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Forwarded from Lorenzo - I never DM anyone first! EVER!!!
This is big. For people who don’t know, Standard Chartered is a bank than’s owned by people who are even more powerful than the infamous Rotschild family. They never let themselves be outed by the media (because they OWN the media). The fact that they make a bullish projection for BTC is very suspicious. My exit target for BTC is beginning 90K. It looks like they are all inviting the newbies into this market, ready to unload their positions on unsuspecting investors.
Forwarded from Watcher Guru
JUST IN: 🇬🇧 London Stock Exchange to launch Bitcoin and Ethereum exchange traded notes (ETN) market.

Forwarded from Matt
We are all accessories to war crimes

It may come as a shock to law-abiding citizens, but under Article 25 of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court everyone who has paid tax in Britain since October 2001 is technically an accessory to the war crimes committed by our leaders against the Afghan, Iraqi, Libyan and Syrian people, and is liable for arrest, prosecution and punishment as an accessory to the crimes. However, you will be reassured to know that article 25.3 (f) provides relief for taxpayers who were deceived by their government into believing that war is legal. Providing you end your support for war and withhold all taxes from UK public authorities until the government has ended its violations of war law, you will not be prosecuted by the ICC.

The States Parties to this Convention, deeply concerned about the worldwide escalation of acts of terrorism in all its forms and manifestations have agreed as follows: Any person commits an offence if that person unlawfully and wilfully provides or collects funds in the knowledge that they are to be used to carry out an act intended to cause death or serious bodily injury to a civilian.

Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism 1999 [summary]
Forwarded from Josephine
☝️Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunal 1946, states that people are,

"legally bound to disobey any orders of any Government that takes part in illegal wars or acts of genocide, crimes against humanity or war crimes. This duty to refuse to obey any unlawful Government orders INCLUDES ORDERS TO PAY TAX"
Everything we disapprove of... we're funding it. So you believe European identity is being destroyed, yet you're funding that. Do we have a right to complain when we're aiding it?

Until now, you might have said 'but I don't want to go to prison or be fined for not paying taxes.' But why weren't we concerned about going to jail for funding war, terrorism and genocide? Why weren't we more concerned about the death, suffering and destruction our taxes facilitate?

It's time to put our money where our mouth is. All the info you need is here:
WARNING: If you hear about a new crypto token airdrop called 'Venom Project', do not connect your wallet to the website without thorough due diligence. I suspect it may be a scam.
The 'inexplicable' decisions of Western governments lately are very explicable when you realise what it's all in aid of: Deliberately making the cost of living untenable for the working and middle classes.

• Wars that can be blamed for hindering food, gas and energy supplies (thus making them more expensive).
• Huge inflation and inflationary central bank policy.
• Rising taxes (blamed on inflation and war).
• An absence of AI regulation (AI threatens more jobs and lower/middle class income than it creates).
• Fake pandemics to destroy enterprise and the Economy.
• Speculative: The use of HAARP technology to destroy conditions for sufficient agriculture. Again raising prices.

And the reason they need the masses on the Breadline is so that they'll be forced to accept UBI.
And the reason they need the masses to accept UBI is because it will eventually be a trackable and programmable form of currency (which wouldn't be accepted by the majority unless it was 'free money'/UBI).

I realise this might all be obvious to some of you but I want to make sure none of my subscribers are in any doubt. We can only protect ourselves against something if we know it's happening, and can defend best when we know why it's happening.

The solution is still to minimize our dependency upon the existing System; Their fiat currency, global supply chains, welfare, media, culture, legal system, methods of travel - these are all things we must reduce our exposure to. We can all start quite easily by living within our means, stocking food, trading labour and goods with neighbours, planting a few potatoes and disconnecting the satellite dish.

Gods speed.
Forwarded from Lorenzo - I never DM anyone first! EVER!!!
As predicted. The biggest decentralised exchange will soon be implementing KYC. We knew this would happen. The founders of Uniswap have long been in bed with "the regulators".
Forwarded from Watcher Guru
JUST IN: 🇺🇸 SEC to file lawsuit against Uniswap, issuing a Wells Notice to the company.

Is Satoshi Nakamoto actually 3 (or more) IBM developers?
Forwarded from Louis Epic Times Thrive
@everyone SOOOOO GOD damn interesting isn’t it?

•$61k was hit. No chart or TA required. It’s designed this way.
•I said Altcoins would be decimated. They are down 50 - 60% over a few days

And here we are… All over some scam war news… The timing is incredible.

I just feel incredibly sorry for others. Unfortunately, it’s my kryptonite. I actually wish I didn’t care, I would be a far better trader.

But this is the crux of it!
•BTC trapped the US market above $70k late Friday afternoon.

