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⛳️The Vocab Master For All Competitive Exams | 29-02-2024

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Parts of Speech: NOUN

Meaning: Serious and immediate dangers or risks.

Synonyms: Hazards, risks, dangers, threats.

Antonyms: Safety, security, protection.

Sentence: The brave explorers faced numerous perils as they ventured into the uncharted territory.


Parts of Speech: NOUN

Meaning: A person who leaves their own country to settle permanently in another; someone who emigrates.

Synonyms: Migrant, settler, expatriate, immigrant.

Antonyms: Immigrant (when used in the context of leaving the new country), native.

Sentence: The family packed their belongings and bid farewell to their homeland, becoming emigrants in search of a better life abroad.


Parts of Speech: VERB

Meaning: To attract, entice, or tempt someone with the promise of something appealing.

Synonyms: Entice, attract, tempt, seduce.

Antonyms: Repel, deter, discourage.

Sentence: The scent of fresh-baked cookies lured the children into the kitchen.


Parts of Speech: ADJ.

Meaning: Producing a great deal of profit or wealth; profitable.

Synonyms: Profitable, money-making, lucrative, remunerative.

Antonyms: Unprofitable, nonremunerative, unrewarding.

Sentence: The entrepreneur invested in a lucrative business opportunity that quickly yielded significant returns.


Parts of Speech: VERB

Meaning: Deceiving or tricking someone, often by making them believe something that is not true.

Synonyms: Deceiving, tricking, fooling, misleading.

Antonyms: Enlightening, informing, revealing.

Sentence: The fraudster was arrested for duping unsuspecting individuals into investing in a fake business scheme.


Parts of Speech: ADJ.

Meaning : Lacking moral principles; not honest or fair.

Synonyms: Unethical, dishonest, immoral, corrupt.

Antonyms: Ethical, principled, honest, scrupulous.

Sentence: The unscrupulous businessman exploited loopholes in the law to gain an unfair advantage over his competitors.


Parts of Speech: VERB

Meaning: Thoroughly examined, evaluated, or assessed for suitability or approval.

Synonyms: Examined, scrutinized, reviewed, assessed.

Antonyms: Overlooked, neglected, ignored.

Sentence: The job applicants were carefully vetted to ensure they met the company's standards before being hired.


Parts of Speech: VERB

Meaning: To prevent someone from accomplishing a purpose or plan; to hinder or frustrate.

Synonyms: Hinder, obstruct, impede, frustrate.

Antonyms: Assist, facilitate, support.

Sentence: The detective worked tirelessly to thwart the criminal's elaborate scheme.


Parts of Speech: ADJ.

Meaning: Involving or requiring a lot of effort and hard work; difficult and demanding.

Synonyms: Difficult, challenging, laborious, strenuous.

Antonyms: Easy, effortless, simple.

Sentence: Climbing the steep mountain proved to be an arduous task, but the breathtaking view from the top made it worthwhile.


Parts of Speech: ADJ.

Meaning: Firmly established and difficult to change; deeply ingrained or firmly rooted.

Synonyms: Established, ingrained, rooted, fixed.

Antonyms: Flexible, temporary, changeable.

Sentence: The company's policies were so entrenched that even attempts at reform met with strong resistance from the employees.

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⛳️The Vocab Master For All Competitive Exams | 01-03-2024


Parts of Speech: NOUN

Meaning: A short period of rest or relief from something difficult or unpleasant; a temporary break.

Synonyms: Break, pause, rest, relief.

Antonyms: Continuation, persistence, endurance.

Sentence: After days of intense work, he finally found a moment of respite in the quiet park, away from the hustle and bustle of the city.


Parts of Speech: VERB

Meaning: To move back or away from a previous position; to diminish or become less intense.

Synonyms: Retreat, withdraw, recede, diminish.

Antonyms: Advance, approach, surge.

Sentence: The floodwaters began to recede, allowing residents to return to their homes.


Parts of Speech: VERB

Meaning: To provide assistance, support, or relief.

Synonyms: Help, aid, assist, support.

Antonyms: Hinder, obstruct, impede.

Sentence: The community came together to succor those affected by the devastating fire, offering shelter and resources.


Parts of Speech: NOUN

Meaning: Assistance, support, or help in times of difficulty or distress.

