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Do you support this murderous hegemon? I identify the Cabal as the owners and controllers of the Western Cabal Controlled Countries, not the citizens under their heel. If you support the Israeli Genocidal regime you indeed wittingly or unwittingly fall into this bracket. Please leave this channel.
Andrey Belousovs, Russia new Defence Ministers first speech encompassed these remarks : at the end of the bulletin points.

* These statements coupled with Putins recent remarks pointing out the ' vampire elites ' who control the Western Cabal Controlled Countries ( WCCC) must be removed, and that the citizens of the West have always been looked upon as friends in relation to their leaders, reflect the construction of the 'bridge' post 45' martial law America will be welcomed across, by the rest of the world.

* Although these and other remarks by Putin, Xi, and other BRICS leaders are ignored by the WCCC, they are indeed important milestones, and line up perfectly with the views forwarded over the last 4 years on this channel.

* What they affirm is that the fall of the financial and economic paradigm in the WCCC will be of a temporary nature. The former WCCC will quickly integrate into the real ' free world of sovereign nation states '.

* We have entered an unrivalled period of world history. The pyrotechnics of world revolution are beginning to light the skies. The cadaver of the NWO is on the palanquin and is now helpless in assisting the WCCC. The ' bridge ' is nearly constructed. All that is left is the overthrow and downfall of the Israeli/US Cabal and its institutions and organisations.

* I say 'all' in that it will signal the end of the Cabal. It is the last most decisive piece of the puzzle to be put in place, by 45', the military, and the citizens of America. Be of good heart, all will become clear in the next period ( 6 months ) for those who have eyes to see.

A section of Belousovs speech.

It is important,” he continued, “to preserve traditional Western values, which in a certain sense are the values of Western Christian civilization, European civilization.”

Now comes the punchline: “Russia can become the guardian of these values. This may sound like a paradox, but it’s true. In this respect, it would be wrong to call the West our enemy … In the West, there are certain elites, and considerable parts of society that are associated with traditional values. And in this respect, they may grasp at this straw, this chance which Russia offers them to preserve some of their values.”

* This article more than any other recently published highlights the demise of the Western Cabal Controlled Countries (WCCC) in comparison to the East ( BRICS, SCO et al).

* It touches on what the key difference between the two different systems is : who owns and controls the issuance of money/currency and credit. The East's issuance of monies/currencies is under public ownership therefore its credit is regulated in the interest of its people, its means of production, distribution and exchange.

* The WCCC monies/currencies are in the hands of the Cabal. Their debt based system is based on the issuance of credit being controlled to increase their wealth and power at the expense of the peoples of the WCCC. To this end the 10% of the population that owned and controlled society in the 1970's is now in 2024 down to 0.5% of the population thanks to the financial deregulation of the WCCC in the late 1980's.

* It does not highlight or explain this. It does not have to. It does realise that for the WCCC this is the only way forward. We are witnessing the demise and total collapse of the fiat currencies of the WCCC .

* 45' will take the Fed Res ( Central bank) under Public ownership. The private banks will have collapsed. Overnight, the US economy will go into overdrive it will join the greatest technological and industrial revolution ever scene. The other WCCC will follow.

* The stage is set. Engines ignited. We are entering the blast off stage. Thrusters at the ready. NCSWIC.
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So who is 45' talking too? More to the point listen to what he is saying.

* He is talking to Khabib the former undefeated champion, acquaintance and friend of Vladimir Putin.

* There is no such thing as 'off mic' for the likes of 45'. He is acutely aware at all times. So Khabib asks the question no one in the legacy media has touched on with Trump.

* Kabib makes a statement not a question to 45'. ' I know you're gonna stop all this Palestine war'. In this one remark Khabib illustrates and understands the role of 45'.

* But, it is the reply of 45' that takes your breath away : ' WE'RE GONNA STOP IT. I'm gonna stop it'.

* Who is the 'WE'RE', 45' is alluding to? Its not the Unipolar Party totally controlled by AIPAC. It's not any of the major Republican Trump supporters. That's why he confirms that he alone will do the necessary : I'M GONNA STOP IT'.

