Telegram Web Link
BNB, BUSD and ETH are now supported in the Bridge. Now you can transfer those assets between BSC and Liquidchain. New liquidity pools with the above assets will be opened next week.

Bridge fee has been changed, now BSC to Liquidchain transfer fee is 0.002 BNB (previously it was 0.005 BNB) and Liquidchain to BSC fee is 1 XLC (previously it was 0.10 XLC).

➡️ Bridge Link:
New Liquidity Pairs for Liquidity Mining / Farming

🎉 You can now stake XLC-BUSD and BNB-BUSD LP tokens and earn XLC. Since our goal is attracting liquidity in our chain, so we will keep adding new liquidity pairs. Use the bridge to transfer BUSD, BNB to Liquidchain.

💰 XLC emission rate has been updated to 5 XLC per block, so you can now earn 5x more XLC from liquidity mining.

Farm Link:

Bridge Link:
Telegram XLC Bot is now ready to take commands!

Good evening Liquidchain Community and #XLCArmy, we are pleased to inform you about our little addition to XLC ecosystem - $XLC Bot! You can use this bot to tip someone, claim free $XLC from its faucet everyday. Additionally, you can use it as your little wallet and keep some XLC and other tokens (because it's cool to have some balance in a bot).

Summon the bot now: @LiquidXLCBot

Note: Use this bot for small funds only, (don't store your bags here!).

Type /help to get started.
LiquidSwap Analytics is Live

You can now inspect and monitor trades, liquidity and charts of LiquidSwap via the analytics.

Analytics Link:


Besides, our project information has been updated successfully on Bscscan.

Bscscan Link:
Liquidchain bridge has been updated and is now fully operational with addition of dedicated BSC node. Bridge now processes transaction faster so you should be able to complete your cross-chain transfers within 1-3 minutes. We are now testing compatibility with Fantom Network and hopefully bridge with Fantom will go live next week.

Bridge Link:
You can now browse the list of all applications built on Liquidchain Network from here:

You can share this quick link to spread the word about Liquidchain.
Hello everyone, Liquidchain team is happy to announce that the gateway to Fantom is finally live!

You can now transfer assets between Fantom and Liquidchain using our bridge. Initially the bridge will support $FTM and $XLC transfer between Fantom and Liquidchain. You can also transfer XLC directly between Fantom and BSC without doing Fantom <==> Liquidchain <==> BSC. This feature will be available for all the listed tokens in our bridge in future update. You can start sending $FTM to our chain through bridge and get ready to farm FTM-XXX pairs.

To select Fantom, change your Metamask to Fantom and connect to bridge.

Bridge Link:
FTM-XLC pool is now available, you can provide liquidity in FTM-XLC pair in our exchange and stake LP token in the farm to earn WXLC. If you don't have FTM on Liquidchain Network, you can use our Multi-chain Bridge to bring FTM from Fantom Opera or Binance Smart Chain (BSC).

Farm Link:

Bridge Link:

FTM Contract Address on Liquidchain: 0x3f7b1c547BFBC8C67532a91A3d5F376361bb7479
Hello everyone, this is to inform everyone that we have deployed LiquidSwap Exchange in the dedicated domain ( ). It will use the same contracts that have been used in the old version.

Now users will be able to use all our products and access it under one single UI. Though we have kept our old swap page active and users can feel free to use our old version for swap if they want.

Check out our new swap page here -


Thank you and have a great weekend ahead...!
Hello everyone, this is to inform you that we have updated our website with a new version. This version is clean, superlight for fast loading and elegant in looks. Check out our new website and let us know how it looks and what more information we can provide on our website.

Website Link:

Thank you guys and happy weekend!
Hello everyone, Liquidchain team is happy to announce that bridge to Ethereum is live!

You can now transfer assets between Ethereum and Liquidchain using the bridge. For now the bridge will support transfer of $ETH and $XLC between Ethereum and Liquidchain. You can start sending $ETH to our chain through bridge and get ready to farm ETH-XXX pairs. You can also use Liquidchain as layer 2 for Ethereum and trade $ETH in LiquidSwap instead of Uniswap.

To select Ethereum, change your Metamask network to Ethereum and connect to bridge.

Bridge Link:

Bridge Fee Update: We have set the fees to transfer assets from other chains to Liquidchain the lowest possible (the team is paying more fees to complete a bridge transfer than you are paying in bridge).

New Fees:

🟢 From BSC - 0.001 BNB (previously 0.002 BNB)
🟢 From Fantom - 0.20 FTM (previously 0.50 FTM)
🟢 From Ethereum - 0.001 ETH
🔴 From Liquidchain - 50 XLC

According to the new fee model, you will have to spend little to transfer any assets from other chains to Liquidchain and doing the opposite (transferring assets from Liquidchain to any other chain) will cost a bit higher.
Happy new year everyone. We hope everyone is doing well. Please try to stay safe at home as omicron virus is spreading faster across the globe. If your are from any of the hotspot zones please try to stay at home and keep your family safe and healthy. Once again we wish you all a very happy new year.

We will refill the farm rewards by tomorrow and team will be fully active by 3rd Jan.

Thank you
Hello everyone, this is to inform everyone about unlocked XLC supply its allocation. Farming and staking pools have been funded with the unlocked coins.

Farming: 5,000,000 XLC at reward rate of 0.80 XLC per block.
Staking: 3,500,000 XLC at reward rate of 0.50 XLC per block.

Next unlock will be on 1st July from development funds section.

As we found shortage of XLC coins towards farming and staking, so we have allocated our development and miscellaneous funds towards farming and staking. So we have covered 3.5M XLC for staking, and we will provide more if necessary.

Thank you.
Liquidchain Network's Hydra Testnet is now live and fully operational. You can now do tests and experiments on our testnet before putting your codes on mainnet.

Testnet Explorer:

Testnet Faucet:


Network Name: XLC Testnet
ChainID: 5051

Claim free 100 test XLC from the faucet and start your journey!
ETH-XLC and BNB-XLC pools are now added in our farming pool.

ETH can be bridged to Liquidchain from Ethereum and BSC, for BNB only BSC is available.

Farming Pools on BSC will be discontinued. Please unstake your LP from BSC farms. If you want to keep farming then move your assets to Liquidchain mainnet and farm there.

Unstake LP:
Liquidchain Project will be taken over and rebranded. The old team is no longer working and we (from the community) have made a deal and will be taking ownership of everything of this project.
DO NOT trade XLC in Pancake. Previous devs are trying to remove their liquidity which they provided months ago by minting unbacked XLC. The new team (community) are trying hard to find new devs and other people who can volunteer with a hope of bringing back the value that XLC lost. Previous devs also held bridge and we are trying our best to do something to return user funds. Don't worry you're not alone who lost money but we all have lost money. So have patience and pray so that we can actually be able to do something that can help us recover everything.
We will inform everyone again once we are ready to do kickstart everything. Until then have patience and do not trust any domain owned by liquidchain. As they might take down their websites and we can't do anything until we have everything on our own.
2024/06/02 19:10:31
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