Synonyms: Aid, assistance, relief, support.

Antonyms: Hindrance, obstruction, obstacle.

Sentence: The Red Cross provided succor to the victims of the natural disaster by supplying food, water, and medical assistance.


Parts of Speech: VERB

Meaning: To undermine or overthrow, often in a secretive or destructive way; to overturn or destabilize.

Synonyms: Undermine, sabotage, overthrow, destabilize.

Antonyms: Support, uphold, strengthen.

Sentence: The group attempted to subvert the government by spreading propaganda and inciting dissent among the citizens.


Parts of Speech: ADJ.

Meaning: Former; of times past; previous.

Synonyms: Former, previous, old, past.

Antonyms: Current, present, future.

Sentence: The erstwhile manager decided to pursue a different career path after many years of service.


Parts of Speech: NOUN

Meaning : A person who opposes official policy, especially that of an authoritarian state.

Synonyms: Rebel, dissenter, protester, nonconformist.

Antonyms: Conformist, supporter, loyalist.

Sentence: The dissidents organized peaceful protests to voice their opposition to the oppressive government.


Parts of Speech: VERB

Meaning: To sway or stagger as if about to fall; to walk or move unsteadily.

Synonyms: Stumble, wobble, stagger, teeter.

Antonyms: Stand firm, stabilize, balance.

Sentence: The tired hiker began to totter as he reached the end of the challenging trail, struggling to maintain his balance.


Parts of Speech: NOUN

Meaning: Countries or groups that cooperate with each other for a common purpose or against a common enemy; friends or associates.

Synonyms: Partners, associates, collaborators, companions.

Antonyms: Enemies, adversaries, opponents.

Sentence: During the war, the two nations became strong allies, working together to achieve their shared goals.


Parts of Speech: NOUN

Meaning: A feeling of disappointment or disillusionment; the state of being disenchanted.

Synonyms: Disillusionment, disappointment, letdown, dissatisfaction.

Antonyms: Enchantment, satisfaction, contentment.

Sentence: The initial excitement of the new job wore off quickly, leading to a sense of disenchantment as the challenges became apparent.


Parts of Speech: ADJ.

Meaning: Bold and without shame; unrestrained by a sense of shame or propriety.

Synonyms: Bold, shameless, audacious, daring.

Antonyms: Timid, reserved, modest, shy.

Sentence: The thief showed a brazen disregard for security cameras, stealing items right in front of them.

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⛳️The Vocab Master For All Competitive Exams | 08-03-2024

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Ꭻᴏɪɴ ➛ @Ramayan_Gyann 🚩



Parts of Speech: VERB

Meaning: To secretly cooperate or conspire with others, often with the intent to deceive or commit wrongdoing.

Synonyms: Conspire, collaborate, collude, scheme.

Antonyms: Oppose, resist, thwart.

Sentence: The corrupt officials connived to embezzle funds from the government, leading to a major scandal.


Parts of Speech: NOUN

Meaning: The area within the boundaries or confines of a particular place or building; a district or locality.

Synonyms: Area, region, district, locality.

Antonyms: Outskirts, periphery.

Sentence: The historic town center is divided into different precincts, each with its own unique character and charm.


Parts of Speech: ADJ.

Meaning: Forbidden by law, rules, or custom; illegal; involving activities that are not considered morally or socially acceptable.

Synonyms: Illegal, unlawful, prohibited, forbidden.

Antonyms: Legal, lawful, permitted, allowed.

Sentence: The police discovered an illicit drug operation in the abandoned warehouse, leading to multiple arrests.


Parts of Speech: ADJ.

Meaning: Not part of the mainstream; unconventional or on the outskirts.

Synonyms: Unconventional, alternative, marginal.

Antonyms: Mainstream, central, conventional.

Sentence: The artist embraced a fringe style that challenged traditional artistic norms.


Parts of Speech: NOUN

Meaning: The outer edge or border of something; an ornamental border of threads left loose or formed into tassels or twists.

Synonyms: Border, edge, margin, periphery.

Antonyms: Center, core, mainstream.

Sentence: The painting had a fringe of intricate patterns that added a decorative touch to the artwork.


Parts of Speech: VERB

Meaning: To make an indirect reference to something; to mention something indirectly or in passing without explicitly stating it.

