Thank you for the coldness you instilled in me, after my eyes were sparkling with passion..
Everything is quiet at night except my brain.
اللهم طهّر قلوبنا وأصلح نوايانا وسخر لنا سبل التوفيق وأنفعنا وأنفع بنا ووفقنا للفوز برضاك في الدنيا والاخرة .🤍
أحسِن نيتك ، يحسن الله حالك .
Retreating from a situation that makes you uncomfortable is not selfish!
Why do I take into account the feelings of those in front of me, even if they upset me?
‏- "يارب مُدّ لقلبي طمأنينة تأنسُ بها روحي، وآتني من رحمتك التي وسعت كل شيء"
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Bazen tüm hayal kırıklığı içinden kendine kurtardın anlayacaksın ✨️
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Seni bulamamışken ben kayıbolyorum...🥀.
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Even when my attempts for you hurt me, I tried!
The most painful moment is the despair of attempts. I mean, I am aware that I have to continue and I prefer to try, but my brain has given up, It has no more energy.
I am victorious before the comparison is even made
Forwarded from O V E R THINKING :(
The important thing is that our choice shines in our eyes, not in people's eyes🤍.
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One and one is two ...
But me and you, that’s infinity✨️❤️
2024/05/09 05:29:16
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