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[⬅️Past perfect⬅️]

We all fail victim to the Nostalgia Bias
As if all the good and worth while things happened are the things of the past
We often find comfort in reminiscing about the yesteryears with rosy retrospection,
Funny how these roses have no thorns in our imagination

We find it easy to build our homes,
Right there, where the past belongs
couse the bus fares are high for our frequent visits to the "back in the days"
And with every trip it gets harder to leave
So why not live , if you can't leave? Ha

Soon we start getting consumed building bricks now
for our new mansion in the past, see the paradox?
Even the stincky parts of past get swept under the box
couse this is the past and only perfect resides here
and who cares about technicality when you are the lead engineer

Nail a framed mirror to the walls of your living room,
Let it be hanging
Can you see a reflection there?
Well, that is you clinging

Cause this is the past and perfection is the mother tongue
Put down your hammer
Time to learn some grammar
Ever heard of the past perfect tenses?
That is what has been messing with our senses

We sentimentalis the past, maybe that is why we have past perfect tenses... Perfect is an illusion but that is the human condition

And if that the case, good to remember the present perfect and future perfect tenses exist too
Even tho they sound more like an after thought, they might as well be just as true

I am just saying


We were sitting across the table, I like it
And I like you
I like you mostly because you let me be sitting quietly with my endless thoughts and feel at ease.
You asked me what was on my mind
I said "nothing in particular" and brushed it off, as usual
But here is a glimpse into what I was actually thinking

1. How do you talk yourself into getting accustomed to change when you know for sure that this time, it ain't for the better ?

2. The other day I saw a little girl, her left pinky badly injured by a slammed door. Her delicate finger dangled, held together by mere strands of tissue. Curiously, she told me she saw something weird in her wound- a tooth, she thought. I wanted to tell her that it was the shattered edges of her phalanges. But she was a little girl and she had big brown eyes.

3. I recently learned 'Wishing' is like having unicorns on rainbows and 'Hoping' is like pulling'em horns out of those unicorns and taming them into horses.
I have to try harder in life

4. And I have this legit fear of growing into becoming this person that a now years old me won't understand in retrospection

5. When I fail or make mistakes... I try to go easy on myself and be like oh this is new, I'mma take my lesson.
But then deep down, I know there is a pattern to it

So yeah, these were some of the things trafficking my mind, spreading across the fresh buns of my thought and jamming it like a fine marmalade.

I know am not gonna confide in you, you know that too.
You were not gonna ask.
But instead you said, "Another cup of coffee?"

Forwarded from Scribbles

May your headaches die at midnight,
May your knots burn with the morning sun,
May you find solace in silence,
May you find your smile in your back pocket.

I pray you see the better days your parents dreamed of,
I pray he protects you from sore throat and slow heartbreaks,
I pray you smile in excitement when you think of tomorrow,
I pray you find strength to pray for yourself.

May you find poems in your troubles,
May your scars align with oil and paint,
May your life be a canvas for others to see,
May your tribulations make art.

May you never run into a rabid dog,
May you never taste beer and fake happiness,
May you never face disputes your pinky can’t fix,
May you always speak your mind;
May you know what you know,
And may you know what you don’t.

May your tuesday afternoons go swift,
May both of your earbuds work,
May you find home in people,
May you be loved;
May you be held,
May you dance when the music stops,
May you paint smiles on faces,
May you live.
May you experience it all before it ends;
May you find change in your back pocket.

እንዲህ ልመርቅሽ፡
ሰው ሁኚ፣
ከሰውም ሰው።


Sometimes...(by that I mean always)
I am the "Me" in my "Meh",
Indifferent to the world around me
Unimpressed by the person I have become

And you,
You are the "Hug" in my "ሀገር"

A constant arm around my shoulder
My place right around the corner
A country without border

ሀገር ማለት ሰውም አይደል?
You are the Uግ in my Uግer


Today, we are talking about ያቆብ(or ያ - ኮፍያ if you wish )😁

መልካም ምሽት


Imagine fleeing from the home you were born and raised
after manipulating your old father on his death bed and doing your twin brother wrong

Imagine going far away to an utterly foreign country
Imagine to be played upon by your uncle multiple times who also happens to be your employer
Imagine serving fourteen years all for a wife
Imagine serving six more years to actually claim the wage you deserved

And through all this, imagine finding love
Imagine fathering kids, imagine keeping the faith
And imagine the heart of your uncle ,whom you have worked for two decades, turn against you at last

Imagine fleeing from him in fear of losing all that you have slaved for for 20 years
Imagine dreading the day you finally meet your long-lost brother as you go back to the homeland
Imagine your life being a constant journey from one battle to the next,
Imagine having to wrestle all your life like some freaking WWE wrestler.

