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TEXT: Mass exposure to technological innovations in the workplace has come too recently for psychologists to reach a consensus on its societal implications.

QUESTION: Our knowledge of the effects of technology on workers is still limited.

Yes, No, or Not Given?
Diyorbek's IELTS | 9.0
TEXT: Mass exposure to technological innovations in the workplace has come too recently for psychologists to reach a consensus on its societal implications. QUESTION: Our knowledge of the effects of technology on workers is still limited. Yes, No, or Not…
The correct answer is YES.

The text states that "Mass exposure to technological innovations in the workplace has come too recently for psychologists to reach a consensus on its societal implications." This implies that our knowledge of the effects of technology on workers (societal implications in the workplace) is still limited, as psychologists have not yet reached a consensus due to the recent nature of this mass exposure. - Claude's explanation.

I can understand if you chose Not Given because the part about "societal implications" is kinda redundant. But the focus here is on "limited", for which there is a synonym in the text. Overall, it is a bad question because it is from a very old passage.

If you are taking CDI IELTS, consider doing old passages. They keep giving those on CDI exams.
For example, there is passage 2 about smog in London, which is a very old passage, but keeps appearing in CDI exams
🖥 PC games — 37.1 billion dollars
📱 Mobile games — 92.6 billion dollars
🎮 Console games — 56.1 billion dollars

Let’s assume this 2023 report was given in the form of table in IELTS Writing Task 1 question.

Can you make one sentence comparing the figures for given categories?
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Two advantages and two disadvantages for video games 🎮 in the subtitle
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Describe an occasion when you had to wait for a long time for someone or something to arrive.

So this was probably about 10 years ago! I was at my friend's house and he told me that he bought a couple of pairs of gym shoes for a ridiculous price. I can't recall exactly how much, but they were certainly a bargain! Anyway, he gave me the details of the website, AliExpress, I ordered a pair of shoes.. and that was that!

Well.. it felt like a lifetime! I think they took over a month to arrive. I guess because they were coming from China. My friend did give me a heads up prior to ordering, but I don't know... I just assumed that mine might be delivered quicker! It wasn't a massive issue.. I wasn't in a time crunch and I'm a pretty patient person anyway. I don't think I even tracked the order. I just waited for it to arrive.

So yea.. When it arrived, I felt pretty excited and upbeat because of the wait. Now, here comes the painful part! I opened them up and they were the worst quality shoes I had ever bought! I tried them on and they honestly felt like walking on an old worn out carpet! It was devastating! But I guess I couldn't complain since they costed nothing. But you know, like my mum always says, you get what you pay for! I think it just sucks when you are anticipating something and then the outcome doesn't meet your expectation! I still wore them and got a lot of use out of them!

To sum up the whole experience, I'd say that it was an interesting trial,
but a total disaster and there isn't a hope in hell that I'll be
ordering from them again!

April 27 results ⬇️
Laziza completed Ulugbek’s Pre-IELTS and then IELTS groups for four months and got an overall 7.0 in her first attempt. She studied at our center for about 4 months.

Teacher: Ulug’bek Umidjonov

Natija qilmoqchi bo’lsangiz kurslarimizga ro’yxatdan o’ting.

📩 @diyorbeksielts_admin
Javohir completed Jo’rabek’s Pre-IELTS and then IELTS courses and got a 7.0 as well. He studied at our center for 5 months.

Teacher: Jo’rabek Sanokulov

Natija qilmoqchi bo’lsangiz kurslarimizga ro’yxatdan o’ting.

📩 @diyorbeksielts_admin
Aziza completed the same courses and studied in our center for four months and achieved an overall 7.0 too.

Teacher: Jo’rabek Sanokulov

Natija qilmoqchi bo’lsangiz kurslarimizga ro’yxatdan o’ting.

📩 @diyorbeksielts_admin
Nozima studied in my group for 3 months and got a 7.0.

Natija qilmoqchi bo’lsangiz kurslarimizga ro’yxatdan o’ting.

📩 @diyorbeksielts_admin
Ruxshona completed the same group as Nozima, and she got an overall 7.0 too.

Natija qilmoqchi bo’lsangiz kurslarimizga ro’yxatdan o’ting.

📩 @diyorbeksielts_admin
Before I continue posting results, I believe BC is giving better scores than IDP for Speaking.
2024/06/11 22:29:12
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