Whonix 警告


* 介绍
* 许可协议
* Tor出口节点可以偷看流经的流量
* 人家会知道你是在使用Tor
* 人家可能会知道你是在使用Whonix
* “中间人”攻击
* “确认”攻击
* 永久“Tor入口守护节点” 可以使你在不同地理位置被追踪到
* Whonix 不默认加密你的文档
* Whonix 并不是“重启后恢复设置”的系统(如Live系统)
* Whonix并不清除你文档里的元数据
* Whonix并不加密你的加密邮件的主题和其他头信息
* Tor不保护全球所有的对手
* Whonix并不神奇地区隔你的不同的网络身份
* Whonix并不使你的密码更强大
* Whonix并不保护你的服务器
* 避免使用 非自由软件
* 避免使用 没签名的软件
* 只有Whonix-工作站(虚拟机)是设计用来做匿名活动的
* Whonix并不提升Whonix之外之处的安全/隐匿性
* Whonix并不预防你搬起石头砸自己的脚
* Whonix也战胜不了 个人习惯/风格/用法等痕迹识别
* Whonix对付不了社会工程学(社工)
* Whonix也并不……
* Whonix并不成熟,还需不断改进……
* 参考
Whonix DoNot


* 我匿名的时候我的网站是啥样子我想去看看
* 登录你的反映真实社会关系的(实名)社交帐号,并觉得自己在隐匿
* 坚决不要登录你之前不用tor登陆的帐号
* 不要登录你的银行帐号、淘宝或其他重要个人帐号,除非……
* 不要以为公共WIFI 有Tor一样的功效
* 防止 Tor中带Tor这样的情况
* 没有端对端加密就不要传送敏感信息了
* 不要透露关于你自己的身份信息
* 如果你认为在你国用Tor比较危险/可疑,请用网桥
* 不要同一时间使用不同的网络身份
* 无事少登推特、非死不可、谷歌等
* 不要把不同匿名模式混着用:
* 模式1: 自己匿名,任意接受者(公开);
* 模式2: 自己知道接受者是谁,双方都用Tor;
* 模式3: 自己用Tor但是不匿名,任意接受者(公开)
* 模式4: 自己不匿名,任意接受者(公开)
* 结论
* 如果你不清楚后果就不要修改设置
* 不要把明网和Tor一起混着用
* 不要同时用匿名和非匿名技术连接同一个服务器/网站
* 不要将匿名和化名混为一谈
* 不要让自己成为第一个传播自己(网站)链接的人
* 不要打开陌生/随机文件或链接
* 不要用手机(移动设备)做验证方面的事
* 为何会有这个网页
* 脚注
* 鸣谢
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工信部文件和規章發佈 - 中华人民共和国工业和信息化部公告2016年第64号
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anonymous poll

希望 – 255
👍👍👍👍👍👍👍 90%

不希望 – 28
👍 10%

👥 283 people voted so far.
anonymous poll

認同 – 262
👍👍👍👍👍👍👍 82%

不認同 – 58
👍👍 18%

👥 320 people voted so far.
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Tor at the Heart: Tor Messenger

During the month of December, we're highlighting other organizations and projects that rely on Tor, build on Tor, or are accomplishing their missions better because Tor exists. Check out our blog each day to learn about our fellow travelers. And please support the Tor Project! We're at the heart of Internet freedom.
Donate today (https://torproject.org/donate/donate-blog14)!
Tor Messenger
Tor Messenger (https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/wiki/doc/TorMessenger) is a cross-platform chat program that aims to be secure by default and sends all of its traffic over Tor. It supports a wide variety of transport networks, including XMPP, IRC, Twitter, and others; enables Off-the-Record (OTR) Messaging (https://otr.cypherpunks.ca/) automatically; has an easy-to-use graphical user interface; and has a secure automatic updater.
Tor Messenger builds on the networks you are familiar with, so you can continue communicating in a way your contacts are willing and able to do.
It's based on Instantbird (http://instantbird.com/), an instant messaging client developed in the Mozilla community, and leverages both the code (Tor Launcher, updater) and in-house expertise that the Tor Project has garnered working on Tor Browser with Firefox.
It was launched in Oct. 2015 (https://blog.torproject.org/blog/tor-messenger-beta-chat-over-tor-easily) and has since been receiving steady security and stability releases. However, there remain a few important items on the short term roadmap,
Making the build reproducible on more platforms (https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/10942) (so far only Linux)
Porting some Tor Button-like features (https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/16494) (security slider, new circuit for site)
Taking advantage of Yawning's sandboxing work (https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/10943)
Translations (https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/10945) and documentation (https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/10947)
Engaging an independent audit (https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/10944)
This summer, the team participated in GSoC, helping to mentor a project implementing CONIKS (https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/17961). CONIKS (https://coniks.cs.princeton.edu/) is a key verification system with the goal of easing the burden of key management for end-users, while at the same time not asking users to trust their communication providers to act in their interest. An alpha release (https://lists.cs.princeton.edu/pipermail/coniks/2016-December/000005.html) was recently tagged.
At the Tor developers' meeting in Seattle this past September, we held several sessions on messaging (https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/wiki/org/meetings/2016SummerDevMeeting/Notes/Messaging). One of the goals was to help determine where to take Tor Messenger in the future. The consensus was that we should be focused on eliminating metadata, both in the currently supported networks (where this might materialize as rosterless communication (https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/20293) or having temporary identities (https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/16606)), or incorporating new networks with architectures like those found in other onion messaging systems (https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/16203). There are many unsolved problems here, like balancing serverless communication with presence detection and asynchronous messaging, and we're excited to help push the field forward (https://blog.torproject.org/blog/tor-heart-onion-messaging).
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direct = +forward-override{forward .}
socks5 = +forward-override{forward-socks5 localhost:12345 .}
http = +forward-override{forward localhost:23456}
tor = +forward-override{forward-socks5 localhost:9150 .}



【LiveSlak 】
一款基于 Slackware 的中文化适合墙内网络环境的定制发行版,有以下特点:

1. 集成翻墙软件,
2. 集成安全通讯、匿名和数据保护工具
3. live 系统,无痕迹,
4. 重要软件亲自编译。



Telegram channel:
Forwarded from 隐私增强型 和 live 操作系统
「LiveSlak」本周更新:https://github.com/mdrights/LiveSlak 包括:更新一些自添加的软件:Tor-nonprism(修复防火墙规则);Icecat-hardened(用户配置改为无痕浏览和默认socks5代理;升级 shadowsocks-libev至3.1.0;新增 Signal-Desktop;Libreoffice 新增中文包,即界面默认为中文了;新增ssr脚本和 ss-redir透明代理脚本(详情见《用户手册》)
2024/05/03 15:37:40
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