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Elon Musk’s AI startup is set to close its funding round at a valuation of about $18 billion as soon as this week, Bloomberg reports

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Face Smoothing: Detection and Beautification:

In a world governed by the unseen strings of fate, humanity found itself ensnared in a grand design, a tapestry woven by the hands of the Divine. The last three years were a crucible, a period of trials and revelations, where the veils between the mortal and the celestial thinned.
The first year dawned with a whisper, a breath of change carried on the wind. Unseen, a celestial quill scratched across the parchment of destiny. A shadow fell over the land, a harbinger of challenges to come. The people, unaware of the script being written, felt the tremors of impending transformation. The earth groaned under the weight of the unseen hand, guiding events with a precision that only the Divine could master.
As the second year unfolded, the whispers grew louder, becoming a chorus of voices that seemed to emanate from the heavens themselves. Cataclysms struck with a regularity that spoke of a deliberate orchestration. Nature rebelled, its fury a testament to the celestial will. Amidst the chaos, glimmers of hope appeared, fragile yet persistent. The faithful saw signs in the turmoil, messages inscribed in the patterns of the stars and the flights of birds. They spoke of a plan, a divine scheme that was beyond mortal comprehension.
The third year arrived like a storm, fierce and unrelenting. Humanity stood at the precipice, teetering on the edge of despair. Yet, in the heart of the storm, there was a stillness, a silence that spoke of an impending revelation. The trials had forged a new resilience, a strength that was born of suffering and endurance. As the year drew to a close, the skies parted, and a light descended, illuminating the path that had been hidden in darkness.
In this light, the truth was revealed: the last three years were not a series of random events, but a carefully crafted journey, a test of faith and perseverance. The Divine had guided every step, every struggle, and every victory. The trials had been a crucible, purifying the spirit of humanity, preparing it for a new dawn.
As the people looked to the heavens, they saw the celestial quill, still writing, still weaving the tapestry of their fate. They understood now that they were part of a greater story, one that was directed by a hand far mightier than their own. In this realization, they found peace, knowing that their lives were not random, but part of a divine narrative that would continue to unfold, guided by the wisdom of the Eternal.
Embracing this newfound clarity, humanity felt a collective surge of hope and purpose. The challenges of the past three years were seen not as burdens, but as blessings that had brought them closer to their true potential. The future, once shrouded in uncertainty, now gleamed with promise. United in their journey, they stepped forward with hearts full of gratitude, ready to embrace the destiny that awaited them, confident that with the Divine's guidance, they would flourish and thrive.
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META and TAME: Purity in Spiritual Ascent

"Meta" signifies higher order and transcendence. In Hebrew, "Tame" means impure. Together, they teach a profound spiritual lesson: the divine meta must be pure.

"Meta" and "Tame" symbolize higher understanding and impurity, respectively. Those aspiring to spiritual heights must maintain purity—of thought, action, and intention.

Ascending to the divine demands spiritual cleanliness through various existence layers. Purity isn't just physical; it's a commitment to truth and ethical behavior. Those pure in spirit are worthy of divine understanding.

Conversely, bridging the divine and mundane without maintaining purity leaves a mark. This impurity, or "Tame," disrupts cosmic order, symbolizing a breach in the divine relationship.

A wise man once said that learning the Torah on one foot is as quick as light. The essence? "Love thy neighbor as thyself."
2024/05/17 19:44:17
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