Greetings everyone,

New information for you :

- The compensation plan is still in discussion. We are managing the technical issue of doing a fair compensation for everyone.

- We will test the smart contract on the mainnet tomorrow.

- The Road Map of the project is being discussed and built.

- The graphic chart is being created by our designer.

A good project needs some time, your patience will be rewarded very soon…

Have a great day.

The Team.
Something new is coming... πŸ‘€
Hello everyone

1/ Good news, the date for the fair launch of our new token will be announced this week.

Beware of scams.

2/ Also, about the compensation plan:

The developers of our team are mainly focused on the contract right now. We are currently testing our contract on the mainnet.

So we cannot tell you how exactly the compensation plan will be handled for now.

But don't worry, we have archived all the data. We know exactly who had nodes on IFC.

We will do our best to make it fair for everyone.

The Team.
Hello everyone,

Here is some information:

- The tests on the mainnet (under real conditions) have started.

- The smartcontracts have been completed.

- Audits are in progress.

- The writing of the presentation page is finished. The next step is to set it up and work on the design.

Our goal is to go to $100-million market capitalization minimum. You will be the first to be on this new project. As always, this is not financial advice.

We will keep you informed about the future developments.

The Team.
Do you remember when we were at $56.1 on IFC? At almost $100 Million market cap?

It was insane!

We achieved that performance with almost no marketing. With just a simple fork. And still...
Most of the people made lots of money with IFC.

Then you know what happened. Someone attacked us… We got hacked.

We could have just quit but no.
We fought back.
Now, the rules have changed.

We are taking the time to finalize our own brand new smart contracts and tokenomics.
No other system can compare to the one we are currently building.
And we are more motivated than ever before.

Besides, we are fixing the technical issues for the compensation and everyone will be compensated in... BNB.

We are ready to do a lot more than what we did with IFC.

Stay tuned and have a nice day πŸ™‚
It is coming… πŸ‘€

πŸ”₯ Here is the logo of our new token πŸ”₯

The name is hidden for now to avoid scams and chasing.

We will reveal it soon.

PS : a post about the launch is coming today so stay tuned...
Hello everyone

We have decided to do the fair launch after Christmas.

We could do it earlier, but it would not be a good timing and we still have some tests to do.

We know a majority of you wanted to launch as soon as possible, but we don't want to rush things.

We hope you will have good times with your family and friends during the fest πŸŽ…

You will soon discover our project with new features that will allow you to earn more rewards than previously…

The Team
Hello everyone!

As you know, we are launching our new token after Christmas. A date will be chosen soon.

In the meantime, there are 3 things you should know:

βœ… First, we've gone to great lengths to ensure that the security of our new contract is optimal.

The IFC contract was a copy of another contract that had a security flaw that a malicious individual was able to exploit.

The new token contract was built from scratch by our development team.

In addition, our contract was audited by 2 audits firm.

And finally, we benefit from the help of a software engineer with more than 30 years of experience in an internationally renowned technology company.

βœ… Secondly, our tokenomics has been thought to make the project last in the long run.

Accordingly, a system has been created to incite node accumulation and reward the noders. You will discover all this in detail really soon.

So be prepared to recreate nodes regularly if you want to get maximum passive income in the long run. We have learned from our mistakes, and this time we are determined to go far with you.

βœ… Thirdly, our contract includes an exclusive feature that will allow you to cash in even more rewards while promoting the sustainability of the project. You won't find this feature anywhere else.

Have a great day,
The Team

P.S: a compensation plan has finally been defined and we will announce it very soon (tests are still in progress)

Here is how is it going to work:

We will create a token named c-IFC (it is not our new token). This token cannot be exchanged or sold.

The c-IFC will be only staked in a farming pool. Like a Syrup pool on pancake swap where you put some $Cake in a pool and you receive another Token for example. But when you stake c-IFC, you will receive BNB! (the exact percentage per day will be decided later)

πŸ‘‰ But how do you get c-IFC?

Simple, for every node you had, you will receive 100 c-IFC token. Then you will be able to stack these tokens in order to receive BNB.

And if you didn't have any node, we will airdrop you c-IFC token in accordance!

The airdrop will be set according to the amount of nodes and token you had at the date of the hack.

With this system, you will likely receive more BNB than you spent previously! Not in 1 day, yes, but for a longer period of time.

⚠️ The compensation plan will take place AFTER the launch of our new token.

The hack exploit allowed someone to take around 250 K profits on our money. With the compensation plan, we plan to redistribute those 250K and then beyond. Maybe 500 K worth of BNB. Like we said, on the long stacking run, you will receive more than you invested. This compensation plan will stop once the goal is achieved.

Merry Christmas πŸŽ„

The Team

PS : if someone contacts you about the compensation plan claiming that he will airdrop you c-IFC. It is a scam.
The IFC discord will be deleted in 24 hours πŸ”΄

We don’t use it anymore.

Follow this telegram channel for information about our new project.

Merry ChristmasπŸŽ„πŸŽ…πŸŽ„
Hello everyone

Hope you had a great Christmas with your families πŸ™‚

We haven't posted anything for 5 days because we were focused on our project.

Tomorrow, we will make a big announcement…

So stay tuned πŸ”₯

The Team
Hello everyone

We are aware that the last few days were really intense for many Node projects. A lot of them have crashed. And there is a group of people that wants to bring down the teams that created them.

