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Forwarded from JACK'D UK (Nicholas Cotton)
The case for banning men from voting is looking more and more convincing.
"And, if you tolerate this, then your protest will be next..."
Forwarded from UNN
What do all the pro-Israel shills have to say about this?

Just remember THEY create the wars and not only make our countries fight them but make us deal with the consequences as well.
Now I'm going to shock you. "Mass deportations" is the new slogan of the far-right.

It's only possible if they acquire & hold state power. And if the general population was willing & able to fight & win a civil war, & to withstand coloured revolution & NATO bombing like vs Serbia.


"Mass deportations" is used either as a comfort blanket or as a way of pretending to be edgy while appealing for donations to "help my work".

It's not 'work', it's a fantasy for fools.

You all need to grow up, drop this tooth-fairy 'political' fakery, and start building a movement that can fight for the rights of our people when we are the largest minority in a land of minorities.

We will need to negotiate with the 'Others', and at times to face down various enemies - including at times our own elites. We need positions of strength from which to do so, and they do not come from wish-list sloganeering.

The future is already baked in, face it like men, don't hide under the blanket like frightened children.
The whole of loyalist East Belfast, with thousands of armed men and gangs of youths, couldn't expel a few thousand Catholics from the Short Strand.

The Irish have been trying to expel the Prod minority for hundreds of years. Hasn't happened.

The IDF can't get a few thousand lightly armed fighters out of Gaza, and lost to Hezbollah in Lebanon. The USA couldn't defeat armed peasants in Vietnam or Afghanistan.

European nations can't deport millions of non-whites who now live here. And neither will they be able to conquer us.
The whole of loyalist East Belfast, with thousands of armed men and huge gangs of boomer youths, couldn't expel a few isolated thousand Catholics from the Short Strand.

The Irish have been trying to expel the Prod minority for hundreds of years. Hasn't happened either. And never will.

The IDF can't get a few thousand lightly armed fighters out of Gaza, and lost to Hezbollah in Lebanon. The USA couldn't defeat armed peasants in Vietnam or Afghanistan.

European nations can't 'deport' millions of non-whites who now live here. Neither will they be able to conquer us. Ever.

The trick is to understand this now, rather than allow Tommy and all the others to incite a 30 year civil war, at the end of which - like Paisley and Adams - they sit down for a peace deal anyway.

Especially as normal people of all faiths have more in common with each other than with the global elite who want to turn our kids into trans freaks and convert us all into liquid compost.

Build strong communities & it'll all look much better.
The racist murder of Gavin Hopley in Oldham in 2002 was brushed under the carpet so as not to "benefit" the BNP.

It's this sort of gross injustice that must be put right if we are to make the shambles that is modern Britain work, after the best fashion possible (and no other option is on the table, except a civil war which the Zionists want, but which no one can win).

The first prerequisite for relatively peaceful co-existence is justice and parity of esteem for all ethnic groups. Including the indigenous population, who are at present despised, taxed, ignored, exploited and denied our very existence, let alone justice.

Such rights, sadly, are rarely if ever granted, they have to be secured through organisation and thoughtful action.

Those who are (legitimately) angered by things such as this need to work on achieving the possible. And building a confident, organised, responsible, formidable English/British community IS entirely possible, because it's been done before.

Forwarded from Intel Slava Z
🇷🇺 🇺🇦🇬🇧 - “You know you're corrupt when you've been prepping for months for a Russian attack in the Kharkiv region, but they just walk across because the money for defences was stolen.

Is the £3bn Cameron agreed to send Ukraine every year going to end up as Rolls Royces, villas on the French Riviera, and luxury Chalets in Val d'Isere? Because if so, I would like a refund, given it's my tax money that's going to fund the lavish lifestyles of Ukrainian nomenklatura. If not, what safeguards has Lord Cameron of Tripoli put in place to protect our money?”

🔗 Collingwood
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Further to my article on the absurdity of the "mass deportations" fantasy, the anonymous strategic geniuses who say I'm wrong have now explained why:

"Pakistan & Tunisia have expelled Afghans & Africans, so can we".

Slight problem, children: Those countries are run by governments which, albeit corrupt, still try to look after their own people. Western nations, by contrast, are run - with an iron grip - by Zionist Occupation Governments, which hate us.

Plus, they're brown and Muslim, not white and Christian, so they're not targeted for replacement like us.

Any 'solution' that requires state power for its implementation is Tooth Fairy fantasy.

It's a sign of the infantilisation of our society that a sizeable minority of young men can't separate fantasy from reality. Too much Pornhub.
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Labour MP Sam Tarry calls for a new visa scheme to bring thousands of Palestinians to the UK.

I warned you about this, and we'll see a lot more of it yet: Western politicians aiding the Zionist ethnic cleansing of Gaza (and in due course the West Bank) while promoting further mass immigration into our homelands.

Racial purity policies for Eretz Israel, open borders for the rest of us.
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Your masters tell you they'll let you achieve power through the ballot box, and then set up "mass deportations" if you want.

But when THEY want regime change, they organise huge protests and turn out their opponents by force.

The whole 'democratic process' story in the West is a figleaf for liberal oligarchy, so any 'strategy' which involves the acquisition of state power to implement is childish nonsense.

Hence you either: a) Talk tough and do nothing while you become a minority;

b) plot violent revolution and die, or

c) get to work to organise your people to endure minority status, exploit opportunities and work to break the elite powers that exploit and manipulate us all. Then work out a global peace settlement which creates a world where more and more people can truly 'go home'.

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A sad video in which a legless Ukrainian war veteran asks the authorities why he doesn’t have enough money to feed his family.

The answer is simple: Ukraine is a Western client state, run to Western 'values'. And NO Western state has EVER looked after former soldiers, whether fit or disabled. Proven true over hundreds of years.

"A land fit for heroes" is ALWAYS a lie. So, when they come for you, tell them where to stick their filthy war!
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Invoking the Holocaust to 'excuse' genocide takes 'tone deaf' to a whole new level.

As for "no nation came to our aid", here's a brief history lesson:

After the World Zionist Congress declared war on Germany and helped spark WW2, Britain, her Empire and Dominions ALL did (while the founders of Netanyahu's party were being trained in terrorism by the Nazis). Later on, Russia and the USA joined in as well.
When they give your taxes to a corrupt regime, in one of the most corrupt countries in the world, don't be surprised that your taxes get stolen.

Just reach into your pocket for more. And expect further cuts.
#UkraineNeverSurrenders - because it's a money-laundering machine.
Why the clashes in Georgia?

An estimated 20,000 Georgians receive money from Soros, the NED and similar foundations. CIA fifth column traitors.

Georgia decided to put an end to it, passing a common sense law that NGOs that receive funding from foreign countries should register as foreign agents. Just like in the USA.

Another state breaks free from toxic & hypocritical Western liberalism.
Forwarded from Geopolitics Live
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Good for these proud Jews!

But could someone explain why they (and various other people and races) can do this and it's (rightly) regarded as perfectly normal, while anyone who changed the beneficiaries of such a programme to 'White', 'European' or 'English' would be arrested?
Every day brings a new blow to the Washington/Wall Street Empire.

Turkey is in the process of passing a "Foreign Agents" bill, similar to laws in Georgia and Slovakia, aimed at curtailing the influence of 'Western' liberal NGOs.
2024/06/02 22:28:22
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