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巡查中发现:您的 Nube VM 205.198.64.* 有滥用行为。发现疯狂拉取 120.240.117.* 的80端口流量。我们稍后将按照滥用预警规则 收取8美元的费用。请留意。
Nube Cloud SJC1 可用区预计售价

1C1G + 10GB NVME + 1x IP4 = 2.9 USD/Mo
1TB 流出流量 = 1.2 USD
FDC Servers 今天早晨在香港 EIE 上泄漏了全表路由。所幸由于他家容量足够,没有造成拥塞丢包。
由于 Licson 违反操作规程,在忙时且未通知客户的情况下修改网卡 Load Balancing 配置,导致大面积停服,我司已内部批评。

我们也将安排 Licson 在今天晚上的 Impart 环节,对受影响客户语音解释问题。到时候欢迎受影响苦主前来问罪。
美国服务器托管找 Nube 。专业采购,专业物流!
友情提示:为了安然度过初夏,请各位大佬们,关闭广告、关闭注册、不上测速频道、Lay low、装死。 平台上的 HK BGP 将在明天停止服务。关机,拔电源。请尽快迁移去 Nube.SH
[Nube] 由于多可用区架构调整,需要修改系统。SJC1可用区将无法在6月之前为大家服务。
美西杜甫出租:杜甫+10G无限量 = 650 USD 。 只有两套。有兴趣的老板请联系 @BeefyAsian
[Nube] 高电设备托管 999 HKD / kVA

* 只收每个 RU 额定功率 300W 以上的高电设备。
* Nube 提供 HK BGP 出口带宽。 0.55 USD / Mbps
* Nube 提供 IP4 IP6 地址。
* 起始合约期 8 个月。

有兴趣的朋友请联系 Telegram @BeefyAsian
🙅 不要成为 Hurricane Electric 的客户:你会变得不幸。

Hi Melissa,

Your previous arguments are fundamentally flawed.

You stated: "There may be things that happen with your service that are beyond our control." As a telecommunication service provider, you should have control over the quality of service you deliver. Imagine if a restaurant posted a sign saying, "We have no control over the quality of food we serve to our patrons." Such an establishment would undoubtedly go out of business.

You also mentioned: "The service is on an as-is basis, and you did agree to our terms upon signing the contract." While I did agree to your Master Service Agreement, you never disclosed the extremely poor quality of your layer-2 Ethernet service. This omission makes the agreement incomplete and, thus, legally invalid. You cannot deliver substandard service and then insist on payment by claiming it was provided "as-is."

Consider a scenario where a waitress at a restaurant says, "By sitting at the table and ordering food, you agree to eat whatever we serve, whether burnt, undercooked, contaminated, or rotten, and pay the full amount on the menu." Ms. Harrison, your last email essentially conveyed the same message.

You cited a clause in the MSA that waives HE's liability for incidental, punitive, indirect, or consequential damages. However, we are not seeking such compensation. To utilize your service, we ordered cross-connects, incurring one-time installation costs and monthly recurring charges from data centers at both ends. We are not asking you to compensate us for these costs.

We simply request that you cancel the order and refrain from charging us for the unusable service. We will bear the costs of the wasted cross-connects, and you will not bill us for your subpar service. This arrangement seems fair.

We are not passive diners who will be coerced into paying for inedible food. We sampled the service, found it unsatisfactory, and rejected it. Therefore, we will not pay for it and will take all necessary steps to reverse the charge.
[Nube Beta] 巡查中发现, 这个IP段从 Nube Beta 大量拉流。由于 Nube Beta 的半价政策,从 Lumen 线路大量拉流,导致财务亏损。

Discard DEST =
Discard DEST =
Discard DEST =
Discard DEST =
🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤9️⃣ Nube 云将提供新加坡机房的 AMD Ryzen 7950X 独立服务器。 月租价格大约298USD。欢迎联系 @BeefyAsian 提前预订。以免断货后买不到。

打包套餐月租 298 美元
* 月租总价298美元:包含硬件租用、服务器电力、网络带宽、IP地址。
* 网络端口限速1G。付押金后可提升到2x10G。
* 每月流量16TB。超出按3.88 USD/TB补差价。
* 免费提供 IP4/29 + IP6/64 。

需要定制资源和计费方案?请联系销售 Telegram @BeefyAsian

* 超微刀片服务器。不是无机箱,无散热风道,无IPMI的廉价硬件。
* AMD Ryzen 9 7950X处理器 / 16核心32线程 / 4.5GHz主频 / 64MB片上缓存。
* 128GB DDR5 4800MT/s ECC内存
* 2片 SOLIDGM D7-P5520 1.92TB SSD PCIe 4.0x4 NVMe U.2
* 2x 10G上连接口

* 新加坡BGP:PCCWG + Lumen + Cogent + NTT + GSL + EIE 新加坡 + 通过港新、港日海缆骨干通达的香港、日本IXP。
* 测速点
* IP地址定位在新加坡
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预计下个月开始,同步调降亚太三地独立服务器、IP Transit 的带宽服务费。最高幅度达 6 折。
[Nube] 由于 SJC1 虚拟化集群的网络加速功能未如预期成功开通。SJC1 上线再次延迟。
Outlook 抽风。将 封锁。请通过 MailFun.Org 发信的客户在 KCD 后台开工单。我们还有其他不封锁,能投递去 OutLook 的系统。帮您迁移。
[Nube] 独立服务器托管、IP Transit 价格调整。

从7月份开始,Nube在亚太区的3个 PoP 点(新加坡、香港、日本东京)标准 BGP 网络带宽价格开始降价。

保底带宽 < 1G 的,带宽单价 0.55 USD / M
保底带宽 >= 1G 的,带宽单价 0.50 USD / M
保底带宽 >= 2G 的,带宽单价 0.45 USD / M
保底带宽 >= 3G 的,带宽单价 0.40 USD / M
保底带宽 >= 4G 的,带宽单价 0.35 USD / M

我们在 7 月底也将调整 Nube Cloud 的流出流量单价。

如有疑问,请联系销售总奸 @BeefyAsian
SJC 的 MX204 炸碟了!
[Nube] 为了庆祝 SJC1 即将开放,我们将 Nube 全部可用区的 IP 地址价格降低到 0.7 美分。限时免费,后期会调整回原价。
[Nube] 在没有打广告买流量营销的情况下,Nube HKG1 可用区上线2个多月后,晚高峰流量跑到了 9.6 Gbps 。
2024/06/17 18:38:53
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