* So the 'WE'RE' is who? Remember he is talking to an elite Russian sportsman who is on talking terms to President Putin.
* Q asked us to consider that Xi, Putin and others were assisting 45' in bringing down the Cabal. In my upcoming paper I will outline why I think this is the case.

This is an excellent, and insightful article. It shows the way for truthers.

This is going to blow. Japan in chaos. British Medical Journal trying to cover it's ass. To late bro.
The above video is very thought provoking, and gives insights into the future developments in the Western Cabal Controlled Countries in the coming period. I would appreciate your views.
It is a lengthy interview. It also one of the most important discussions I have listened to in the last few years. Enjoy. Thanks to my friend Daz Evans for forwarding this to me. NCSWIC.
The Cabal ; Between Scylla and Charybdis.pdf
81 KB
A few thoughts on the period we are in. Would be happy to hear your views for or against.
* These figs are from the World Steel Association ( Western based ). China's production is 1.019 BILLION!

* If you take steel production as an indicator of the power of a country's economic and industrial base for the production of goods and commodities. Then China eclipses all the top ten collective output.

* Reference the UK ( see post below), the former ' workshop of the world', about to be eclipsed by Bangladesh.

* It really is game over for the WCCC.
Apologies. You can now verify my above statements re UK.

* This is confirmation of Netanyahu being a deranged, madman.

* Death is to good an escape for him.

* If he were hell bound the Devil himself would be under threat.

* There is a cure for this creature. It does not lie in the realm of understanding and therapy though.
* Richard Tice fired the equivalent of an economic missile at the Bank of England.

* The Reform Party is the only Party that has explained how they could fund their proposals.
Tice's proposals are eminently feasible.

* The reason no one from the Bank of England ( BoE)or the clearing banks have not commented on his proposals is down to one thing : rat panic.

* Tice has opened Pandoras' Box on the privately controlled BoE banking scam.

* What was Tice alluding to re a friend printing fake money to help a friend out and then the friend deposits the monies and claims interest?

* Tice was referring to the Reverse Repo Facility that the BoE offers financial entities, principally the UK clearing banks. Tice said he was exposing this scam, he partially has, and all credit to him and Reform.

* Under the Basel Accords the rules that commercial banks must follow : there is the requirement that commercial banks must balance their books at the end of a trading day.

* So British banks deposit funds in the BoE overnight and receive monies in the form of interest from the Government.

* Why are we subsidising the privately owned private banks to the tune of tens of billions annually? Because previous govts on our behalf agreed to!!

* The British govt said it would underwrite all charges, financing of the £850bn QE. No other central bank on the planet did this.

* They act against our interests by using our hard earned cash to bale out private mega banks.

* What do you think Quantitative Easing is? Any other insolvent company would be allowed to go bust. We bailed out the banks in 2008 and suffered austerity cuts as a consequence. Austerity cuts are the slashing of our living standards to save the Private Banks.

* What if this facility was not available? Then the clearing banks would not be able to balance their books and they would not be allowed to trade. If this happened to one of the big banks in the UK the others would fall.

* The BoE has a facility the same as the Reverse Repo but it does not pay interest. It is the Alternative Liquid Facility and it is principally used by Islamic Banks who on paper are opposed to usury ( interest/credit ). That is open to all the commercial banks. This was put in play a few years ago for fear of an Islamic Bank defaulting which could also cause a crises in the banking sector.

* Tice has raised the issue of who controls the issuance of money/currency/credit. The genie is out of the bottle. Why if the BoE is a 'public bank' does our government have to issues treasuries/gilts to get/buy currency? If we own the BoE why don't we instruct them to deposit our monies into our government coffers free of any charges?

* They have no answer. Because they are not just guilty of negligence. Tice is right it is a scam. More than that it is a monstrous criminal scam. The private debt based Central Banks are now in a ' doom loop'. They have no way out. Their fiat currencies are in a process of collapse which can happen at any time now.
2024/06/13 12:31:59
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