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Happy Father's Day. He is the family's shield, as the mother is the heart and the children are the future.

Forwarded from Blair Cottrell
It’s hilarious how fast and obediently the “leftists” jump off the old mass media crisis cart and onto the new one without a second thought.

In the last 6 months it’s been Greta! And Climate Emergency! Then they dropped that like a hot potato and jumped straight into the #StayHome Covid-19 pandemic! But quickly forgot about social distancing and the whole virus itself when the anti-white “George Floyd” race riots broke out.

Every time their media mogul masters come up with something slightly more destructive to the west they can play with, the dogs of society quickly lose interest in their old toys.
Forwarded from Blair Cottrell
“Multi-national corporations, major sports & food franchises, petty-bourgeois inner city grifters and their black pets of the world unite!”
This is desktop Telegram-specific and I have very few followers, so I doubt it will reach many people; nevertheless I will post it.

Locally storing files is a good thing to do. The Internet may go out or you may feel a need to hoard data. In our sphere the latter is quite likely. Saving a large amount of files from a Telegram chat/channel can be done easily. Here are two ways to do so:

1. Click the three vertical dots in the upper right of any chat/channel. Click "export chat/channel history". Select whatever options you desire, even the date range.
2. Click an image/gif/video so that it maximizes on the screen. Right click the displayed media and click "view all photos/files". In this screen, all files of the selected type can be selected by Shift-clicking individually or by dragging with the mouse; the selected files can then be saved by right clicking just one of the selected files. You can also use this method to mass-delete messages in a chat/channel you are admin of.

For phone users:
Get a desktop computer.

Forwarded from Boogaloo Intel Drop📡

Think of what "average" really means in modern humans as far as actual physicality and endurance/mobility.

Most people are overweight, probably some type of preventable health condition, and have poor mind muscle connection and mobility in vital stabilizing muscle groups.

"Average" is simply unprepared. Most of us are at this level or below.

Think of the vigorous physical activity simply to survive and maintain a homestead before the industrial age. This is essentially the benchmark of what natural human fitness should be. Wood chopping, 10+ miles walked on your feet, operating manual agricultural equipment, maintaining the homestead with only simple manual tools etc.

An incredibly small minority of us are likely at this level of fitness, which was the norm in those days.

Making the choice to be physically fit can be a difficult one given the plethora of options to the contrary that industrial society offers. Indeed, the majority of the books that were burned after VE day in Germany were regarding physical fitness.

It is far more difficult for a fat and unfit population to launch an uprising, and the world governments know this.

This is likely a contributing factor of why despite owning most of the world's private guns, there hasn't been many real independence movements in the United States since the fattening of this country and the rise of fast food.

The point of this post isn't to demoralize or shame, but a call to action.

Now is the time to start evaluating your own cardiovascular condition, muscle endurance, mobility, and calisthenic strength. We literally have mobs of angry savage young blacks who are naturally at an advantage physically due to being bred that way by colonialists.

Set goals, and work on improving every day. If you don't, you may find yourself woefully unprepared for the coming calamity and may end up as another body in a mass grave.

I am, after much thought, of the opinion that accelerationism is the final coping mechanism employed by those in our circle. Radicalization is the appropriate response to widespread degeneration; but, after being a radical, as it were, for so long, one gravitates toward the idea of accelerating the perceived decay so that one's ideology can finally rise above the now-crumbled heap of impeding democracy and win out as the prevailing worldview. This is an escapist fantasy.

But it is not my intent to demoralize: I wish for idealistic boys to develop mentally into proactive men; for in no other way can we hope to achieve victory. Do not just look forward to the collapse- prepare for it! Owning an AR means nothing if you cannot maintain a tight group at range. Owning a gardening book is futile if you have not read it and a dozen others, and with the knowledge gained, farmed your own plot of land...


Reposting memes is a waste of your time if you are not reposting to new individuals, to grow our circle. Not writing down your thoughts, so you can better argue and explain your beliefs, is stupidity. Talking the talk and not walking it, because you cannot break your addiction to pornography, or video games, or television, or because you refuse to get angry, lift heavy and exercise in preparation for war, is hypocrisy. It is a waste to not seek out good, motherly white women with which to marry and raise families, because you are scared, or not experienced in this regard.

We are not descendants of fearful men. Should things accelerate to the point of collapse- shame on us should we not be adequately prepared to spill our blood for the cause of our European children. Such is our duty. Even facing insurmountable evil, we will do so with a smile. A nobler death I cannot fathom, than expiring to the cries of my white brethren as we strike at the blackness before us, in seeking our sovereign birthright.

As an anonymous man on /pol/ once said: "There will be no marble statue left to you, only blood in the soil, your bones will lie anonymous in the field. The writers of history seldom remember the heroes of the day, only destiny will. Your chest of medals will be the generations to follow, free... free of the darkness and disease of whoredom."

Struggle. Fight. Never despair. Never surrender. When the sun rises, we shall try again.



