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Roswell Reflections: The DuBose Affidavit

Until the Roswell crash and its occupant story is honestly told to the world—the US government and its secret agencies can not be trusted to disclose the truth about ET, or much else for that matter…
Tony & Haze Alien Agenda Podcast

Stay tuned

Tony and Haze are scheduled to do an Alien Agenda podcast in October. Will post the video of the podcast on Rumble or YouTube.

Some research and videos will be presented. Might even have a special guest or two.

If anyone has any topics they want to discuss —text them to the chat room.

Should be fun!
Media is too big
FAA Lies: UFO at Chicago O’Hare in 2006

If anyone thinks the U.S. government is going to come clean and disclose much to the public, watch this video about the Chicago O’Hare UFO incident in 2006.

Even with Freedom Of Information evidence, the public gets stonewalled.
Media is too big
Dozens of UFO/ Alien Crash Retrieval Whistleblowers Have Given Testimony To The DOD & Congress?

So, does anyone think being a whistleblower talking to the U.S. Department of Defense is going to move the dial on 70 plus years of lies in the name of ‘National Security’ from the DOD on ET and crashed exotic alien spacecraft & technologies?

Humans are funny people.

Congress unknowingly authorizes paying for this stuff on behalf of American citizens and Congress is 99% out of the loop (once again, ‘National Security’). They get tidbits of information and are shocked when they can’t get the security clearance on the topic because they don’t have a ‘need to know’ regarding the full details.

Unless there is a major systemic change in how our government is operating, these stories will get memory holed or whistleblowers will get ‘discredited’ by the intelligence agencies that run our ‘news’.

But I do sense a great disturbancesomething may actually changebut not through governments.
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Alien Agenda Podcast—On The Road

Just finished taping our most recent Alien Agenda podcast with Haze. It should be out within the next 10 days.

This motion detector image was allegedly picked up at 3:31 am on 10/28/2021 in Alabama next to a walking deer. If the light is not some digital camera failure what else could this be?

Does ET like venison?
Black UFO Object Following Airbus Beluga

Observer took this photo on October 18, 2023.
Alleged UFO photo taken from the USS Trepang in March 1971
Media is too big
Large Object Observed At Undisclosed Ocean Location

This was captured on October 19, 2023

Brian Dunning who runs a podcast called Skeptoid, who admits the following: “My only academic credential that bears any scrutiny is in Writing for Film and Television from University of California, Los Angeles’”

He is considered a science expert on ET by FOX.

On aliens, this highly educated Writing and Film expert pontificates on physics & math, asking: “Can it get here (ET)? Is Earth visited by aliens…all the mathematics that we know, all the physics that we know ..suggests that’s no…never going to be possible.”

Oh really? The physics & math that you studied in film school tells you ET can’t ever get to Earth?

The physics of worm hole travel, antigravity studies, the physics of time dilation, or the physics of say a travel through a different dimension/multiverse is not possible according to your math & physics?

People years ago said we’d never fly, or leave earth’s atmosphere or go to the moon, or have a device leave our solar system. This has all happened.

What is also happening is our mainstream media is getting more and more controlled by the government. News no longer checks the government. It’s a willing lapdog used to control the populations from fixing their corrupt government.

Watch this garbage. One day it will be talked about as part of the dark ages, assuming humanity can survive the next 50 years.

For the record: ET has been visiting Earth for thousands of years. The evidence is overwhelming. The best evidence is guarded with a security classification higher than that of nuclear weapons.


When I was living in Southern California I went to a large private astronomer who had one of the largest private observatories in Southern California. In speaking with him he told me he recently had FBI agents asking him questions about his telescopes and the things he sees in space. (He thought I was an agent, since I asked similar questions, lol.) He said it caught him off guard and felt it was strange. He said he felt that the FBI seemed to believe he might have seen UAPs and wanted to know what he saw.

Fortunately this man stated he’d never seen anything strange in the sky, ever. And he told me exactly the same story. (LOL).

Now, regarding anti-gravity, since that is what allows most ET craft to travel effortlessly around Earth, that is the holy grail. That technology’s research would logically be one off the most guarded.

The FBI can’t have some small private contractor figuring out something new without the good ‘ole U.S. government stealing controlling it for military purposes.

The philosophy that: ‘We make war that we may live in peace’ is as old as the Stone Age.

Stone warfare has evolved into nuclear bombs.

Humanity needs to seriously consider its actions toward one another.

Evolution Is Unforgivable.
Pentagon Unveils UFO Portal For Government Workers?

Really? I mean, can we report what actually happened in Roswell? Or can Bob Lazar send in a report? How about if someone reported they actually met an ‘alien’? Wonder where that would end up? Anybody who really knows about this situation is wasting their time with governments.

The future development of society will advance more from private entities than it will ever advance from ‘governments’. You will get more ET and UFO truth by reading the Alien Agenda and Alien Leaks posts on Telegram and studying them than you will ever get from the ‘government’.
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4 Orange UFO Obs in Washington State

A person caught 4 orange UFO orbs that later took off and disappeared.

UFO whistleblower David Grusch reportedly refused to be interviewed by the Pentagon?

Jeez, I wonder if there are more than 100 reasons to not accept an ‘interview’ with the illustrious super know-all fake public relations Pentagon UFO Office?

Let’s get real and be honest as to some of the smart reasons to NOT do the Pentagon ‘interview’.

1.) Deep-State, above top secret departments (particularly parts of the Pentagon with no budget oversight) know all about ET visiting Earth. Their SOP is to hide it as best as possible for many, many reasons. But their brainwashed , programmed line for anyone getting close to the truth on ET & UFO Secrets is: ‘National Security’. It’s the control line burnt into brain dead government workers—and it works. So the ‘Pentagon UFO Office’ is a front, a fake, even if people working there don’t know it. The smart ones will.

2.) So if the Pentagon knows about Grusch’s claims already, then Grusch will either be talking to a low-level, unwitting out-of-the-loop stooges at the ‘Pentagon UFO Department’ and wasting his time, or he’ll be in a hostile environment with people trying to entrap him legally, or do things even worse to him.

So, what is there to be gained by talking to the group you are whistleblowing about? Do you talk to the mob boss after you say he stole from the bank and is lying?

If the mob boss can’t kill him without suspicion, he’d ban him, says he’s lost his mind. Hire some friends to entrap him. Unfortunately this is how I heard some governments operate.

Thus, it’s shows that David Grusch has half a brain to reject an ‘interview’. Of course the government controlled propaganda systems reputable mass media will work to say he’s crazier than corona infected batshit. But people in the know will have another opinion.

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MH370 Plane Mystery Deepens After Spy Satellite Footage Leaked?

Does this UFO investigator with a Top Secret Government clearance know something about what really happened to MH370?

You decide.

Deciphering Digital Trails: Ashton Forbes on the new MH370 Internet Investigation

Why do you think what we’re seeing on video, 3 orbs dancing around a plane before it vanishes is real, and why do you think this is MH370?

The videos are real due to the evidence we’ve provided.

This intelligent investigator has a compelling story. If true, he will be attacked (as will the evidence) from all angles.

You decide.
2024/05/19 03:24:24
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