WapSwap - One Stop for Cross Chain Swapping.

An open and global financial system built for the internet age – an alternative to a system that's opaque, tightly controlled, and held together by decades-old infrastructure and processes.


#WapSwapFinance #WapSwap #WAP #blockchain #cryptocurrency #technology #bitcoin #crypto #Binance #BNB
Few hours left to launch, get your wallet ready and loaded with BNB to purchase WAP tokens directly from WapSwap or PancakeSwap.

We will add liquidity on WapSwap and PanCakeSwap within 30 minutes after the timer on the website goes off.

Stay Tuned!


#WapSwapFinance #WapSwap #WAP #blockchain #cryptocurrency #technology #bitcoin #crypto #Binance #BNB
Trading will be enabled on WapSwap and PanCakeSwap at 2 AM UTC

Stay Tuned!


#WapSwapFinance #WapSwap #WAP #blockchain #cryptocurrency #technology #bitcoin #crypto #Binance #BNB
Team, please keep calm, we just finished our test on adding liquidity, it was successful, now we will be adding liquidity on mainnet.

Stay tuned for updates!


#WapSwapFinance #WapSwap #WAP #blockchain #cryptocurrency #technology #bitcoin #crypto #Binance #BNB
Team, don't forget we have referral income also, you can earn 5% of your friend's earning of Farming and Staking.


#WapSwapFinance #WapSwap #WAP
Here we go!

WAP token launched on WapSwap and PancakeSwap!

Contract Address : 0xd819f503cf5c5932f549cb9c97d28685558d9c80

Buy WAP Tokens Now!


#WapSwapFinance #WapSwap #WAP #blockchain #cryptocurrency #technology #bitcoin #crypto #Binance #BNB
Quick Stats

Market Cap Crossed $1000K

Added Liquidity to PancakeSwap 50+ BNB
Team, this is to announce that CertiK completed our Audit, they will publish the report soon, so get ready!
WapSwap's $WAP token is already integrated on two leading blockchains, BSC & Polygon.

The new token type is ready to break the barriers of cross-chain transactions.


#WapSwapFinance #WapSwap #WAP #blockchain #technology #bitcoin #crypto #Binance #BNB
Team, one issue was addressed by the community regarding loss of stakes while adding stake in pools and farms in the locking period.

So we decided to reduce the locking period so that everyone can add there stake after short time of locking period. So no one would have to wait for 7 days to add more assets.
Please suggest the new locking period for farms and pools of WapSwap
Anonymous Poll
12 Hours
24 Hours
48 Hours
72 Hours
No Changes Required
2024/06/06 18:45:24
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