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Like many other espresso-based drinks, cappuccino is native to Italy. The word “cappuccino” translated from Italian means little capuchin. It is believed that the inspiration for the drink was the Capuchin friar Marco d` Aviano.

Cappuccino is very often compared to caffe latte, but cappuccino is a smaller drink whose perfect dose should be 150 ml.

In Italy Cappuccino is drunk with breakfast and not after 11 in the morning. There are different variations of this drink that include cream instead of milk and various flavorings like cinnamon and chocolate. In Greece, a cold version of cappuccino is popular, where cold milk foam is added on top.

How is Cappuccino Made?

There are several ways to make cappuccino. Traditional cappuccino is made with one dose of espresso and with the same amount of milk heated using a steam espresso machine.
The third layer of the drink is milk foam.

Another variant is double cappuccino which is made with double espresso. It takes a lot of care and experience to hit the right ratio to get the perfect cappuccino, which is why this is one of the hardest caffeinated beverages to make.
Experienced baristas know how to decorate milk foam with drawings (latte art).
Sweet soul band from San Diego, CA. Signed to Daptone Records and released under the Penrose Records imprint, Thee Sacred Souls formed in 2019 and debuted their first three singles in 2020.
Makiato coffee

Don’t get confused and mix this drink with another drink of a very similar name latte macchiato. Caffe macchiato or espresso macchiato got its name from the fact that baristas had to prove that there is a difference between espresso and espresso with a little milk.

How is Makiato coffee made?

Macchiato translated from Italian means stained, suggesting a "stain" of milk in coffee.
The ratio of coffee and milk in this drink compared to other espresso-based drinks is the most balanced because the goal of the milk stain in espresso is to add a little sweetness, not to preoccupy and be the only thing we can taste.
Double coffee

Doppio is a double dose of espresso that originated in Italy. It is very important to emphasize that doppio consists of two equal doses of ordinary espresso.

How is Doppio coffee made?

It is prepared by squeezing it with a double coffee filter on a coffee machine. Today, doppio is considered the same as a standard dose of espresso. One dose of espresso requires another filter basket.
Long coffee

Lungo or extended espresso. It is obtained by mixing a single dose of espresso with twice, and sometimes even three times, more water, which results in a larger coffee that is drunk longer.

Lungo is a weaker coffee than espresso, but bitterness comes to the fore.
Ristretto coffee

Ristretto means "short" espresso in Italian. Ristretto coffee is said to put quality first, not quantity, and to get the best out of coffee. You will soon find out why this is so.

How is ristretto coffee made?

This perfect short drink can be obtained by passing twice as much water, compared to espresso, under strong pressure through coffee while the extraction takes less, only about 15 seconds, compared to classic espresso, where the extraction takes about 25 seconds. . The ristretto contains the same amount of coffee as a classic espresso.

It is this technique that makes the best out of coffee. If we have successfully made a ristretto, we should get coffee with a more intense aroma, not so bitter, but fuller taste.
Dalgona coffee

Dalgona coffee was created in 2020 during the period of social distancing in South Korea. On popular networks such as Tik-Tok and Youtube, the recipe for this coffee has spread rapidly.

How is Dalgona coffee made?

To make this coffee you need to take equal amounts of instant coffee and sugar and stir in hot water until you create a creamy mixture. Add milk to the creamy mixture.
Espresso with panna

The very name Espresso Con Panna in translation reveals the essence of this drink - espresso with whipped cream.

Quite simply, con panna consists of a single or double dose of espresso with whipped cream. It is served in a small cup. A very old-fashioned drink whose name varies from place to place, but still very popular.
2024/05/15 12:06:17
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