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There was an Iranian man who lived in an airport for 17 years due to failing to present a passport to British immigration officials.

@googlefactss #nowyouknow

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Before the rain begins, one of the first odors you may notice as winds pick up and clouds roll in is a sweet, pungent zing in your nostrils. That’s the sharp, fresh aroma of ozone. The scent of ozone heralds stormy weather because a thunderstorm’s downdrafts carry ozone from higher altitudes to nose level.

@googlefactss #nowyouknow

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The term “Third World” originated during the cold war, and was used to refer to countries that were neither aligned with NATO (the “first world”) or the Communist Bloc (the “second world”). Under the original definition, Sweden, Finland, and Austria are “third world countries”.

@googlefactss #history

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The pre-Columbian Aztec Empire used cacao beans as the currency for small everyday transactions. A small rabbit was worth 30 cacao beans, a turkey egg cost 3 cacao beans, and someone’s daughter to be used as a human sacrifice cost 500 cacao beans.

@googlefactss #history #nowyouknow
Red Bull was actually created in Thailand in 1976 as an energy drink for truck drivers.


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Prader-Willi syndrome is a genetic disorder that causes a constant feeling of starvation. Left unchecked, sufferers of Prader-Willi Syndrome can eat until their stomachs rupture.

@googlefactss #diseases

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In 2013, Mark Zuckerberg spent $30 million buying 4 neighboring houses to ensure his privacy.

@googlefactss #celebrities
The tiny pocket in jeans was designed to store pocket watches.

@googlefactss #funfact #nowyouknow
No number before 1,000 contains the letter A.

@googlefactss #numbers #funfact
Osama Bin Laden was declared wanted man by Gaddafi three years before 9/11 attacks.

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A nude painting of Bea Arthur that she didn’t even sit for, sold for 1.9 million dollars in 2013.

@googlefactss #art

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A study published in the Journal of Travel Medicine in 2022 revealed that more people died taking selfies (379) than from shark attacks (90) between 2008-2021.

@googlefactss #statistics

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Pizza Hut once made a delivery to the International Space Station in 2001. They paid the Russians $1 million to transport the Pizza (and make a commercial from it).

@googlefactss #nowyouknow
Namibia’s name is derived from Namib, which means “area where there is nothing” in the Nama language.

@googlefactss #nowyouknow #africa

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Top sumo referees carry a dagger, to symbolize killing themselves if they make a bad call.

@googlefactss #funfact #sports

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Scientists have dosed naked mole rats with carcinogens and radiations, yet they have never been observed to develop cancer. They tolerate acid, live 6 times longer than other rodents, they hardly age, and they survive long periods of oxygen deprivation and can live in heavy metal polluted areas.

@googlefactss #animals #nowyouknow

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2024/05/29 03:30:21
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