Share your Ref link to your friends: https://www.tg-me.com/ELONMARSRISE_AIRDROPBOT_V2bot?start=r05914048514

🗒 $ELON is a decentralized BSC network token that aims to bring multiple aspects together to contribute our part to serve humanity in terms of space technology and economy. Join us and let’s take this rocket to Mars!

🎁Airdrop: 2 Trillion $ELON
👉JOIN: 10,000,000 $ELON ($50)
🤝REFERRAL: 2,000,000 $ELON ($10)
📤Distribution: 10~15days
📈Network: Binance Smart Chain
🚀Symbol: $ELON
⚙️Contract: 0x1f17a1C10f0dbe7E2ED8254e82414e12BA454220
👑 Website: https://elonmarsrises.com
👑 User : Nikiema

👑 You have received 10,000,000 $TKT for completing airdrop tasks and 0 $TKT from referral system.

👑 Total Referrals : 0

👑 Per referrals - Get 1,000,000 $TKT

👑 Personal referral link: https://www.tg-me.com/ToonKingTokenOfficialAirdrop_Bot?start=r05914048514

👑 Your wallet will be automatically added to the balance.

👑 Contract Address: 0x0e8c5f9a0bbb188a742b1951e853bc45e721f71f

If you submitted data wrong then you can restart the bot and resubmit the data again by clicking /start before airdrop ends.
Pour toute personne qui des soucis ou qui as du mal,contactez-moi 👇
A votre attention

Lorsqu'une cryptomonnaie sort, elle n'a pas toute de suite une forte communauté. Pour avoir une forte les initiateurs font de partage de quelques pièces pour récompenser ceux qui aident à l'augmentation de la communauté. Mais c'est là que les pirates profitent pour glisser leur liens pour pirater les compte et ramasser vos cryptomonnaies. C'est pourquoi il faut avoir plusieurs portefeuilles afin de consacrer un portefeuille spécial pour pièces de cryptommonnaies que vous obtenez par les airdrops.🙏🏿
NB: ici,vous aurez les bots officiellement lancé par les communautés qui veulent s'agrandir
📢You invited 0 people and earned 65 ZEG tokens.

Your Provided Data:
Twitter: @NikiemaFirmin2
BSC Address: 0x8a93eE7e08bA7A9E63F0D6465bB8618C65356253

Balance updates every 6 hours.

⚠️Please note: We are airdrop hunters, please do not spend any penny on any airdrop tokens!

💲The top 200 referrals can each get more ZEG tokens.

🔗referral link: https://www.tg-me.com/ZagentAirdropBot?start=5067595004
Suivez les deux liens pour réclamer
Bonjour les amis
🎉 Congratulations Nikiema

🦊 You have received 100,000,000 SPOOKYSHIBA for completing airdrop tasks & Successfully Added To Your Balance.

🦊 For Per referrals - Get 10,000,000 SPOOKYSHIBA

🦊 Your personal referral link: https://www.tg-me.com/SpookyShiba_Air_bot?start=r05914048514

🦊 If you want to earn more token.!!you can earn more token by referring.
AIRDROPING pinned «🎉 Congratulations Nikiema 🦊 You have received 100,000,000 SPOOKYSHIBA for completing airdrop tasks & Successfully Added To Your Balance. 🦊 For Per referrals - Get 10,000,000 SPOOKYSHIBA 🦊 Your personal referral link: https://www.tg-me.com/SpookyShiba_Air_bot?st…»
C'est le moment
Bonsoir chers amis,j'espère que vous allez bien
2024/05/02 10:34:17
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