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自英國推出BNO visa 計劃以來,十數萬香港人由香港移居英國。英國本地人究竟對我們了解有幾多?他們知道香港同英國的淵源,知道是甚麼驅使香港人到英國重新建立家園嗎?


參展藝術家 (跟英文字母次序排列)
-Bowie @bowie_art_
-Jade (玉丸) @jadepearls_
-Justin Wong (黃照達) @little_pink_man
-Lumli Lumlong (淋漓淋浪) @lumlilumlong_
-Ricker Choi @ricker_choi

在此特別鳴謝 我地 NGO DEI @ngodeiorg 贊助今次藝術作品展。

藝術作品展將於Leeds City Museum 展出,暫定於四月十六日對公眾開放,詳情請繼續留意列斯手足連線的公布!

HongKongers in the UK:
A Journey of Hope and Resilience
Art Exhibition

Since the announcement of the BNO visa scheme, tens of thousands of HongKongers have moved from their homeland to the UK. How much do you know about us? Do you know what drives us to move to the UK?

We have invited five artists from Hong Kong to tell the story of the Hong Kong diaspora. We hope that through artworks, we can let you know about the stories of Hong Kongers, which are stories of hope and resilience.

Participating artists (in alphabetical order):
-Bowie @bowie_art_
-Jade (玉丸) @jadepearls_
-Justin Wong (黃照達) @little_pink_man
-Lumli Lumlong (淋漓淋浪) @lumlilumlong_
-Ricker Choi @ricker_choi

Special thanks to 我地 NGO DEI @ngodeiorg for sponsoring this art exhibition.

The art exhibition will be held at Leeds City Museum, open to the public from 16 April to 2 June tentatively. Please stay tuned to our social media for updates!

HongKongers in Leeds
列斯手足連線 - 🔅公海頻道🔅 pinned «移英港人-希望與不屈的進行曲 藝術作品展預告 自英國推出BNO visa 計劃以來,十數萬香港人由香港移居英國。英國本地人究竟對我們了解有幾多?他們知道香港同英國的淵源,知道是甚麼驅使香港人到英國重新建立家園嗎? 列斯手足連線邀請到五位來自香港的藝術家,向英國本地人以作品訴說香港人的故事,以藝術觸動大家的心靈,希望在各人心中演奏出一首由香港人譜出的希望與不屈的進行曲。 參展藝術家 (跟英文字母次序排列) -Bowie @bowie_art_ -Jade (玉丸) @jadepearls_ -Justin…»
香港人2003 年齊心抗23條惡法,豈料21年後嘅今日,喺港共踢走所有反對聲音之下光速通過惡法。 23 條以國家安全為理由,肆意踐踏香港人嘅人權同自由,更甚者株連九族,以隱匿叛國為由推廣篤灰,將香港徹底變成一個共產黨統治下嘅一個內地城市。

各位身處海外嘅香港人,必定都對廿三條立法義憤填膺。 全球各地都有港人組織於3月23日企出嚟發聲!列斯手足連線亦會響應號召,於當日舉辦街站,我哋呼籲所有香港人一齊企出嚟聲討中共港共政權,反對廿三條立法!

日期: 三月二十三日 (星期六)
時間: 12:00 - 14:00
地點: Leeds Art Gallery 外 (LS1 3AA)

Hongkongers in Leeds
21 years ago, over 500,000 HongKongers took to the streets to oppose the enactment of the notorious Article 23 in 2003. However, despite the outcry, the Hong Kong government swiftly passed Article 23 yesterday after silencing all opposition. This law infringes upon the human rights and freedoms of HongKongers under the guise of "National Security." Furthermore, it introduces the offense of "misprision of treason," fostering a culture of reporting on family and friends for treason, effectively transforming Hong Kong into an authoritarian city.

As HongKongers living overseas, we are enraged by the passage of Article 23. There have been numerous protests worldwide on 23/3 against Article 23. HongKongers in Leeds are planning to organise an assembly alongside other cities to demonstrate unity. Let's stand up and oppose Article 23!

Date 23 March (Sat)
Time: 12:00-14:00
Location: Outside Leeds Art Gallery (LS1 3AA)
Please prepare your own demonstration props

Hongkongers in Leeds

星期六嘅街站會移師到Briggate (Debenhams 外)(LS1 6LX)舉行,請大家留意!




Heads up! Our Saturday assembly will now take place at Briggate (outside Debenhams) (LS1 6LX).

