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WOW. This is infuriating.

Why wouldn’t conservative media or other conservative groups in AZ help push real election reform with HB2289?

Because the controlled opposition is overwhelming. Those you think are fighting for you & actually just distracting from passing real reform.😩
Well the final count is in and all the “America First / MAGA” candidates “won”. Crazy to me that now all these people suddenly believe in real elections again. Massive psyop. 🥴
Abe Hamadeh won as well. And of course now much info is started to leak out about his military investigation which could leave to his disqualification to even hold the position of AG (which would force him to drop out of the race). Should be interesting to see how the next few months go.
Remember the PCR tests? Well the MSM have confirmed that they were laced with poisonous chemical Sodium Azide. Don’t put this stuff up your nose!
So it looks like the Trump-endorsed corrupt Muslim extremist candidate Abe Hamadeh blocked me on Twitter. 🥴
Oz is affiliated with Muslim Brotherhood.
Blake Masters, another terrible Trump endorsed candidate quietly back-peddles on abortion — initially being 100% pro-life NOW supports almost all abortion being performed in this country. Blake Masters is a puppet for fake conservatives.
Blake Masters — another fake conservative endorsed by Donald Trump 🥺 Using strong stance against killing babies to gain the endorsement, then doing a 180 after “winning” his primary.
Went on NewsMax this morning on Wake Up America Weekend and it got heated! Video coming soon! 🔥
Media is too big
I think this interview broke the media matrix. Once you step outside the 2-party paradigm things start to get very interesting. 🚨
The failure of Arizona’s election chaos is because the GOP failed to pass election reform.

We have the solution. And we will be running our bill again next year.
We wrote the most comprehensive election integrity bill in the country & fought tirelessly to get it passed. One Day. One Vote. On Paper. In Person. No Machines. No Mail in Ballots. Voter ID. Precinct level voting. We fought to get it passed, but the establishment killed it.
It’s infuriating to watch the SAME PEOPLE who obstructed our Election Reform Bill being propped up on TV discussing the AZ election failures & offering solutions. Unbelievable. 🤬
You can’t out-vote a rigged election
The owner of this channel has been inactive for the last 5 months. If they remain inactive for the next 27 days, they may lose their account and admin rights in this channel. The channel will remain accessible for all users.
Hello Telegram audience. I haven’t been posting much these days. The corruption is bad — often feels overwhelming— and I’ve been taking a much needed break as Daniel & I have been working on our business ventures to keep supporting our behind the scenes political work and to help move our state and country back to the right. I’ll post a little update here soon about my thoughts and what we are seeing happening in AZ. It’s ridiculous and corrupt… but I’m sure you already know that. 😬
Daniel developed a new firearm with Craig Sawyer. This firearm has been in development for 8+ years. Daniel was able to put the team together to get it done and execute on Craig’s vision.

If you’re a firearm enthusiast you’re gonna want one of these. Please check out the video we put together at ShotShow. These will hit the market early next year. Amazing! 💥
Good morning Patriots. I’ve taken a much needed break from politics for a bit. Last year I rebranded Twitter & IG under the handle @McCarthyism2024. Those who have followed me for a while know my feelings. That our Republic is dead, elections are fake, and politics is entertainment at this point — all scripted and fake using actors to play politicians. Much like pro wrestling. If there is truly to be any hope for us moving forward it will have to be by organizing and building up something new. We need to remove all corruption from our government completely & start over.
How in the world did Nikki Haley get 18% at the Iowa Caucus? How did she win NH? That is absurd. She is one of the worst neo cons in our government and that woman has no business being anywhere near our Capitol. No conservative should support her in the caucus.
2024/06/09 16:49:20
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