Antiquity reveals to us that it is man, masculine man, who has been the inspirator and progenitor of civilizations. So, it follows that the state of any society's women is, in large part, a reflection of the state of that society's men. By this measure we can induce that to-day's men are not really so; but man-children, seeking after whichever whore fulfills the day's desire, with a mindless focus, as a toddler does with a shiny new toy. Existence would be denied to these women if to-day's men were not degenerate and limp-wristed failures.

#gab #oc

Let the Jewish role in immigration never be forgotten. With enough time, if one studies this "taboo" topic, as it has been prescribed since the end of the second World War, one will deduce a simple thing; and this thing can be taken as a rule.

In general, there are two types of Jews: the liberal-Leftist and the conservative-Zionist; there is very little variance in this pattern. Seemingly at odds, these two Jews are in symbiosis: the former promoting immigration and the latter fomenting wars, which birth third-world "refugees", who are invariably absorbed by white, European countries.

#gab #oc
Forwarded from Mind, Body, and Soul
Media is too big
Sunday motivation.
The condition of the world is a reflection of the men that inhabit it. We have a duty to make the change, and it starts in the gym. Maximize your potential, study hard, work hard, garden hard, lift hard, marry within your race, respect tradition, and have children and raise them to be pillars of their community.
If you want to change the world around you, you must first change what is within you. God bless you and have a productive week!

Nothing is so hypocritical, at least to the nationalist, as the modern "conservative". These individuals are herded in by gate-keepers, and within the herd their thoughts go to die; and very infrequently does one of these souls peek their head up and look past the herd, to find real conservatism in nationalism. Gay conservatives, race-mixed conservatives- all are acceptable things under the pandering "conservative" belief. If now, the Left wishes for transsexual children, then the conservatives are accepting of transsexual adults; and in a decade, when the Left wishes for transsexual infants, the conservatives draw their line at transsexual children. Even the bludgeoning use of subversive language (racist, sexist, etc.) employed to lower thought to such a level so that even the most dimwitted can engage in "debate"- conservatives mirror, with their use of "anti-Semite".

#gab #oc

The following should be remembered as a rule: they may call you racist, or an anti-Semite; but they never say you are wrong.

#gab #oc

Hello gentlemen. This document has remained in my bio since its creation. I print, at least the abstract and introduction, out, and I give copies of it to friends and family whenever possible. Using your discretion, I suggest you do the same with colleagues and acquaintances. If you have the strength and perspicacity, talk to them, man to man, and convince them of what the paper delineates.

"Biological Ethnocentrism: The Negative Impact of Racial and Ethnic Diversity Upon Societies and Individuals":

The paper is a literature review of sorts, of over 100 papers, which concludes beyond any reasonable doubt, that diversity is, indeed, not a strength. Whoever wrote it remains anonymous; and I thank them for their work.

Diversity is death. Unity is strength.


There are many books I recommend that should be read and digested in their entirety; but none do I recommend moreso than Machiavelli's Discourses, which, truthfully, presents the most distilled, cogent and meaningful political words one can hope to find. Every conceivable topic is addressed, in the most appealing and forthright prose; and every thing is presented with a historical example and an example from Machiavelli's own time. This book, I believe, forms the basis of my own political thinking, and much of my appreciation of history. Do take notes of Machiavelli's ruminations, for, in creating this work, Machiavelli himself took notes of men who wrote before him.

I recommend, also, that one read the histories of Hannibal, Julius Caesar and Alexander the Great, so that one will grasp many of the references Machiavelli makes.

#gab #oc

The Fate of Empires and the Search for Survival, an article of approximately 30 pages by Sir John Bagot Glubb. If nothing else is taken from me, I beg with earnesty: please read this text. It is the single most distilled, cogent, pithy and direct body of text I have ever come across. If one reads it and finds in it the universal applicability and usefulness that I myself do: SPREAD IT.


WhiteManOnTheWeb The Fate of Empires and the Search for Survival, an article of approximately 30 pages by Sir John Bagot Glubb. If nothing else is taken from me, I beg with earnesty: please read this text. It is the…
This book and all of its contents are NORMIE-FRIENDLY. It can be shared with anyone without much fear of suppression. For the conservative, it is clear, cogent and direct proof of the importance of militant, masculine, moral ethno-nationalism as a means of preserving a nation, and it also serves as a rejection of the pandering civic nationalism we see in the neo-conservative movements of to-day. For the liberal, it can also be given freely, because to-day's liberals possess an inane fondness for the Arab people and would like to kiss their feet; and this plays well into the fact that Sir Glubb spent most of his life as a commander in Arab countries during the time of the British Empire, to the effect that his writings consider European, Western-Asian and Arab empires of old.


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The account of the user that owns this channel has been inactive for the last 11 months. If it remains inactive in the next 8 days, that account will self-destruct and this channel may no longer have an owner.
2024/06/09 21:31:57
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