South African countries should be stopped to limit the movement of the new variant.

Difficult words: mutation (a change in the structure of the genes of an organism), spike protein (a member of the coronavirus family that has sharp bumps known as spikes), hasty (done in a hurry, sometimes without the necessary care or thought).


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Twitter has a new boss – level 1

Twitter is a social media platform. In 2006, four people start Twitter. One of them is Jack Dorsey. In 1976, Jack Dorsey is born. He is American. In 2008, he becomes the Twitter CEO. He is a billionaire.

He is a philanthropist, too. A philanthropist is a person who gives a lot of money for other people. Last week, Dorsey says that he is done as Twitter’s CEO.

The new CEO will be Parag Agrawal. Since 2011, he works at Twitter. Dorsey says that he will be a good boss. Dorsey will still help Twitter until 2022.

Difficult words: platform (a computer system), billionaire (a rich person who has at least one billion dollars, euros, and so on), CEO (the most important person in a company).


Twitter has a new boss – level 2

Jack Dorsey is an American internet entrepreneur and philanthropist. He was born in 1976, and he helped start the social media platform Twitter.

In 2006, Dorsey and three other people created Twitter, and he became the company’s boss two years later.

Last week, he said that he was stepping down, but he would work for Twitter until 2022. Dorsey said that it was time to stop, and he also said that the new CEO would be Parag Agrawal.

Since 2011, Agrawal worked at Twitter as the Chief Technology Officer. Dorsey said that Agrawal would be a good boss.

Difficult words: entrepreneur (a person who starts his own business), philanthropist (a person who gives money to poor or sick people), step down (to end a job in an important position or office).


Twitter has a new boss – level 3

Jack Dorsey, an American technological entrepreneur and philanthropist, is stopping his job as Twitter’s CEO, giving control of the microblogging site that he helped start and built into a global communications platform.

Despite being widely used, Twitter has struggled to keep up with other social media platforms. Dorsey will help at the San Francisco company until his term ends in 2022. In a statement, Dorsey said that the company was ready to change from the people who started it.

Parag Agrawal, Chief Technology Officer who joined Twitter in 2011, was promoted to CEO. Dorsey said that Parag´s work over the past 10 years had been transformational, and he trusted Parag and his skills. It was his time to lead.

Difficult words: philanthropist (a person who gives money to help people who are in need), microblogging (the activity of making short, frequent posts), transformational (producing a big change or improvement in a situation).


No US and Australia at Olympics in China – level 1

The 2022 Winter Olympics start in Beijing, China, on February 4. The US boycotts the games. Australia is the second country to boycott.

The boycotts are diplomatic. Diplomatic means it has to do with relationships between countries. US and Australian officials will not go to China. Still, athletes will go.

The US and Australia do not agree with some things that happen in China. They say that China has problems with human rights.

Human rights protect all people in the world. It does not matter if they are men or women. It does not matter where they live. It seems that China does not care about human rights.

Some countries do not know what to do now. They work with the US. They also work with China.

Difficult words: boycott (to stop some activities with a company, government, or a country  because you do not agree with some things that happen there), protect (to keep safe), human rights) (the idea that all people need fair treatment and help to live good lives).


No US and Australia at Olympics in China – level 2

Australia’s prime minister said that the country would boycott the 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing, China.

He said that it would be a diplomatic boycott, which meant that athletes would go to China but officials would not. The reasons were mainly reports about human rights abuses in China, and other things, too.

The prime minister said that China did not want to talk about these problems, and the boycott was the only way to show that Australia did not agree with China.

The US was the first country to boycott  the Olympics. Some countries were US partners, and they were not sure what to do because the US was an important partner for them. Still, China was their biggest business partner.

Difficult words: boycott (to stop some activities, usually business activities, with a country or organization to protest against something), human rights (the rights which all people have, and it does not matter where they live or who they are), abuse (the situation when someone behaves badly to someone, or he uses something in a bad way).


No US and Australia at Olympics in China – level 3

Australia will join the US in a diplomatic boycott of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics to protest China´s reported human rights abuses,and people say that this will further worsen the relationship between the two countries.

Australia’s Prime Minister Scott Morisson said that Australia had consistently asked China about its human rights abuses and many other issues; however, the Chinese government had not accepted opportunities to meet about them. Therefore, he said, it shouldn’t be a surprise that Australian officials wouldn’t go to China for the Olympics.

Morisson´s choice makes Australia the first major country to follow the US in deciding against sending officials to the spectacle starting on February 4, while both countries will still allow their athletes to go. The US’s diplomatic boycott left many US partners trying to balance the relationship with the US’s security and China’s trade.

Difficult words: boycott (to withdraw from commercial or social work with a country or organization as a punishment or protest), spectacle (an event that attracts attention or interest), diplomatic (the management of relationships between countries).


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Turtles and Plastic – level 1

On Kenya’s beaches, there is a lot of plastic waste. This is a big problem for turtles. They eat the plastic. The plastic kills them. They eat it because they think that it is jellyfish.

People find out that young turtles eat plastic more often than adults. They die, also. When there is plastic on beaches, turtles cannot lay eggs. Plastics also blocks the way to the ocean. This is a problem for young turtles. They cannot get into the water.

Difficult words: waste (things which you throw away), jellyfish (a sea animal), adult Turtles and Plastic (bigger and older).


Turtles and Plastic – level 2

Water deposits plastic waste from all over the world on Kenya’s beaches. That is a big problem for turtles as many of them eat the plastic because they think that it is jellyfish, and then they die.

A new report found that young turtles die more often than adults because of plastic. Moreover, when there are a lot of plastics on beaches, turtles cannot lay eggs. When the baby turtles hatch on beaches with plastics, they cannot get to the ocean.

Out of every 1,000 turtles hatched, only one grows into adulthood, according to the WWF.

Difficult words: deposit (move to a place), hatch (come out of its egg), WWF (an organisation which tries to protect animals and nature).


Turtles and Plastic – level 3

Global currents deposit marine debris from all over the world on Kenya’s beaches which is a big problem for turtles.

A report found that 23% of juvenile and 54% of post-hatchling turtles ingested plastic, suggesting that young turtles are more likely to die than the adults by eating plastic.

Hassan Mohammed from the World Wildlife Fund said that turtles sometimes confuse plastics for food, thinking that they are jellyfish. Moreover, when there are a lot of plastics around hatching sites, turtles are unable to lay eggs and when baby turtles hatch, they cannot reach the ocean.

Out of every 1,000 turtles hatched, only one grows into adulthood, according to the WWF.

Difficult words: current (the moving of water), deposit (move to a place), debris (waste), juvenile (young), hatchling (a young animal which just came out from its egg).


Ronaldo’s statue in India – level 1

Cristiano Ronaldo is a Portuguese soccer star. He plays for Manchester United now. He is born on the island of Madeira in 1985.

Many statues of Ronaldo are in different countries. A new statue of him is in Goa, India. Officials think that it will make young people more interested in soccer. Soccer is a very popular sport in India. Many people love Portuguese soccer.

Sadly, Goa is a Portuguese colony in the past. It is 60 years after Goa becomes free. Many people celebrate.

They are not happy about Ronaldo’s statue. They say there are many good soccer players in Goa, too. They say it is not a good idea to have a statue of a Portuguese player.

Ronaldo is so popular that Madeira names its airport after him. There are also several Ronaldo waxworks in London, Madrid, and other places.

Difficult words: colony (a country or area which another country controls), airport (a place where planes fly and land), waxwork (a model of a famous person made from wax, which is a material usually for candles).


2024/06/03 11:38:19
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