We aim to explain the ongoing situation in Hong Kong to the locals, while also making our voices heard loud and clear. Please bring along your own protest materials to vividly express our collective frustration and discontent to the world. 🤬🤬

See you there!
昨日323 反23,列斯嘅手足響應全球二十多個城市嘅號召,冒住嚴寒天氣同埋極度大風,走上街頭表達我哋對廿三條立法嘅憤怒同不滿🤬



On the 23rd of March, Hongkongers around the world protested against Article 23. Hongkongers in Leeds, in response to the call, took to the streets in cold and windy weather to express our fury and dissent against Article 23.

Many locals approached us and wanted to know what had happened in Hong Kong. One lady who has lived in Hong Kong even hugged one of us to show her support.

The Chief Executive of Hong Kong said that most people support the Article 23 legislation. They silence all opposition voices and pretend they have public support. We are here to say ‘No’ to them. We will fight till our last breath. Liberate Hong Kong. Revolution of Our Times.

Hongkongers in Leeds
移英港人- 希望與不屈的進行曲藝術作品展開幕禮


日期:4月20日 (星期六)
地點:Thoresby Room, Leeds City Museum (LS2 8BH)



自英國推出BNO visa 計劃以來,十數萬香港人由香港移居英國。列斯手足連線邀請到五位來自香港的藝術家,向英國本地人以作品訴說香港人的故事,以藝術觸動大家的心靈,希望在各人心中演奏出一首由香港人譜出的希望與不屈的進行曲。

是次藝術作品展將於四月十六日假Leeds City Museum 公開展出,歡迎公眾人士入場參觀。

參展藝術家 (跟英文字母次序排列)
-Bowie @bowie_art_
-Jade (玉丸) @jadepearls_
-Justin Wong (黃照達) @little_pink_man
-Lumli Lumlong (淋漓淋浪) @lumlilumlong_
-Ricker Choi @ricker_choi

在此特別鳴謝 我地 NGO DEI @ngodeiorg 贊助今次藝術作品展。

傳媒查詢: 請電郵至 [email protected]

Hong Kongers in the UK: A Journey of Hope and Resilience Art Exhibition

🌟 The opening ceremony will be held on 20 April at 12:00 noon, featuring honorable guests as keynote speakers. We cordially invite you to attend and demonstrate your support for the art exhibition by joining us for the opening ceremony.

Date: 20/4 (Sat)
Time: 12:00 - 14:00
Venue: Thoresby Room, Leeds City Museum (LS2 8BH)

Please register to secure your place:

Walk-in places are available but limited.

Exhibition Introduction:

Since the announcement of the BNO visa scheme, tens of thousands of Hong Kongers have moved from their homeland to the UK. We have invited five Hong Kong artists to tell the story of the Hong Kong diaspora. Through their artworks, we hope to convey the narratives of Hong Kongers’ stories of hope and resilience.

The art exhibition will be held at Leeds City Museum, open to the public from 16 April to 2 June.

Participating artists (in alphabetical order):
- Bowie @bowie_art_
- Jade (玉丸) @jadepearls_
- Justin Wong (黃照達) @little_pink_man
- Lumli Lumlong (淋漓淋浪) @lumlilumlong_
- Ricker Choi @ricker_choi

Special thanks to 我地 NGO DEI @ngodeiorg for sponsoring this art exhibition.

For media inquiries, please contact us at [email protected]
移英港人- 希望與不屈的進行曲藝術作品展
Hong Kongers in the UK: A Journey of Hope and Resilience Art Exhibition

參展藝術家簡介與分享Artist Introduction:

煲兒Bowie (@bowie_art_ ) -
居於曼城的香港藝術家 Hong Kong Artist Based in Manchester

-煲兒分享 Bowie’s sharing 💭✍🏻-



Transcript: Recently, a series of abnormal events has swept through Hong Kong, reaching a point where their occurrence has become somewhat routine: the cessation of liberal studies, the enforcement of the National Security Law, the imposition of “loyalty” assessments for candidacy in elections, and the closure of news outlets. As we witness our losses, we're left questioning: “what, indeed, remains?”

Ensnared within the reality of limitations and oppression, adorned with thorns, roads often necessitate navigating these intricately woven, prickly obstacles. We not only need to find an exit along the narrow passage but also toil tirelessly to open it, in order to claim the dawn that is rightfully ours—whether returning home, fleeing, or reclaiming lost ground.

是次藝術作品展將於四月十六日假Leeds City Museum 公開展出,歡迎公眾人士入場參觀。

在此特別鳴謝 我地 NGO DEI @ngodeiorg 贊助今次藝術作品展。

傳媒查詢: 請電郵至 [email protected]

The art exhibition will be held at Leeds City Museum, open to the public from 16 April to 2 June.

Special thanks to 我地 NGO DEI @ngodeiorg for sponsoring this art exhibition.

For media inquiries, please contact us at [email protected]
2024/05/10 01:41:44
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