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This quote inspires you to take a confident step in the direction of your dreams.
Dont ever allow anybody to hurt you.... how do you allow any random thing disturb your peace.... there is a famous saying that i dont get hurt without my permission... for how long are you going to dump every single thing from outside in your mind... stop treating it as dustbin.. it is not ... its your mind and you should allow only those things that make you feel good.... have a control over the things that you allow to penetrate within you...... and you need not take every single comment that comes your way ......Because at the end peace of your mind do matter...
When you strongly want to do something, you will find a way to make it happen.

The desire to do what you love is your passion which propels you towards your goal accomplishment.

Honestly speaking, it’s okay to make excuses for the things you don’t want. But never make excuses for what you love to do, because making repeated excuses is a poor habit manifesting laziness and fear of failure.

Stop making excuses. Instead work towards finding the motivation and willpower within you to do something.
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Sometimes it feels bad that you want to do certain things .. you have a image of yourself doing certain things but you are not able to do them... Mental challenges are real and i completely understand them... so what can you do?.... doing the same procastination everyday and making yourself feel more worse even .... no ... you are not going to do that.. you cant expect a sudden change at a time from yourself... things cant be changed over night .... you have to wait... you must have this patience.... believe me you are going to get this slowly ..... do not try to get anything immediately... until then continue your small efforts... and in long run you will realize that you move much forward by the small efforts..... yes .. may not be today or tommorrow ...but your small and consistent efforts will make you the person you always wanted to be... trust yourself... despite of all the mental challenge if you keep trying there is how your true self lie.... keep doing comrade... and remember you are not alone....# we stand together... # small efforts do make an impact .... # keep going💫💫💫
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Shibli Residential coaching academy Azamgarh UP
Invites application for 2024-25 session for UPSC 2025
2024/06/08 23:51:58
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