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#Did U Know⁉️

🛑There is fish called the Black Dragon that looks like an alien from movies.

⚫️Black dragonfish are venomous,they emit venom through their skin. The venom causes the death of other animals in the ocean

💡They also glow as a deep sea creature they produce their own light,they glow blue light.

🔳Female black dragons are longer have scary teeth the males are smaller & have no teeth & stomach. Unable to eat, the male lives only long enough to mate.
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Kendrick Lamar
#Did U Know⁉️

🔳The Relationship b/n Zebra & Ostrich

🟣Zebras have poor eyesight, and ostriches have poor hearing. These two have formed a symbiotic relationship through communicating and warning each other of danger.Together, they offer each other much greater protection.
#Did You Know⁉️ #Energy

🔶Scientists revealed that 1.2% of the Sahara desert is sufficient to cover all of the world's energy needs with solar energy,There is no way coal, oil, wind, geothermal or nuclear can compete with this.

Despite it's potential it's not viable due to the high cost needed

But perhaps the biggest impact is that solar panels in the Sahara could change weather patterns all around the world. Collecting sunlight and turning it into electricity would cause the desert to cool down, eventually allowing rain to return to the area
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Kendrick Lamar
#Did U Know⁉️

🔵Blue Bees

🐝Not all bees are yellow and brown, there is a blue striped Australian bee. And it is one of the most beautiful wild bees in the world.
#Did You Know⁉️ #Accident

🛑On 1994 Passenger flight from Russia Aeroflot Flight 593 crashed because the pilot let his kids fly the plane and unknowingly disengaged the autopilot function. The crash killed everyone on board,76
#Did You Know⁉️

🟣Modern Farming

🔶Our foods are becoming less nutrient-rich and are contaminated by pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides, which are not healthy for the environment.
#Did U Know⁉️ #Tourist

💎Mursi Tribe-The most visited African Tribe

🟤Mursi tribe & other tribes in Ethiopia are well known for the large clay plates that their women wear on their lower lips. It is believed that this tradition is a symbol of beauty and identity.
#Did U Know⁉️ #Honey

🍯Bees are not the only animals that make honey.

🟠Many other insects such as, ants and wasp species make and store honey. Many of these insects have been used as a natural sugar source for centuries by indigenous cultures around the world
#Did U Know⁉️ #Work #Life

💎As of 2023, Mexico is the best country to live and work abroad

🇲🇽Mexico ranked first in InterNations' 2023 Expat Insider survey and has ranked among the top five countries since 2014. According to the latest results, expats appreciate factors such as the ease of settling in, a fulfilling social life and strong support networks
#Did U Know⁉️

Sunflowers can help clean radioactive soil. Japan is using this to rehabilitate Fukashima from nuclear waste

In a process called phytoremediation, hyperaccumulating plants are used to clean up environmental contamination. Well, it just so happens that sunflowers are particularly adept at extracting radioactive metals, like the cesium-137 and strontium-90 found at Chernobyl

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2024/05/19 09:25:26
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