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Stalker Translation XML TOOL

Stalker Translation XML TOOL is a Python-based tool that automatically translates your mod's XML files using “googletrans”. This translation is automatically generated with Googletrans, it's a help, a plus, but may require some proofreading and fine-tuning. To run, this script requires PYTHON with Googletrans , pick, colorama and tqdm. Place your XML files (from the configs/text/XX/ folder) in the tool's “sources” folder. Then run the script with the command prompt.
RE:DONE Collection 1.0 Vol. 2

Complete Re:done Collection of the Northern map. Re:done features have been applied to the whole Northern map. The necessary files are in DLTX & DXML for addon compatibility. The maps have been rebalanced and reworked with minor gameplay on certain locations to enable or disable sim avail or spawns on smart terrains and when playing Monolith or Sin will have different spawning. Improved spawn adaptations for different story mode settings.
2024/06/01 18:02:30
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