And at last, imagine wrestling with God Himself 
like you haven't done your share of fighting yet
Imagine surviving
And even better, Imagine overcoming

Imagine getting your hip dislocated instead of being presented with a championship belt
Imagine wrenching a hip for a price tag of a changed name

And when it is all said and done ,
It is the break of dawn and the sun is rising
You want to rest so bad
But you have to go,
And you have to go limping
Had I been Jacob, I know I would have slept before continuing my journey.
Not only slept but definitely overslept
And rightfully so

Oh Jacob!

This is what I was thinking this morning snoozing off my alarm for the third time since dawn
And unlike Jacob,I haven't been fighting all night long.

Today's piece is somewhere between #unpopular_opinions edition and an actual poem

Good Sunday

[Faith, Hope, love *Repeat]

ቢመሽም ደግሞ ባይነጋም
If bad and worse mix well in your life like a perfect amalgam

አላዛር እንደ ሞተ ቢቀር
Even if it doesn't get better

ማታ ለቅሶ ሁኖ ጠዋትም ለቅሶ ቢሆን
If you see the best of your years far in a rear view mirror

ተራራው ከፊቴ እንደሰም ባይቀልጥም
Not only you have to climb the mountain but there comes a bigger mountain after it

ጫካው ባይገለጥ ሸለቆ ባይሞላ
ተስፋ በኖ ጠፍቶ እምነትም ቢላላ
If uncertainties are camping full time in your brain like they are on a permanent retreat
Even if you have to train yourself to sleep to the lullaby of your own heartbeat


I know one thing remains above all


And these shall all be well with my soul

[The tale of two zeros]

We came to this world with nothing,
we started from zero...[0]
And when the time comes for us to leave this world behind,
We leave with nothing,
that is another zero...[0]
So whatever we call life is a dance between these two zeros

I have a question,
Why does the symbol for infinity looks a lot like two zeros performing duet ballet?

Also on a very unrelated question column,
I miss you.
Well, that was more of a statement than a question
But I was thinking of those little infinite moments

Merry Christmas 🖤
I am just gonna sneak here neatly and share this

Also, please give this album a listen and thank me later

[💧Confessions from under the water💧]

Now is the time I share a strange truth about myself:
I am half-human and half-fish,
And no, a mermaid is not typing this.

I am selFish, and I swim in a swirling pool of ignorance,
Channeling everything towards my direction
As if I am a living Bermuda.
A black hole looms within me,
And if I percuss on my soul, I bet it will echo with emptiness

Lord, have mercy on me.
Take this fish out of the water, and it shall live.

1000 subscribers
Thank you for being here and for choosing to stay.

'On the road to Emmaus' marking this mile stone

መልካም ምሽት
[On the road to Emmaus]

To finally figure out that you are not as smart as you thought you were is heart-wrenching.
Discovering that you are not as close as you believed to be is soul-sore-ing

All your prized collection of pearls are just rocks and pebbles on display.
The unbreakable bond you thought you had gets shattered like a fragile pot made of clay.
Your cherished home is just another house.
Thinking you're a self-made champ, but the Matrix has always been the real boss.
The pills you have been taking were mere placebos.
All your profits you thought you made were just another loss.

You realize life has nutmegged you countless times,
Like Lionel Messi in his prime,
that at this point, you don't get mad;
you just laugh it off and keep walking down the road...
down the road to Emmaus.

Engaging in any friendly conversations with random strangers,
inviting them to stay for coffee and dinner,
hoping to finally meet the one who could break this curse,
waiting for it all to make sense.

I am waiting on YOU
On the road to Emmaus.

"You should never give yourself a chance to fall apart because, when you do, it becomes a tendency and it happens over and over again. You must practice staying strong, instead."
Saturday is leftover of Friday

መልካም ቀን

There goes [ ለእግዜሩ ]
[ ለእግዜሩ ]

Part of adulting is learning a lot doesn't make sense,
You are told to connect the dots relentlessly,
And a line would unveil itself,
The road would appear as you walk on it,
They say it would be worth it.

I don't believe them,
But even if my years are spent doddling connecting points that don't align,
I rest assured in having You as my unwavering Lifeline

I wake before dawn like a diligent fisherman,
Casting my net on the lucky side of the lake,
Hoping to catch a fish or two for the day,
But I always bring my Safety net,
A place to sleep comfortably in an empty stomach if things don't go my way.

I choose to fly high,
Stitching my broken wings as I flop them in the air,
Building the plane as I fly it.
I can almost hear the Wright Brothers screaming...
'You are doing it wrong sister, you are doing it wrong.'

They telling me to 'listen to the inner voices,'
But my soul whispers are deafening,
My intuition is a misdirection.
If I follow my inner compass,
I'd be heading right into an abyss.
My heart needs guidance,
A lot doesn't make sense,
And 'You got it all inside of you' is a big part of the nonsense.

I don't lose hope,
I will try, with all my might,
To connect the dots, to learn the art,
To aim for the bigger fish,
To live past one's wish.
But even if at the end of the day it doesn't make sense,
I've got my Lifeline and my Safety net.

2024/06/11 09:05:35
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