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#Did U Know⁉️

💸ATM Glitch that made a man a millionaire

💰In 2011 An Australian man found an ATM Glitch that allowed him to withdraw infinite money beyond his balance,for months he withdraw large amount of money & lived like a millionaire, later he felt guilty & turned himself to the police & received 1 year prison sentence
#Did You Know⁉️

🖤Black Corn

♣️Black Aztec is an heirloom corn variety recognized for mature deep-purple to black kernels. This corn is best enjoyed fresh when it is young and still white.

Would you like to try black corn?
🐱There are more than 45 Domestic cat breeds.

🐶 There are more than 350 Dogs breeds around the world
5 Common Cat Breeds

1⃣=Sphynx:Hairless slender cat

2⃣ Abyssinian :one of the oldest cat

3⃣ Somali Cat:Fox cat

4⃣=Persian Cat:Furry long hair round face

5⃣=Bombay: Completely Black with golden eyes
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#Word_of _the _day


The feeling pf missing someone who you wish you knew better,desire for more depth connection in a relationship
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#Did U Know⁉️ #Beach

🖤Black Beach

🟠Reynisfjara is a world-famous black-sand beach found on the South Coast of Iceland. Black-sand beaches rise from volcanic ashes,& are found in some part of the world.
#Did You Know⁉️

💢Death by Long Beard

👤Hans Steininger was an Austrian man who became famous for having the world’s longest beard. He died while running from fire he accidentally tripped on his long beard and fell. His neck was broken, and he died.

🧶Over 450 years later, Hans Steininger's deadly facial hair is still on display,in austria

🦾He was also Six times elected mayor of his town
📈History of Chocolate

🍫Chocolate was once used as currency.

🫘By the 15th century, the Aztecs & the mayans empires in south america used cocoa beans as currency. They believed that chocolate was a gift from the god,  and drank it as a refreshing beverage, later after it's arrival to europe suger was added to cocoa beans and became popular as chocolate

🕰Currency➡️Drink➡️Chocolate bar
#Did You Know⁉️

👅Everyone has a unique tongue print.

Yes, scientists have discovered that just like fingerprints, tongue prints are unique too. Wow, that means this could effectively be used for identity verification purposes in the future

🔶What is one concept you cannot understand, no matter how hard you try⁉️
#Did You Know⁉️

Spider's Worst nightmare

🧪Armed with one of the most painful stings on the planet, tarantula hawks are types of wasps that are humans and other vertebrates' worst nightmare,mainly prays on spiders,they get their name because they hunt tarantulas as food.

🗡The sting of a tarantula hawk is one of the worst to be described by humans. Although not fatal,doesn't cause any death or further harm the sting just last for hours.

#Did U Know⁉️ #Economics

💰What is Inflation Vs Deflation

⬆️Inflation occurs when the prices of goods and services rise too much, too quickly,

🏓Moderate inflation is associated with economic growth,when the rate of inflation rises rapidly, it can result in lower purchasing power, higher interest rates, slower economic growth and other negative economic effects,Higer inflation can signal an overheated economy.

⬇️Deflation occurs when those prices decrease
,tends to occur less often and in a shorter period than inflation. It usually occurs during times of recession or economic crisis, and could lead to a worse economic crisis.

2024/06/02 15:06:36
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