We want to clarify a few things with you:

1/ We are an independent team. For the major part of our team, we knew each other before the IFC Project. We never worked with the RING team. It is true that the IFC contract was a copy of the RING contract. But it was just a fork. No more.

2/ The smart contract of our new project is ENTIRELY coded by our own developers (specially one who works really hard and who we are really proud of πŸ˜‰)

3/ The recent events showed us some expectations from the investor in the DeFi project and we will comply with them.

4/ We know that a simple node project will not last very long. That is why we are working on a more complex tokenomics to stabilize the protocol on the long term. You will know more about it in the next days.

5/ We also want to thank you for still being with us. Without you, there is no project. The community is the center of all project. So again, thank you πŸ™‚

6/ And one last thing, we will announce the name of the project today, so stay tuned πŸ‘€

The Team
You've been waiting for this for weeks...

πŸ”₯ It's time for you to receive the sacred fire πŸ”₯

>>> Click here to join the telegram channel of our new project!
Media is too big
Hello everyone

Here is the trailer of our new project: Prometheus.

You will discover the story that inspired us to create this project. We will give more information about the tokenomics on the new Prometheus Telegram channel.

Join now by clicking here:

We will still communicate on the IFC channel, but all the info about the Prometheus launch will be on the new channel.

So join our new Telegram if you want to know more about our new Multi-Node Protocol: Prometheus πŸ”₯

PS: There is a message about the compensation plan of IFC in the Prometheus Channel.
In the image, you will see our 4 types of Nodes.

Some cost more tokens and pay more.
Some cost less tokens and pay less.

In any case, a decay system causes a decrease of daily rewards over 1 year.

We are here for the long haul. That’s why our protocol favors the perpetual creation of new nodes, and therefore, the sustainability of the protocol.

Why? Because with the daily decay, we encourage holders to recreate new nodes rather than only sell their profits.

Here is the table of returns (without compounding):

Apollo Node: ROI in 157 days
Kratos Node: ROI in 146 days
Ares Node: ROI in 132 days
Zeus Node: ROI in 123 days

Of course, if the price doubles since your entry, it will divide the Break even period by 2. As always, the earlier you node, the more profit you will get for years and years...

Join our new Telegram to see the fair launch date:

The Prometheus Team πŸ”₯

This is not financial advice.
A lot of you have questions about the decay and the rewards. So let's give you a concrete example:

In the image above, you will see your rewards if you buy a Zeus node for 100 Prometheus tokens.

The first year, you will receive 310 tokens. So 210 tokens of profit.

If 1 token is worth 100 dollars, and you sell all of your rewards at the good time, you will earn 21,000 dollars (without counting the sales tax).

After this first year, you will receive 108 tokens for life. So 10,800 dollars per year.

Of course, in the reality, the price will change, but this is just to give you an image of the yield. And this is without compounding.

The decay is one of the solution to the biggest problem in Node Project: The sell pressure.

By reducing the amount of rewards, we reduce the sell pressure. The buy force will be higher than the sell force, so the amount of token circulating will decrease.

As you see, we are looking for the long term here. We plan to stay here for years. Not for 2 weeks.

Join our new Telegram to see the fair launch date:

The Prometheus TeamπŸ”₯
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We are excited to announce that our KYC via @AssureDefi has been APPROVED ✨

The cofounder and the developers have been KYC βœ…

We are committed to the safety & security of our investors, and we believe this to be a hugely positive step for the community & Prometheus.

About Assure
Assure is a platform focused on bringing a suite of unbiased informational resources to DeFi start-ups.
Their offerings include compliant KYC services, Optix Audits & Due Diligence Reports all designed to help prepare projects for success and to help build investor confidence and relations.

To view our KYC NFT:

Prometheus Socials

Assure Socials ✨
πŸš€Fair Launch information πŸš€

Date: Saturday 15th January 2022
Time: 2:00 PM UTC

Where ?
On the BSC. So you will need BNB to buy.

We will reveal the contract at launch.
Then you will be able to copy/paste it on PancakeSwap or PooCoin and buy your first token.

We will also give the link of the DAPP before the launch. You will need a metamask to connect and create node.

It is better if you are on your computer during the launch.

The Prometheus Team πŸ”₯

PS: Don’t worry if some people find the contract on the BSC before the launch, there will be a 99% buy tax until the contract is released.

PPS: Any information about the contract will be here. Anyone else who claims to be affiliated with Prometheus is a scam.

Time :
2;00 PM UTC

Network: BSC. You will need BNB.

You will be able to buy on PooCoin and PancakeSwap.

Anti-Bot measure ?

There will be an anti-sniper and an anti-sandwich system. Every bot who will try to scalp will be blocked.

Slippage ?

To buy at launch, we recommend 25% slippage, if it is not enough, increase the slippage.
We recommend to use PooCoin for an easier setting on the slippage.

Tax rates ?

Buy tax: 0%

Sell tax: As we announced previously, the sell tax will be fixed via a smart algorithm who will favorite Noders and holders. The minimum sell tax is 0% and the maximum is 30%. Traders' sell taxes will fund holders' rewards.

For the launch, the sell tax will be at 20%. Then, our smart sell tax algorithm will be active after 30 minutes.

How much liquidity?

50 BNB
100% of initial liquidity is locked for 12 months.

Max buy ?

200 000 tokens max per wallet
10 000 tokens max per transaction

πŸ”₯ Join the official Prometheus channel now πŸ”₯

πŸ”₯ Join the official Prometheus Chat now πŸ”₯
2024/06/07 18:50:00
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