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↟ Norway, 1907 🇧🇻
To cover larger distances during the winter half year and especially while hunting, cross-country skiing was common. There is proven that the Native Scandinavian people went cross-country skiing for over 5,000 years ago.

Skiing as a sport emerged during the 18th century, mainly in the Nordic countries, and has become one of Norway's most popular sports. Skiing has also been mentioned in Old Norse Mythology and since the Viking Age, and is even depicted on some rock carvings and rune stones. The oldest preserved image of a skier (possibly Ullr) is found at the Böksta runestone in Balingsta, Uppland in Sweden.


Forwarded from Salgofnir
The powerful scene of the death of Boromir in the L.O.T.R. Triology is truly a touching masterpiece. Remember the price of freedom 🔱

"I do not know what strength is in my blood, but I swear to you, I will not let the White City fall, nor our people fail."
"Our people. I would have followed you my brother. My Captain. My King.
↟The heritage of our Ancestors↟

Here we have a runestone Vs 1 at Rytterne, Sweden dated from the 11th century with the following inscription:

+ kuþlefʀ + seti : stff : auk : sena : þasi : uftiʀ slakua : sun : sia : etaþr : austr · i · karusm ·

Guðlæifʀ satti staf ok stæina þasi æftiʀ Slagva, sun sinn, ændaðr austr i Garðum(?)/Chorezm(?).

Translated to 🇬🇧
Guðleifr placed the staff and these stones in memory of Slagvi, his son, (who) met his end in the east in Garðar(?)/Chorezm(?).

Runestones are protected by law in Scandinavia, and were often carved in memorial of a fallen family member. Many stones are also erected and carved in memory of a road, a bridge building or after seafaring Vikings.


↟ Forbönderna - Farmers on a journey ↟

🇬🇧 - in comment below ⬇️

Varje år i staden Røros, Norge hålls en traditionsenlig vintermarknad som förr -och än idag betraktas som en av Nordens största marknader dit Forbönderna kom. År 1855 anlände flera tusen skandinaver för att sälja eller byta varor som skinn, hantverk, salt, lin och djur.

Förr i tiden levde man av det som gården gav, men några saker behövde man byta till sig. Därför reste bönderna ofta tillsammans vintertid med häst och släde på så kallade Forböndesresor. Ordet 'for' kommer från fornsvenskan och dess betydelse är färd. Nordsvensk var den hästras som var mest förekommande på dessa forböndesresor. En kraftfull och tålig hästras med perfekt lynne för det nordiska klimatet.

I början av 1900-talet nådde landsvägar och järnvägar längre ut i bygderna och snön blev därav inte lika viktig att... - fortsättning i kommentar nedan ⬇️


Native Scandinavian mother in traditional folk costume from Västerbotten, Sweden 🇸🇪


↟ Skaði - The mythical goddess of the Northern wilderness ↟

❄️ She hunts in the mountains of Scandes with a bow and cross-country skis, and sometimes Skaði is associated with the winter dís. Living among frost giants in Trymheim and Jotunheim, and the giant Tjasse is her father.

In Norse mythology the story goes that she came to Asgard to avenge her father, the giant Tjasse who was killed by the gods of Asgard. Instead of revenge the gods offered her a compensation - she would marry one of them. To do so, she had to choose by looking at their feet while they're lined up behind a cloth.

Skaði wanted to marry the god of light Baldr, and thought that the most beautiful feet must be his. But it was not, those feet belonged to the god of the sea; Njord. The marriage was not successful, Njord wanted to live by the sea in his dwelling Noatun. Skaði wanted... - continues in comment below ⬇️


Forwarded from Salgofnir
Let us face ourselves. We are Hyperboreans. Beyond the north, ice, and death. Our life, our happiness 🔱 Artist: Johan Bauer, Sweden 🇸🇪
↟ In search for Hyperborea ↟
This Sunday will be something big - stay tuned 🌲🌲🌲

Native Scandinavian man from Sweden 🇸🇪


2024/06/17 00:43:59
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