•Then on a Saturday evening the 1 min war starts and finishes, and someone decides to dump BTC while all traditional markets are closed (LOL, NO ETF buying) …

YES someone controlled this move down.

•Oh, and where did they run it too?

•Yes Daddy, they ran it to the $61K liquidity zone…

•And this flush down is nearly exactly 4 years to the date of the covid crash +/- a few days

Mid April is a significant date and aligns to the eclipse.

•The leverage liquidation will be enormous. They hit ever leverage and spot SL across the board.

•5 days before the BTC halving, who would of thought, RIGHT?

You’re not allowed to win!

The big boys club NEVER EVER will buy anything at a high price.

You are their sacrifice. They must destroy the market before they can enter.

Everything is by design and once you realize this your mind will be free from the chaos. Stay safe out there.

Don’t believe anything anyone tells you. You must evaluate the world with your own eyes.

Forwarded from Lorenzo - I never DM anyone first! EVER!!!
!!! IMPORTANT - Read fully!!!

Friends! I’m hearing alarming reports about banks refusing to give cash to their clients in Canada (no surprise there) and Australia. Both countries were treating their citizens like cattle during the scamdemic and now this nasty surprise is raising eyebrows.

Francis Hunt ( we call him “The Prune” ) has been giving out rather bullish outlook on gold and silver due to the natural fiat currency reset that we are all experiencing now (yeah I’m talking about the inflation and shit being more expensive in the stores). He’s even daring to mention 4 figure price for silver. Sounds unbelievable, but it’s out there in the open.

Whenever a currency reset happens (Learn the history of hyperinflation in Hungary, Weimar Republic, the USSR, Yugoslavia, Zimbabwe and Venezuela), the government and central banker parasites are interested in only one thing: turning you into the bag-holder of rapidly devaluating currency, while they use their connections (and close proximity to the fiat currency spigot ) to buy REAL assets and enrich themselves and their cronies. This is called the Cantillon effect. Research it! It happens every time in human history, without exception.

How can we go to outrageous prices of gold, silver and yes, crypto?

Imagine this: Your local supermarket is already discussing implementing CO2 carbon label. (Albert Heijn in the Netherlands). More will follow soon. If you’re dumb enough to actually use your bank card to buy basic needs like groceries, fuel for your car and essentials like clothing and small stuff in the shop, then I’m sorry to say that you truly deserve what’s coming!

Our digital ID will very soon be connected to this CO2 carbon score and there will be no cash in the banks. You won’t have any other choice than to use the bank card ( with all the biometrics and dystopian bells and whistles attached to it ). If you’re a good boy and you don’t criticise your government overlords (and if you’re up to date on all your “medicine”) you will be allowed the “freedom” to use your card. What about if you’re a normal, rational human being who actually thinks with their own head?

The good news is, there will always be parallel economies. Any tyrannical action of the government will be countered by even more clever action by the normal majority of people. Now imagine this; what will you use to pay a farmer for a 5kg bag of potatoes, or a jerry can of diesel fuel? You won’t use gold. You will use silver and crypto. This is why I’m starting to believe that not only precious metals (with a 5000+ year track record) will become relevant again, I also believe that they will become unattainable for most people.

Remember friends. As much as I love crypto, let’s be very honest here - it leaves digital trails. This is why it’s very important to include in your strategy at least some precious metals (and even cash). Of course, I’m not telling you what to do. I’m simply using my bullshit detector to take a peek into the potentially “interesting” future that awaits us. I can only tell you what I will do - hodl crypto, exit this year and convert a part of the profits into different assets that the government parasites cannot take away under any excuse.

If I sound like a nut, good! I’ve read enough history books to know that the modus operandi of the psychopaths in power is always the same. This time will be no different. The question you need to ask yourself is what are you going to do about it? Are you going to lay back and just “let it happen” or are you going to take action, prepare your plan and ensure that whatever happens, you and your kids will be ok? The choice is yours.

PS. I don’t apologise for my blunt writing. If you’re offended by it, feel free to GTFO from this channel. If what I say makes you think and take action, good!
Forwarded from Canada First
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Why is RBC refusing to allow this man to withdraw money? Why is this foreign agent withholding this Canadian citizens money without proper explanation?

Forwarded from Crypto-Nats
Chart showing Bitcoin's 2021 bull run.
Where are we now?
Anonymous Poll
(yeah, first 'D' is meant to be 'C'. I swear I double-checked before posting... gremlins in the machine)
Reminder: Despite what some reports and political 'journalists' may have claimed, this channel is not run only by 'Steed' but by others also who shall remain unnamed.
2024/06/12 08:07:00
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