Synonyms: Refer, suggest, hint.

Antonyms: Explicitly state, specify.

Sentence: The speaker alluded to a potential change in company policy but did not provide specific details.


Parts of Speech: NOUN

Meaning: The area or region near or surrounding a particular place; the immediate neighborhood or proximity of a location.

Synonyms: Proximity, nearness, surroundings, area.

Antonyms: Distance, remoteness.

Sentence: The hotel is located in the vicinity of the main tourist attractions, making it convenient for visitors to explore the area on foot.


Parts of Speech: NOUN

Meaning: The scope, extent, or range of something, often referring to the limits or boundaries of a concept or area.

Synonyms: Scope, range, extent, boundary.

Antonyms: Limitation, restriction.

Sentence: The project's ambit extended beyond the initial plan, encompassing various aspects of the organization's operations.


Parts of Speech: ADJ.

Meaning: Including or influencing everything; overarching refers to something that is comprehensive, all-encompassing, or universal.

Synonyms: Comprehensive, all-encompassing, inclusive.

Antonyms: Limited, narrow, specific.

Sentence: The team developed an overarching strategy that addressed both short-term and long-term goals for the company's growth.


Parts of Speech: NOUN

Meaning : The process of moving something from one place to another; the movement of molecules or other substances within a cell.

Synonyms: Relocation, transfer, displacement.

Antonyms: Fixed position, immobility.

Sentence: The translocation of the factory to a more strategic location improved its efficiency and accessibility to resources.

Ꭻᴏɪɴ ➛ @Ramayan_Gyann 🚩
Ꭻᴏɪɴ ➛ @Ramayan_Gyann 🚩

🔰Full Form ✍️

. *P D F* चा अर्थ?
उत्तर:- *Portable Document Format.*

☞. *H T M L* चा अर्थ?
उत्तर:- *Hyper Text Mark up Language.*

☞. *N E F T* चा अर्थ?
उत्तर:- *National Electronic Fund Transfer.*

☞. *M I C R* चा अर्थ?
उत्तर:- *Magnetic Inc Character Recognition.*

☞. *I F S C* चा अर्थ?
उत्तर:- *Indian Financial System Code.*

☞. *I S P* चा अर्थ?
उत्तर:- *Internet Service Provider.*

☞. *E C S* चा अर्थ?
उत्तर:- *Electronic Clearing System.*

☞. *C S T* चा अर्थ?
उत्तर:- *Central Sales Tax.*

☞. *CRR* चा अर्थ?
उत्तर:- *Cash Reserve Ratio.*

☞. *U D P* चा अर्थ?
उत्तर:- *User Datagram Protocol.*

☞. *R T C* चा अर्थ?
उत्तर:- *Real Time Clock.*

☞. *I P* चा अर्थ?
उत्तर:- *Internet Protocol.*

.☞. *C A G* चा अर्थ?
उत्तर:- *Comptroller and Auditor General.*

.☞. *F E R A* चा अर्थ?
उत्तर:- *Foreign Exchange Regulation Act.*

☞. *I S R O* चा अर्थ?
उत्तर:- *Indian Space Research organization.*

☞. *I S D N*  चा अर्थ?
उत्तर:- *Integrated Services Digital Network.*
☞. *SAARC* चा अर्थ?
उत्तर:- *South Asian Association for Regional co –operation.*

