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📰 Nimiq Core Update 📰

Core is currently focusing on improvements and issues related to a full node history store, history sync performance, bug fixing, and the ZKP-Ceremony process:

1. Creating a lightweight version of the history store for full nodes to improve their performance.
2. Working on enhancing history sync performance due to its slowness, especially in database operations, with the aim to make history sync faster.
3. Identifying and addressing minor issues related to these developments.
4. Significant bug fixing related to the light client, particularly addressing issues with block propagation observed in the test net.
6. Partially migrating the ceremony’s server from Microsoft Cloud to other providers. The first two rounds encountered deployment related issues with performance and data corruption. There are no issues with the ceremony state, since it was successfully recovered from the backups.
Dear Nimiq Community 👋

The discussion phase of the emission curve voting for Nimiq Proof of Stake is nearing its end. If you haven't yet participated or would like to propose your own suggestion, you're warmly invited to do so on our forum thread.

Please keep in mind that both Discord and Telegram are quite transient by nature, so if you want to make sure your voice is heard, the forum thread is the best way to go.

For those of you interested in experimenting with different emission curves to possibly suggest another option for the vote, you can play around with the parameters 👉 here. This will allow you to compare your own curve with the Nimiq Proof of Work curve and the options derived from the originally voted Blue Curve, namely Blue Curve 1 and Blue Curve 2.

Don't miss out on shaping the future of Nimiq proof of stake. We look forward to your contributions!

Pura Vida
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2024/05/19 05:41:34
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