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+888号频道 飞机移动集团 Telegram Mobile
Hello people, Hope you are all doing Fine!

we are here to remind you for fund ( rent )

thanks for being our client, thanks for using our beautiful numbers!

as you know , you have to charge your Account per month. How does it work?

> After you get the number, at end of month, 5 days ago, please charge your Account.


Here's explanation

• Contact our customer service from which one you rented your number for example you rented number from @wendy, just contact him again, pay the payment on His adress which he provided And provide him screenshot if @patty same process goes for all.

• Also if our support is offline then you can contact
@RARE +888 0888 8880
@vip707 +888 0000 0077

after you paid the rent, then the new expiration date of your account will be extended by one month from the old expiration date.


" A unique Number, Unique Personality. "
+888号频道 飞机移动集团 Telegram Mobile
New Username for Telegram Mobile Customer Service: @telecom
+888号频道 飞机移动集团 Telegram Mobile
Please join Telegram Mobile's discussion group at @tgmobile!
+888号频道 飞机移动集团 Telegram Mobile
Updated List.
Select your favourite number, and message @vip707, or @wendy
+888号频道 飞机移动集团 Telegram Mobile

你的户口要是被Telegram注销或被双向了是可以重新把你租的号码换绑到另外一个户口上,每次拿取验证码收10u (随机号每一次拿验证码也是收10u)。没有设定户口密码而导致户口被入侵是客户疏忽的行为,后果客户自己负责。
+888号频道 飞机移动集团 Telegram Mobile
Regarding cancellation and bidirectional limited issues: Number and account are two different things. You have to remember that the number is like a mobile phone case of your account, it can be changed back and forth. The reason why your account is canceled or bidirectional limited was because there were too many complaints about your account, so Telegram canceled or bidirectional limited your account. The number is still there, it cannot be canceled and it will always exist.

If your account is canceled by Telegram or bidirectional limited, you can re-bind the number you rented to another account, and you will be charged 10u every time you get the verification code (the random number will also be charged 10u every time you get the verification code). Failure to set an account password resulting in account intrusion is an act of negligence on the part of the customer and the customer shall be responsible for the consequences.
+888号频道 飞机移动集团 Telegram Mobile
⭐️Welcome to our Angelic Number series ⭐️

⭐️777 > +888 0777 8899 ⭐️

⭐️888 > +888 0888 6969 ⭐️

⭐️111 > +888 0111 0013. ⭐️

⭐️000 > +888 0000 4440 ⭐️

⭐️555 > +888 0555 7744 ⭐️

⭐️999 > +888 0990 0660 ⭐️

⭐️666 > +888 0660 0990 ⭐️

⭐️333 > +888 0333 0013 ⭐️

each of them cost only 50u per month.

Find @wendy or @vip707
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+888号频道 飞机移动集团 Telegram Mobile
50 u series.
change your ugly number into beautiful number.

Find > @wendy or @x777x
+888号频道 飞机移动集团 Telegram Mobile
Hello, about non renewal :

thanks for being our client, thanks for using our beautiful numbers!

if you were want to use number for only 1 month and , now you don't want to continue more, then don't worry we will not force you to rent.

You can change back to your old number
Also please do not request or give the reasons like you will pay the rent at next month, or you are not home.

" We also bind with rules we, if you didn't paid rent and you are not changing the number "

The the customer will be responsible for the results.

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+888号频道 飞机移动集团 Telegram Mobile
飞机移动集团提供三种+888号码任你选择,全部号码都不需要押金, 换绑定新帐号都可以:

牛逼号 50u/月起, 随机选对子号 35u/月: @nbhao
随机号 25u/月: @suijihao

飞机移动, 贴心为您服务。
+888号频道 飞机移动集团 Telegram Mobile
+888号频道 飞机移动集团 Telegram Mobile
1, 选好号吗,付u去指定地址。

2, 换绑新帐号任你来确定!:从你现在这部手机登入新号码,回来这里,我给你验证码,你再登入,输入验证码。一部手机搞定,你不需要两部手机的!

3, 进入设定,立马设定户口的二级密码。
+888号频道 飞机移动集团 Telegram Mobile
+888号频道 飞机移动集团 Telegram Mobile
无论任何理由拿取验证码每一次拿取验证码收10u (随机号每一次拿验证码也是收10u)。譬如: 一天拿两次验证码就是收费20u. 租号前请默记本公司是有这个取码费用。建议大家别乱寄垃圾信息而被Telegram官方掉号。
+888号频道 飞机移动集团 Telegram Mobile
+888号码,领航新时代电讯科技。结合前沿加密技术,我们确保您的帐户永不被外来的侵犯,保证100%不会被盗号 (在有设定二级密码的情况下)。无论是否续约,我们坚守对您资料100%保密的承诺 (在有设定二级密码的情况下)。我们为了证明+888的实力,每一个牛逼号都会有一个高达100U的保障用来做赔偿金额。随机号最高的保障额度是25U。


+888号频道 飞机移动集团 Telegram Mobile

靓号,不仅是通讯门面,更是身份象征。无人能够替代、仿冒或夺走它。相比高昂的买断价,选择租赁真的更加经济划算! ~ 飞机移动,您的+888专属电信伴侣。
+888号频道 飞机移动集团 Telegram Mobile
+888号频道 飞机移动集团 Telegram Mobile

你的户口要是被Telegram注销或被双向了是可以重新把你租的号码换绑到另外一个户口上,每次拿取验证码收10u (随机号每一次拿验证码也是收10u)。没有设定户口密码而导致户口被入侵是客户疏忽的行为,后果客户自己负责。到期日3天前都不能接吗防止接码后不续约的情况。
+888号频道 飞机移动集团 Telegram Mobile
1, 过了到期日也没有续租又继续使用公司的电话号码,本公司会随时回收号码。
2, 客户单方面删掉对话纪录毁灭租约证据等于有心企图行骗本公司。所有与本公司的合约立马终止。
+888号频道 飞机移动集团 Telegram Mobile


不续约的客户, 这一个步骤是非常重要!请在到期日把户口的租号换绑到任何其他号码以确保帐号的安全。

2024/06/08 01:46:30
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