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A couple of articles on how to improve your CLI experience.

- 7 Amazing CLI Tools You Won't Be Able To Live Without - I really enjoyed this one and borrowed some configuration from there. It also comes with a complimentary video, so you can see those configs in action.
- How I setup my terminal for max productivity - came in the Substack email today. This is basically just a list of many CLI tools, some of them are useful, others less so. You may find something for you there, though.

#cli #productivity
Two small security-related articles for you today.

- About vulnerabilities in AI and ML applications. tl;dr: with the raise of popularity of AI/ML applications, the number of potential security holes raises as well. Especially interesting is the fact, that sometimes hackers exploit the same attack vectors that were used against the web applications long ago and were mostly mitigated since then.
- A small excerpt from the DevOpsSec report if you'd rather stick with an "old and prooven" technology, there are some bad news for you as well - according to the DevSecOps2024 report, 90% of Java services have vulnerabilities.

For today's Donations Monday together with AWS Notes and UA Responders we are raising funds for rehabilitation of our warriors.

After the time in hospitals additional rehabilitation is still required for those who lost their limbs or eyesight. The goal of this fundraiser is to provide additional recovery courses for these people.

You can donate to the Monobank Jar:

Or via a speacial Stripe link (Monobank jars do not always work with non-Ukrainian cards, at least for me).

#donations #Ukraine
At last! A new issue of our Voice Chat is out! It took me way longer, because I had to switch from Davinci Resolve to Kdenlive, since Davinci doesn't really work on Linux despite their claims.

In any case, here we are. We talked about Jenkins this time: who uses it, why is it still in use, and what alternatives would we use instead.

The voice chat is in Ukrainian and is available on:

- YouTube
- Substack
- Spotify
- Apple Podcasts
- or via a direct RSS feed

#voice_chat #cicd #jenkins
A curious story about S3 billing. So, AWS charges you for unauthorized access attempts to your buckets. Thus, it’s possible to create an attack to inflate someone’s AWS bill if you know the buckets’ names.

Honestly, I’m not sure what’s the moral of this story. Make your buckets private unless public access is strictly required. Do not use common names or if you have to, use prefixes or/and suffixes to distinguish buckets or randomize the names.

#aws #s3 #security
A couple of articles I stumbled upon when researching some things for work.

- You can use ARG in the FROM definition in a Dockerfile. I didn't know that it's possible. Back in a day I tried using ENV there and it didn't work, so I assumed it's non-configurable. Apparently, it is. You may argue if it's a good practice to alter the FROM configuration this way, but I can clearly see use cases for that.

- A workaround for Terraform's `default_tags` definition. This way you can "exclude" the default_tags for some resoures in Terraform. For example, if you're using the default subnets, etc. that were imported in Terraform. You cannot change tags for those things in AWS, so you need to workaround that. Again, using defaults in AWS is probably not a good practice, but sometimes those things are in use for historical reasons, etc.

Again, these two articles have no relation whatsoever, just want to share them with you.

#aws #terraform #docker
​​A friend of mine is raising funds for an FPV complex for his brother that works as an instructor in the Foreign Legion.

Monobank Jar:

Card number: 5375411213105070

The goal is 125k UAH and we're almost there.

You can find more info about this fundraiser (in Ukrainian) via these links:

This may not classify as a technical post per-se, but apparently you can run amplification attacks using Mastodon - a popular open-source decentralized social network.

The idea is very simple: when you post a link, it will try to fetch a preview. Since this is a decentralized platform, each federated node will try to fetch assets on its own.

And this issue just exists. Frankly, I don’t think the mitigation is any different from a generic DDoS protection. It’s just an interesting fact about federated social networks.

P.S. Now, I wonder if Blue Sky has this problem as well.

​​Dzyga's Paw foundation raises money for anti-drone systems, which are crucially important for our defenders.

You can read more about this fundraiser here.

The goal is $30 000.

#donations #Ukraine
Some say that 2024 will finally be a year of serverlessless /s

So, here’s a comparison from Ahrefs of their costs of running physical data centers vs running in a cloud.

However, many these comparisons lack an important point. At least, Ahrefs acknowledges that:
 article doesn’t take into account other aspects that would make the comparison even more complicated. These include people skills, financial controls, cash flow, capacity planning depending on the load type, etc.

Their solution? Hire all those people laid off from Big Tech!

My brother in Christ, system engineers are the last to be laid off…

P.S. It’s quite ironic to post this article from the AWS Summit :D

#aws #cloud
​​This channel was created exactly 7 years ago. So yeah, today is CatOps' bithday!

Fun fact: this channel had a different name when it was created, but was renamed to CatOps shortly after.

Another fact: y'all know that I usually post donation requests on Mondays, but again, we kinda have a special occasion today. There's a long-standing tradition to give presents on one's birthday. You can give CatOps a little birthday present by donating for FPV drones for Territorial Defense of Mykolaiv.

Each 20k UAH is a single drone, so let's see how many we can get! You can donate via this Monobank jar:

to this card directly: 5375 4112 1759 7652

#catops #birthday #donations #Ukraine
Another book bundle for y’all!

This time it specifically focuses on DevOps.

One of the books there - “How Linux Works” was a book I used to learn Linux back in a day. I have been always recommending it and I cannot recommend it more.

So yeah, that’s a good bundle. I would buy it just for that one book. However, there are some other great books as well.

An old but great article about load balancing by Matt Klein - the creator of Envoy Proxy.

"Load balancing" is the term we often throw around, so it's always a good thing to take a glance on how does it work.

Another old article is a comparison of the circuit breaking functionality between Envoy (and inherently Istio) and Netflix Hystrix, which is a dedicated circuit breaker library.

2024/05/29 00:59:02
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