The Daughters of the American Revolution Bldg which is on 17th St by the Organization of American States Bldg across from the WH Ellipse is getting a facelift. I sat on the stairs of this exact bldg on July 4, 2020 during the major Fourth of July Celebration and did a video promising to expose the truth and corruption as long as it took. That was several months before me covering DC was even a thought. Crazy huh? Im still here. Gonna keep that promise no matter what it takes.
They're making repairs to the pop up barrier at the 15th St SS gate at the WH where the unfortunate accident took place recently.
This is set up in Freedom Plaza which is on Pennsylvania Ave by the WW1 Memorial and the WH 15th St SS gate. Its a Memorial for gun violence victims. Its done by the same artist who did all the white flags buly the Monumemt a couple of years back for the covid deaths. I briefly spoke with one of the ladies. She said they weren't necessarily for removing 2A rights but more so responsible use of them. They will be here until the 20th.
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