Forwarded from NeleBot X Framework
🎉 Telegram has published NeleBot X Framework on the Bot samples page!

🆕 NeleBot X Framework will be updated to Bot API 6.1 soon!
Forwarded from Bot X Creator | Updates
🎞 Tutorial Video to create your own Bot X Creator and use our plugins!
We created the playlist for Bot X Creator, now you will know how to best customize your bot!

🔗 YouTube
Usernames blocked by Telegram
Some usernames have been blocked due to "inactivity of use", we hope that they will return as soon as Telegram shows more professionalism!

Thanks for your attention, that's all at NeleBots!
I invite you to dislike the sudden decision to remove usernames, because many usernames are part of a project, and the way they removed millions of usernames without warning may have caused damage to people who kept their usernames safe, I'm sorry but Telegram continues to disappoint its audience, many people are even abandoning entire projects where they spent years to produce them.

Conclusion: I'm sorry to continue living in such an unstable social network, so the next developments I will base them on other interests.
NeleBots Updates I invite you to dislike the sudden decision to remove usernames, because many usernames are part of a project, and the way they removed millions of usernames without warning may have caused damage to people who kept their usernames safe…
Durov has deactivated the emoji, this makes us understand that he will not change his decision, but we had understood this. Then?
Many users have been removed from channels and groups, Telegram is doing "cleaning", and many users are abandoning Telegram by cleaning up this social network.
👨🏻‍💻 Sorry for inactivity
I've had a lot to do since high school, I just made a few small bug fixes on Bot X Creator, and now in my spare time I am developing @NeleBotY Framework and I am happy to announce that it will be the best solution both for those who know php and for those who do not know it!
Hi guys, I'm NeleB54Gold, the owner of NeleBots Productions and the developer of each bot.

Since I've been on Telegram my username has always been @NeleB54Gold on 2016, until I was forced to remove it due to the unbearable level of spam I was getting every day, between money, drugs and prostitutes this beautiful social network (2016) was thrown into shit, and Telegram did nothing to prevent it.

Telegram has blocked millions of usernames, including some owned by me like @NeleB54Gold, for 3 months now, there was no warning, not even the support volunteers knew what was going on, and in the end they quietly came out with a note of inactivity about the terms of service.

I tried the recovery via @username_bot, to try to get it back by proving to own it in other social networks, as was previously the case...
The username is blocked, banned and will remain this way until it is auctioned, like all other usernames.

In 2016 updates there were really useful updates, but nowadays we are seeing Telegram making money on the app like never before, new updates with Premium emojis, Premium emoticons, Premium stickers, sale of username and TON, the Telegram crypto currency on the @wallet, new shop menus on Bots, it's all about money, it's not the freedom that we have seen before.

Our crazy inventor, explains his developer problems with Apple, how a company can lose money with a 2 week delay in publishing an app, imagine having a primary username like mine, which is visited daily by hundreds of different users and redirect to my bots (services), and loses the username for 3 months, to be put up for sale by the company that has always given it for free, I don't earn much, but spreading my bots and producing NeleBots projects is my aspiration to become a better developer in other programming languages other than the basic php, to encourage myself to have a future in this place...

Nobody was able to help me, volunteers can't do anything about it, the mails do not respond, there is no longer a way on this social network, I'm really down for it.

I will continue developing @NeleBotY, and put open source @BotXCreator, then my work under Telegram is done.
There is a translation bug
Bots fail to update translations, and currently display an emoji in all missing translations, I'm trying to fix asap!

🟢 First release of Bot X Framework!
You can now create your own test bot to create custom plugins, with custom classes and translations!

When your plugin will be released the translations will be available on our Localization Bot!

Start setting up your Bot and if you need help just write in the group chat of @BotXCreatorDevelopers!

😼 Visit our GitHub page, we have also published the Management plugin as a complete example of final plugin for productions!

💬 We will write some docs to setup step by step the framework and use almost any method of it!

💰 Paid plugins will be available in the future!
We want to pay all the developers that can develop the most complicated plugins!
#Offline @RocketLeagueStats_Bot
❗️ No more player stats for Rocket League Stats...
The API blocked our requests, we are trying to contact their support to solve the problem (if possible).

EDIT - 4 May 2023
We can't get any stats from Rocket League at the moment, the only API available blocked us, the official Rocket League API is private and it's not ready to be public, so we wait for it.
🆕 I recreated the NeleBots Productions Website from scratch!
Now the website is more stable, fast and easy to use.

Added multilingual support!
You can see all the Bots stats for users!
You can see all the Bots informations in one page!
Created the About page!

Visit now!
🔁 Platform changes
The OneSkyApp changed the Free plan of its website, so we will change the Translation platform to our website, coming soon!
🎉 Congratulations to me, today is my birthday !
Lately I'm facing several exams and soon I'll start working, and maybe I can bring you more useful content in NeleBots Productions!

🎁 If you want to give me a gift for this special day, donate to the NeleBots Productions!
🔴 PostgreSQL Databases offline
The databases cannot start, we are trying to solve the problem, I will update you here!

EDIT - 🟢 Databases fixed, all online again!
2024/06/03 09:14:32
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