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Optimists and pessimists have both served mankind: the first by creating an airplane and the second by creating a parachute!

Bernard Shaove

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Have a great day 🌺🌺🌺
Derniere Danse
Aging has its advantages and disadvantages.

For example, you do not see the words of the newspaper closely, but you recognize the fools from afar!

Jack Nicholson

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Have a great day
Keep smiling, because life is a beautiful thing and there's so much to smile about.

Good morning
Have a fabulous day ahead 🌺🌺🌺🌺
There is a fine line between enjoying your youth, and messing up your future.
When one door closes, another opens,

But we look at the closed doors with such regret

That we are unaware of the open doors!

Winston Churchill

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Happy your day 🌺🌺🌺🌺
To reach a place we have not yet reached;
We have to go a way we have never went before!


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Have a great day
Braveness doesn't mean you are not afraid of anything,it means in spite of your fear,you go ahead.

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Have a great day 🌺🌺🌺🌺
I’m shy at first then BOOM the most annoying person you’ve ever met
When somebody texts you "Good Morning", they are really saying you are the first thing I think about.

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Happy your day 🌺🌺🌺🌺
I would rather fail chasing a great dream than succeed at doing nothing .

Good morning
Have a fabulous day ahead 🌺🌺🌺🌺

Since the dawn of time, various types of toxic people have made life challenging. Folks are often grouped into two distinct categories, good and bad. We all know the folklore, classic stories of the struggles between good and evil.

Fast forward to today’s society, and you will see the same types of good and bad individuals who stroll the earth. If you get on any social media outlet, you will notice those toxic folks instantly. They like to stir up trouble and aren’t opposed to angering others to get their way.

The real problem is how does one avoid those toxic individuals when they’re where you work, in your family, and all around you? Sadly, it seems like the right thing to do to cut these people off, but it’s not always that easy.

What if the person is a friend who has been around for decades or a relative that you must see at every holiday or special occasion?


You can classify the types of toxic people into 12 categories. You will undoubtedly go through this list and quickly be able to put names with each personality type. However, once you identify these folks, you can learn how to deal with their quirks effectively.


There’s nothing worse than a friend who judges you and never likes anything you do. This person may roll their eyes, sigh heavily, and even scowl when you tell them your plans. They are never happy about any choices you make, and they take every opportunity to point this out to you.

You must realize that their insecurities are being projected onto you. To deal with these toxic people, stop divulging too much information as you know they will not approve. Keep conversations between the two of you light and informal.


The negative person is the one who is always down in the dumps. They tend to have a negative personality that brings those around them down. It doesn’t matter what the situation; they will always find the worst in it.

It’s hard to deal with this type of person, but you must realize that it’s probably a mental health issue driving them. It’s not good for you to be around such constant negativity. Cut this person out of your life if possible, or you should at least limit your exposure to them.


There’s nothing worse than someone who makes every situation about themselves. These people pretend they’re the expert on everything, and they don’t have any problem making a spectacle of themselves when they need an audience. These relationships are very toxic because this person cannot see anyone’s needs above their own.

When dealing with the various types of toxic people, the narcissist is one of the worst. They will drain your resources as well as make you feel horrible about yourself. Cut off ties with this person and move on.


The schemer doesn’t want you for you, but they want to see how you can benefit them. This person has little regard for your feelings or emotions, and they don’t mind stepping on your heart to get what they want. Additionally, this individual has impulse control issues and isn’t above lying, cheating, or stealing to get their way.

To deal with this person, you must let them know where they stand. Be firm and tell them that you won’t take their manipulative behaviors, and you must show the consequences. For instance, if they borrow $500 and never pay it back to you, let them know that there will not be the next time.


Social media has opened the doors for people to be fake. You may see a spotless house, the ideal wife and husband, and kids that seem to be picture perfect too. However, these folks only allow you to see a small glimpse.

