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This book starts on fire
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Yet Another Leftist Channel #BLM
This book starts on fire
People have been asking about this, here’s the link:

It’s a queer anthology about bodies & giant robots, and I have not read it yet.

I’d recommend taking a look at the publishing house, Neon Hemlock, as well. They’re fairly small but they deal only in queer books.
Yet Another Leftist Channel #BLM pinned «When you encountered this channel, what made you decide to stay?»
The flavour of the gay is fresh mint tea.
The colour of the gay is neon orange.
The texture of the gay is like when you touch a wet block of soap.
Tomorrow is bi visibility day. 7pm there is an event at SchwuZ, free entry.

Also check for more information!
Wir lassen nicht locker! #EndometrioseIstPolitisch

Wir treffen uns am 29. September 2023 um 11 Uhr in Berlin. Treffpunkt vor dem Paul-Löbe-Haus! Die Versammlung ist bis 14:00 Uhr geplant.

Du hast keine Zeit und keine Möglichkeit nach Berlin zu fahren?

Dann lass trotzdem nicht locker und unterstütze den Protest mit einer E-Mail an die Abgeordneten deines Wahlkreises. Auf unserer Webseite haben wir einen Vorschlag-Text vorbereitet, den du natürlich um deine persönlichen Erfahrungen erweitern kannst. Du findest den Text auch im Anhang dieser Mail. Auf der Webseite des Deutschen Bundestages kannst du ganz einfach deine jeweiligen Abgeordneten und deren Kontaktdaten finden. Den Link dorthin und alle weiteren Infos findest du hier:

Hintergrund: Am Freitag, den 29. September 2023 – Tag der Endometriose – steht für 12:25 Uhr Tagesordnungspunkt 26 „Endometriose“ im aktuellen Sitzungsplan. In zweiter Lesung werden die Anträge der Opposition, also CDU/CSU-Fraktion und der Fraktion DIE LINKE besprochen und beschlossen. Bereits heute steht fest, dass die Anträge mit sehr hoher Wahrscheinlichkeit abgelehnt werden.

Bitte leite diesen Aufruf gern an viele Menschen in deiner Umgebung weiter – egal ob an Endometriose erkrankt oder nicht. Jede Mail und jedes Kommen zählt!
How to quit a toxic job.
+++ PSA +++ 1 week until Daylight Savings Time ends +++ PSA +++

Tomorrow begins the LAST week.

Clocks will change from CEST ➡️ CET in the night from next Sunday to the following Monday. 🦄🥳🎊🥳

Remind your loved ones, friends, family, neighbours dog or your pet
stone to spare them from accidentally having to wait an hour somewhere.

...Since it's Sunday I have some time for shenanigans.

Oh and 💀💀💀💀, so show me pictures of your cats. Pet review time.

I will potentially accept red pandas, raccoons, dogs and other critters.
Yeah, probably. But it has to be your own pet.

There will be a humorous review of your pet on this channel plus
your description. I might tease a little, but no review is going to be

There will no review with teasing only, guaranteed,

CN death: If your pet died, my sincere condolences. That
sucks and I am sorry it happened. However, you can still
participate, there's just one extra rule. If the pet is not
alive, do not tell us. Please be mindful of other people's
mental health and overall well-being.
If it has been quite a while and you still suffer very often
and entirely keep quiet, please choose a friend to talk to
about this in private. Suppressing grief is not good for
your well-being, I just ask that you think about when and
you talk about it, and who it will affect.
If there is no friend or you don't feel safe talking about
emotions with them (you then also need new friends tbh)
there will be a reply to this message from a volunteer who
will talk to you and give you some advice.


Send a picture to the replies, if you have one choose a picture
showing the critter very in-character.

Or as cute as it gets. Or an extremely goofy pic.

You know what, i know how hard choosing is.

Up to three pictures, and all in ONE message, with the description
ATTACHED to the pictures please.

Tell me the name and age (if known, else guess) of the pet.

2. Please tell me how the critter found it's home.

3. Please tell me a bit more about it.

- Personality maybe, or interesting habits? Things you wouldn't expect from just seeing it? Like fluffy evil kitty or gentle giganic scary looking sweetheart of a dog?

- Funny, sweet, annoying or absolutely weird stuff it does? (Please send evidence if you have some)

- Things it has destroyed and whether you believe it was on purpose or not. (If you believe or know that it was on purpose, please send evidence if you have it! Because lmao.)

- If it is a cat and you believe it wasn't on purpose, you're most likely wrong or have a story to tell. Please tell the story if you KNOW it wasn't on purpose.

- Other memorable moments you had with your pet, anything you would like to share.

Please don't write an entire paper or goth forbid a thesis.

I know y'all love (or resent or both) your pets with passion,
but I am sure you can express it in 150-500 characters.

I really just don't want to have to read, retain and react
to 5000 words of pet love (or resentment) multiplied
by he number of people sending a pet picture, please.

...there are no grades here, so no worries if you're below
or slightly above. You do get emotional bonus credit if
your description itself is humorous too!

I'll do my piano practice, you scroll through your camera
roll and chase your pets with a camera. Deal?

Ready... Set... GO!
I got my first call on Be My Eyes just now. It's something small but it definitely made my day to be able to help. It took several weeks for me to get a call at all since there's way more volunteers than people wanting to lend your eyesight for a bit, but that's actually really good because if I hadn't taken it, someone else would've.

If you have functioning eyes and wouldn't mind maybe sometimes lending them to someone then you could consider signing up as well.
Bona diada de Sant Jordi

This a thousand times. I get daggers stared at me when I dare to get up in the grocery store to get an item that's out of reach when I am sitting.

How dare I not be paralyzed? Clearly I am not in need of a wheelchair if I can stand up! /s
2024/06/03 03:46:04
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