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My son stopped having sex with me last summer when he started going steady with a woman he works with. He ended it suddenly. Three years having sex together and then poof. We never even had one last roll in bed together. I asked about us still hooking up every now and then and he told me it wasn’t appropriate. He didn’t want to say anything more about it.

I feel like a horrible mother because I’m jealous he moved on from me. I didn’t want it to end. I’m being selfish but I can’t help it. I want him to live his own life how he wants but I also feel like unwanted garbage tossed aside once he found someone younger to play around with.

As much as I regret it ending, I didn’t go out seeking to have sex with him in the first place. He was needing someone to relieve his sexual frustration and asked me. I was there for him when he needed me but then he just left me alone when he was done. Typical man. No wonder I stopped dating. But I thought I raised him to be more respecting.

We’re both a little bit older than some mom-son couples. He is about to turn 31 and I’m in my mid 50s. That’s part of what bothers me so much because I’m at that age where most decent men won’t find me attractive.

I would like to know more from him why he ended it like he did. I worry maybe he was ashamed for what we were doing but too afraid to say anything to me and this was his excuse to stop. He never hinted that was the case but maybe he concealed it well. That would make sense to me and give me closure. I wouldn’t want him to continue doing something he was regretting. That's a better reason than just dumping me for a younger woman. If that wasn’t it then I’d like the chance to convince him to take me to bed at least one last time so I can get him out of my system.

I’m sorry if my tone is too harsh but the way it ended hurt me and I’m confused about it. I mostly want answers but I would like another chance with him if he’d allow. Am I being too selfish? Should I just let it go?
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2024/06/08 06:42:16
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