☞. *O M R* चा अर्थ?
उत्तर:- *Optical Mark Recognition.*

☞. *A H R L* चा अर्थ?
उत्तर:- *Asian Human Right Commission.*

☞. *J P E G*  चा अर्थ?
उत्तर:- *Joint photo Expert Group.*

☞. *U. R. L.* चा अर्थ?
उत्तर:- *Uniform Resource Locator.*

☞. *I R D P* चा अर्थ?
उत्तर:- *Integrated Rural Development programme.*

☞. *A. S. L. V.* चा अर्थ?
उत्तर:- *Augmented satellite Launch vehicle.*

☞. *I. C. U.* चा अर्थ?
उत्तर:- *Intensive Care Unit.*

☞. *A. T. M.* चा अर्थ?
उत्तर:- *Automated Teller Machine.*

☞. *C. T. S.* चा अर्थ?
उत्तर:- *Cheque Transaction System.*

☞. *C. T. R* चा अर्थ?
उत्तर:- *Cash Transaction Receipt.*

☞. *N E F T* चा अर्थ?
उत्तर:- *National Electronic Funds Transfer.*

☞. *G D P* चा अर्थ?
उत्तर:- *Gross Domestic Product.*

☞. *F D I* चा अर्थ?
उत्तर:- *Foreign Direct Investment .*

☞. *E P F O* चा अर्थ?
उत्तर:- *Employees Provident Fund Organization.*

☞. *C R R* चा अर्थ?
उत्तर:- *Cash Reserve Ratio.*

☞. *CFRA* चा अर्थ?
उत्तर:- *Combined Finance & Revenue Accounts.*

☞. *GPF* चा अर्थ?
उत्तर:- *General Provident Fund.*

☞. *GMT* चा अर्थ?
उत्तर:- *Global Mean Time.*

☞. *GPS* चा अर्थ?
उत्तर:- *Global Positioning System.*

☞. *GNP* चा अर्थ?
उत्तर:- *Gross National Product.*

☞. *SEU* चा अर्थ?
उत्तर:- *Slightly Enriched Uranium.*

☞. *GST* चा अर्थ?
उत्तर:- गुड्स एण्ड सर्विस टैक्स *(Goods and ServiceTax).*

☞. *GOOGLE* चा अर्थ?
उत्तर:- *Global Organization Of Oriented GroupLanguage Of Earth.*

☞. *YAHOO* चा अर्थ?
उत्तर:- *Yet Another Hierarchical Officious Oracle .*

☞. *WINDOW* चा अर्थ?
उत्तर:- *Wide Interactive Network Development forOffice work Solution .*

☞. *COMPUTER* चा अर्थ?
उत्तर:- *Common Oriented Machine ParticularlyUnited and used under Technical and EducationalResearch.*

☞. *VIRUS* चा अर्थ?
उत्तर:- *Vital Information Resources Under Siege.*

☞. *UMTS* चा अर्थ?
उत्तर:- *Universal Mobile TelecommunicationsSystem.*

☞. *AMOLED* चा अर्थ?
उत्तर:- *Active-matrix organic light-emitting diode.*

☞. *OLED* चा अर्थ?
उत्तर:- *Organic light-emitting diode*

☞. *IMEI* चा अर्थ?
उत्तर:- *International Mobile EquipmentIdentity.*

☞. *ESN* चा अर्थ?
उत्तर:- *Electronic Serial Number.*
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⛳️The Vocab Master For All Competitive Exams | 18-03-2024

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ज्वाइन 👉 @bewafa_Aurat


Parts of Speech: Adjective

Meaning: Lasting or existing for a long or apparently infinite time; enduring or recurring continuously.

Synonyms: Everlasting, enduring, eternal, constant

Antonym: Temporary, transient, ephemeral

Sentence: The perennial beauty of the mountains attracts visitors from all over the world year after year.


Parts of Speech: VERB

Meaning: To clear someone of blame or suspicion; to justify or prove someone's innocence or correctness.

Synonyms: Justify, exonerate, acquit, validate

Antonym: Condemn, accuse, blame

Sentence: The new evidence presented in court helped to vindicate the defendant, leading to their acquittal.


Parts of Speech: ADJ.

Meaning: Likely to cause disagreement or argument; characterized by heated argument or controversy.

Synonyms: Controversial, disputable, debatable, contentious

Antonym: Agreeable, harmonious, peaceful

Sentence: The contentious issue of gun control sparked heated debates among politicians and citizens alike.


Parts of Speech: ADJ.

Meaning: Making someone feel very happy, animated, or elated; invigorating or stimulating.

Synonyms: Thrilling, exciting, electrifying, stimulating

Antonym: Dull, boring, mundane, unexciting

Sentence: The roller coaster ride was exhilarating, with twists and turns that left us screaming with excitement.


Parts of Speech: ADJ.

Meaning: Making someone feel serious or thoughtful; causing one to become solemn or thoughtful, especially by confronting them with unpleasant or serious facts.

Synonyms: Serious, grave, solemn, thought-provoking

Antonym: Comforting, reassuring, lighthearted

Sentence: The documentary presented a sobering look at the effects of climate change on vulnerable communities around the world.


