🔗 Repo Link:- Click Here
🔗 Deploy Here:- Click Here

⭕️ Deployable in Heroku without suspension
⭕️ Easy to deploy
⭕️ No Ban issues
⭕️ Ultra protection mode
⭕️ Hacking protected
⭕️ Many Amazing Plugins
⭕️ Special Spamming commands
⭕️ Safe String Session
⭕️ Virus 🦠 Protected

🔗 Support:- @FireXSupport
🔗 Updates:- @FireXUb

🔥 Deploy :-

▫️Get Api Hash and Api Id From @Apiextractor_bot. Just start the bot and send your Telegram account numbers, then you will receive code, put the code by extracting. After your api hash and api id will be shown. Or you can manually do it from here

▫️ Get your string session from here and @sessionmakebot
▫️ Create a Heroku Account.
▫️ Create a Telegram bot by @Botfather and go settings then on inline mode. Take the token as assistant bot token and username as assistant bot Username from here.
▫️ Click the link and deploy your Fire-X after go dashboard and on the add-on toggle from Resources.

Congratulations 👏 your Fire-X is ready to serving you.


Process of making String Session.

Use @SessionMakeBot to make string session

Firex is the most powerful userbot in Telegram.
Firex is getting this errors while deploying in Heroku. Actually it happens almost all existing userbots which hasn't fixed. salesforce.com has updated it's Rules and Policy. According to them userbot is restricted to use.


So you are suggesting to fork it first. And then follow the process available on video

Update:- Solved.
Deploy Firex Now

If you face any problem to deploy ask on @FirexSupport

Deploy Link:-


Generate Api I'd and api Hash:- my.telegram.org

Generate String Session:-
We are going to push a lot of updates in Firex.

We need some Dev's who are agree in contributing freely for Firex Userbot.

Basic Requirement:-
Known Python
Known Telethon

Interested Dev's should message me on @maihindu

.eval from firebot import bot
from var import Var
import asyncio
username = Var.TG_BOT_USER_NAME_BF_HER
bf = "@BotFather"
await bot.send_message(bf, "/setinline")
await asyncio.sleep(1)
await bot.send_message(bf, f"{username}")
await asyncio.sleep(1)
await bot.send_message(bf, "Search")
print(f"DONE inline is setted to this bot SUCCESSFULLY {username}")
except BaseException as er:

Set Up Inline Mode Directly Through This Eval. Just copy and paste.
🔥Method For Deploy FireX Userbot on Heroku🔥

➡️ First Make A GitHub Account

🔹 Go To main repo and Fork

🔹Then copy forked url

🔹url looks like https://github.com/YourGitName/Fire-X

🔹Now use below url for deploy

🔹Heroku.com/deploy?template=your forked url here

🔹eg - heroku.com/deploy?template=https://github.com/yourgitname/Fire-X

🎉Guys Today we are going to release a new repo which will be the best and bugs free userbot in telegram.

For more updates kindly join
@FireXUb and join to deploy @FirexSupport to stay used.
🔊Guys what we said yesterday that we are going to publish an amazing new repo to our renowned FIREX Userbot, is released now.

🌀Repo Link:- Click Here

🌀Chat :- @FirexSupport

> Deploy now by open the new repository and inform us if you find any bugs. We will solve it soon. <

##Amazing Features
• This is the telegram most safest, hack free telegram userbot.

• Easy to Deploy and Easy Update System.

Lots of Plugins.

Frequently Updated

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2024/05/14 06:28:54
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