They live behind a façade of perfection, but their lives are far from fabulous. Trying to get this person to be honest with you may be a challenge. There are some esteem issues that make them feel inadequate.

This toxic positivity is deceptive, and you must let them know that you see right through their ruse.

Gossipers are always interesting to deal with. Remember, if they are talking to you about others, they’re talking to others about you. Don’t tell this person anything that you don’t mind being broadcast around the community.

These people are trying to soothe their insecurities, but they are destroying you in the meantime. Dealing with them is often a challenge because everything you say or do will spread like wildfire. Confront them about their self-esteem problems and tell them for your protection, there must be boundaries.

Additionally, don’t ever give them an ear or participate in their gossip, or it’s hard to put your foot down on the matter.


The attention-seeking individual wants to have all your time and focus on them. They want to be at your home every day and on the phone with you every minute when they’re not with you. It’s very draining to have someone who is so attached.

Dealing with this person requires you to set firm boundaries. When they become too needy, then pull away and allow some distance.


One-sided friendships are the worst. This person expects you to be there when they need you, but don’t count on them to be there for you. They tend to chip away at your resources one problem at a time.

To deal with the one-sided Joe, you want to make sure that you confront them about their actions. Tell them to be a friend that they need to be there for you too. If they can’t handle a mutual relationship, then move on.


This person seems to drain the life right out of you. Not only are they super needy and expect you to be there all the time, but their problems are always massive. These people often have suppressed feelings and emotional issues they need to handle.

They will drain the emotional resources right out of you. It’s a significant burden to be friends with this person, so you might want to rethink your relationship. It doesn’t matter how much you give them as it will never be enough.

You will know this relationship because every interaction with them leaves you feeling exhausted and depleted. Cut them off if they won’t change and advise them to seek counseling.


Of all the types of toxic people, the jealous ones seem to be a big challenge. They are envious of everything you do. They want to be like you and have the things you have, so they will often try to cut you down, which only shows their low self-esteem.

To handle those with the green-eyed monster, you need to keep conversations light. Anything you say or do will make them see red, so just don’t let them get too involved in your life.


These folks are evil. They can be downright sneaky and even violent. These individuals are selfish, dramatic, and see life as one big game. They are the worst of all the types of toxic people and the ones you should avoid.

There’s no way to deal with these people except to run the other way. They see you as a pawn in their game, and this is one game you don’t want to play.


Everything in this person’s life is about drama. Even such a routine task as going to the grocery store is a complete disaster. They blow everything out of proportion, and they love to complain.

This person has, no doubt, had a rocky life and has learned to live on high alert. Unless you enjoy the drama, then you might want to avoid them at all costs. They will likely not change.

As you can see, there are many various types of toxic people. Each personality type comes with unique challenges. Some are easier to deal with than others, and these people need to be redirected.
To change your life you need to change your priorities.

Good morning
Happy your day 🌺🌺🌺🌺
CHOICE is the most powerful tool we have. Everything boils down to choice. We exist in a field of infinite possiblities . Every choice we make shuts an infinite number of doors and opens an infinite number of doors. At any point we can change the direction of our lives by a simple choice. It is all in our hands, our hearts, and our minds.
Just because you did something wrong in the past βŒ›, doesn’t mean you can’t advocate against it now. It doesn’t make you a hypocrite. You grew ‴️. Don’t let people use your past to invalidate your current mindset. Growth is a concept. Embrace it.πŸ«‚
πŸŸ β€œIt is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously, that you might as well not have lived at all – in which case you fail by default.”
If you want to know what your future will look like, look at the choices you're making right now.

Good morning
Have a great day 🌺🌺🌺🌺
Today is not a day again, but another chance to get what you could not get yesterday. So come to your senses and pursue your success.

Good morning dear friends.Happy your day 🌺🌺🌺
.If you do not like something, change it
If you can not change it
Change the way you think about it ... πŸƒπŸƒπŸƒ
2024/06/11 14:20:37
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