Parts of Speech: Noun

Meaning: Information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view.

Synonyms: Misinformation, disinformation, publicity, promotion

Antonym: Truth, honesty, impartiality

Sentence: The government's propaganda machine worked tirelessly to shape public opinion in favor of its policies.


Parts of Speech: ADJ.

Meaning: Very loud and harsh; producing a loud, unpleasant sound.

Synonyms: Loud, noisy, deafening, booming

Antonym: Soft, muted, quiet, subdued

Sentence: The blaring horns of the traffic jam outside made it difficult to concentrate on work.


Parts of Speech: NOUN

Meaning: A surprising or enlightening disclosure or realization; something that is revealed or disclosed, especially something that was previously unknown or hidden.

Synonyms: Disclosure, discovery, enlightenment, insight

Antonym: Concealment, secrecy, suppression

Sentence: The revelation of her long-lost family history was both shocking and heartwarming.


Parts of Speech: VERB

Meaning: To walk or move unsteadily, as if about to fall; to arrange or present in a series of alternating or overlapping positions or intervals.

Synonyms: Reel, lurch, falter, wobble

Antonym: Proceeded, continued, marched

Sentence: After being hit by the sudden news, he staggered backward, struggling to maintain his balance.


Parts of Speech: NOUN

Meaning: The use of ambiguous or unclear language to deceive or mislead; the act of being deliberately vague or ambiguous.

Synonyms: Ambiguity, evasion, prevarication, double-talk

Antonym: Clarity, straightforwardness, candor

Sentence: The politician's equivocation on the issue only deepened the public's distrust in their leadership.

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ज्वाइन 👉 @bewafa_Aurat
╭─❀⊰ 𝐉𝐨𝐢𝐧 💙
👉 @Dr_apj_Abdul_kalaam

♡ ㅤ    ❍ㅤ     ⎙ㅤ     ⌲
ˡᶦᵏᵉ   ᶜᵒᵐᵐᵉⁿᵗ    ˢᵃᵛᵉ      ˢʰᵃʳᵉ
╭─❀⊰ 𝐉𝐨𝐢𝐧 💙
👉 @Dr_apj_Abdul_kalaam

♡ ㅤ    ❍ㅤ     ⎙ㅤ     ⌲
ˡᶦᵏᵉ   ᶜᵒᵐᵐᵉⁿᵗ    ˢᵃᵛᵉ      ˢʰᵃʳᵉ
🔴 Daily use Sentences....

1. आज कंपकंपाती ठंड है - It's.
shivering cold today

2. तेज बोलो - Speak aloud

3. मेरा इंतजार करना - Wait for me

4. इसके बारे में सोचो - Think about it

5. आप किसे प्यार करते हो - Whom do you love ?

6. कितने घमंडी हो आप - How arrogant you are !

7. मुझे ऐसा नहीं लगता - I don't think so

9. आज कितनी तारीख है? - What is the today ?

8. मुझे कल फोन करिएगा - Call me tomorrow

10. ये किसका है ? - Whose is this ?

11. समझ आया ? Got it? / Understand?

12. समझ आ गया - I got it / I understand

13. खुद से प्यार करो - Love yourself

14. ये पाप है - It is a sin

15. तुम मुझे उकसा रहे हो - You are instigating me

16. अपने काम से काम रखो - Mind your own business

17. उसे समझाने की कोई जरूरत नही है - No need to convince him

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⛳️The Hindu Editorial VOCAB: 9th April 2024

Envisage (verb)
Meaning: contemplate or conceive of as a possibility or a desirable future event. (परिकल्पना करना)

Synonyms: foresee, predict, forecast

Sentence: The Rome Treaty envisaged free movement across frontiers.

Waspish (adj.)
Meaning: readily expressing anger or irritation. (चिड़चिड़ा)

Synonyms: irritable, touchy, irascible

Antonyms: genial, friendly, affable

Sentence: She sounded waspish and impatient.

Mettle (noun)
Meaning: a person’s ability to cope well with difficulties or to face a demanding situation in a spirited and resilient way. (उत्साह)

Synonyms: spirit, fortitude, tenacity

Antonyms: cowardice, cravenness, dastardliness

Sentence: The team showed their true mettle in the second half.

