Telegram Web Link

RT @LightCavalryCZ: 其实我挺反感「非必要如何如何」这种说法的。 由必需品构成的是「活着」。 而「生活」正是由种种「非必要」构成的。 去看外面的世界,去见心爱的人,去用一点精致而不甚昂贵的食物犒赏劳累一天的自己。 我们拼命生活,或许为的其实就是这些「不必要」。
— WooMai (@AS138990) May 9, 2022
Forwarded from Du Rove's Channel
Since the day Telegram was launched almost 9 years ago, we've been giving our users more features and resources than any other messaging app. A free app as powerful as Telegram was revolutionary in 2013 and is still unprecedented in 2022. To this day, our limits on chats, media and file uploads are unrivaled.

And yet, many have been asking us to raise the current limits even further, so we looked into ways to let you go beyond what is already crazy. The problem here is that if we were to remove all limits for everyone, our server and traffic costs would have become unmanageable, so the party would be unfortunately over for everyone.

After giving it some thought, we realized that the only way to let our most demanding fans get more while keeping our existing features free is to make those raised limits a paid option. That's why this month we will introduce Telegram Premium, a subscription plan that allows anyone to acquire additional features, speed and resources. It will also allow users to support Telegram and join the club that receives new features first.

Not to worry though: all existing features remain free, and there are plenty of new free features coming. Moreover, even users who don't subscribe to Telegram Premium will be able to enjoy some of its benefits: for example, they will be able to view extra-large documents, media and stickers sent by Premium users, or tap to add Premium reactions already pinned to a message to react in the same way.

While our experiments with privacy-focused ads in public one-to-many channels have been more successful than we expected, I believe that Telegram should be funded primarily by its users, not advertisers. This way our users will always remain our main priority.
Forwarded from YFsama Tips
Forwarded from Haowei Wen
Forwarded from Foolish TraceWind (Kirito Sama)
CSGO没了 一天了 V社大概还在放假
Forwarded from Solidot

2022-08-19 08:01 by 外星人

微软资深软件工程师、《The Old New Thing》作者 Raymond Chen 证实,一家未披露名字的 PC 制造商发现某型号的笔记本电脑在播放珍妮·杰克逊的 1989 年热门音乐视频《节奏国度(Rhythm Nation)》时会崩溃。调查发现播放音乐视频还会崩溃竞争对手的一款笔电,更离奇的是相邻的一台未播放音乐的笔电也崩溃了。原因被发现是《节奏国度》含有某款 5400 RPM 笔电硬盘的自然谐振频率,会干扰其运行。该 bug 被赋予了正式的 CVE 编号 CVE-2022-38392,影响到 2005 年上市的笔记本电脑,此类电脑基本上应该都被淘汰了。

抽奖 ID: c64f4c8d6082c122
抽奖标题: Bilibili 大会员
- 加入频道: WooMai's Channel
- 大会员一个月兑换码 * 1

抽奖 ID: c64f4c8d6082c122
抽奖标题: Bilibili 大会员
- 210291717 获得了 "大会员一个月兑换码"
该中奖结果基于 Ethereum 区块高度 15427669 计算,结果公正有效。了解更多
Forwarded from Telegram Usernames
Now every holder of a Telegram @username can use links like and

Enjoy! 🥳
Please open Telegram to view this post
Forwarded from 乌鸦观察
#英国 #伊丽莎白二世 #伊丽莎白

【英女王伊丽莎白二世去世 享年96岁】

Forwarded from Telegram
Telegram users can now buy and sell short recognizable @ usernames for personal accounts, public groups and channels.

The auction for the best usernames like @Paul, @Mary, or @Club is live on Fragment:

Read more on the official @telegram channel.
- 路透社消息:推特员工表示内部版本在周四开始变慢。推特可能在夜间坏掉,并且他们可能并没有足够人手来修复问题。
2024/05/17 10:36:15
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