Persiflage (noun)
Meaning: light and slightly contemptuous mockery or banter. (ताना)

Synonyms: badinage, raillery, banter

Sentence: The persiflage is not appropriate when we are discussing such serious problems.

Acquit (verb)
Meaning: free (someone) from a criminal charge by a verdict of not guilty. (बरी करना)

Synonyms: absolve, clear, exonerate

Antonyms: incriminate, indict, convict

Sentence: He has never failed to acquit a client charged with murder.

Confound (verb)
Meaning: cause surprise or confusion in (someone), especially by acting against their expectations. (उलझाना)

Synonyms: amaze, astonish, daze

Antonyms: enlighten, assure

Sentence: The choice of Governor may confound us all.

Indemnity (noun)
Meaning: security or protection against a loss or other financial burden. (हानि से सुरक्षा)

Synonyms: insurance, protection, security

Sentence: They paid an indemnity to the victim after the accident.

Furbish (verb)
Meaning: give a fresh look to (something old or shabby) (चमक लाना)

Synonyms: renovate, furnish, glitter

Antonyms: roughen, ruffle, scuff

Sentence: I needed until August to fully furbish the two front rooms.

Deference (noun)
Meaning: humble submission and respect. (सम्मान)

Synonyms: respect, esteem, docility

Antonyms: defiance, disobedience, hostility

Sentence: He treats her with such deference.

Appropriacy (noun)
Meaning: the quality of being suitable or proper in the circumstances. (उपयुक्तता)

Synonyms: suitable, proper, acceptable

Antonyms: inappropriate, improper, unsuitable

Sentence: Teachers aim to assess the appropriacy of the language used by their students in particular contexts.

─❀⊰ 𝐉𝐨𝐢𝐧 
 @Geeta_Gyann  💐           
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IAS इंटरव्यू में पूछा गया सवाल

Q:- आपको 5 अंडे बिना उबाले, बिना फोड़े, 6 लोगो मे बाटने है कैसे बाटेंगे..??

उत्तर जानने के लिए यहाँ जॉइन कीजिए

█ 🇯 🇴 🇮 🇳  █
⛳️The Vocab Master For All Competitive Exams | 06-05-2024

1.EXACERBATE (VERB): (बदतर करना): aggravate

Synonyms: worsen, inflame

Antonyms: calm

Example Sentence:

Excessive or hard exercise can exacerbate pain.

2.INEXPLICABLE (ADJECTIVE): (अकथनीय): unaccountable

Synonyms: unexplainable, incomprehensible

Antonyms: understandable

Example Sentence:

For some inexplicable reason her mind went completely blank.

3.DRACONIAN (ADJECTIVE): (कड़ा): harsh

Synonyms: strict, extreme

Antonyms: mild

Example Sentence:

Draconian measures have been taken to control population growth.

4.INCARCERATE (VERB): (बंदी बनाना): imprison

Synonyms: jail, lock up

Antonyms: free

Example Sentence:

Many are incarcerated for property offences.

5. EXUBERANCE (NOUN): (उत्साह): ebullience

Synonyms: buoyancy, cheerfulness

Antonyms: gloom

Example Sentence:

He has a sense of youthful exuberance.

6. SLUMP (NOUN): (मंदी): recession

Synonyms: depression, slowdown

Antonyms: boom

Example Sentence:

He had survived a world war and a slump.

7.VINDICATE (NOUN): (बरी करना): acquit

Synonyms: clear, absolve

Antonyms: convict

Example Sentence:

Hospital staff were vindicated by the inquest verdict.

8.HAIL (NOUN): (अभिवादन): greeting

Synonyms: hello, hallo

Antonyms: farewell

Example Sentence:

My sleepy hail was met by a shout.

9.ANOMALOUS (ADJECTIVE): (असामान्य): abnormal

Synonyms: atypical, non-typical

Antonyms: normal

Example Sentence:

He went through an anomalous situation.

10. DISCREPANCY (NOUN): (विसंगति): inconsistency

Synonyms: difference, disparity

Antonyms: similarity

Example Sentence:

There's a discrepancy between your account and his.

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𝐉𝐨𝐢𝐧 ☆☞ @LucentsGk_Official 📚
2024/05/29 10:15:34
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