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📸 Heads of delegations take part in the #FamilyPhoto ceremony ahead of the "BRICS Plus" Ministerial Meeting

📍 Nizhny Novgorod, June 11

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🎙 Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s opening remarks at a meeting with Foreign Minister of the People’s Republic of China Wang Yi on the sidelines of the #BRICS Foreign Ministers Meeting (Nizhny Novgorod, June 10, 2024)

💬 We are happy to welcome you to Nizhny Novgorod, the capital of the Volga Federal District and the Nizhny Novgorod Region, which actively cooperates with the People’s Republic of China, including through the implementation of the well-known and beneficial Volga-Yangtze project.

During our recent meeting in Astana, we exchanged thoughts on the traditional Russian-Chinese Summit, which took place in May of this year. Our Presidents outlined the main direction for advancing our strategic cooperation in the context of the comprehensive partnership between Russia and China.

We have a special responsibility for foreign policy coordination, primarily at the UN Security Council, #BRICS, #SCO, #G20, #APEC, and other multilateral formats. The Global Majority countries have an increasingly positive perception of our engagement with our Chinese friends. The number of our opinion allies and countries interested in cooperation with BRICS and the SCO is steadily expanding.

Today’s ministerial meeting, the first after BRICS’ enlargement, will be dedicated to discussing these trends and charting guidelines for further development and determination. We will submit these to our leaders at the summit in Kazan in October 2024.

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🇷🇺🇧🇷 On June 10, Sergey Lavrov held a meeting with Foreign Minister of the Federative Republic of Brazil Mauro Vieira on the sidelines of the BRICS Foreign Ministers Meeting in Nizhny Novgorod.

The Ministers had a productive and engaging discussion on various issues concerning the bilateral strategic partnership. They focused on the key aspects of Moscow-Brasilia collaboration at international platforms, primarily #BRICS and the #G20, as both countries are holding the chairmanship of these associations throughout 2024.

Additionally, the Foreign Ministers aligned their positions on a number of international and regional matters, including the situation in Ukraine.

🤝 The meeting took place in a warm and friendly atmosphere, which is a traditional feature of Russian-Brazilian interactions.

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🇷🇺🇿🇦 On June 10, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov met with Minister of International Relations and Cooperation of South Africa Naledi Pandor on the sidelines of the #BRICS Foreign Ministers meeting in Nizhny Novgorod.

The meeting focused on topical issues of bilateral strategical partnership, with an emphasis on expanding trade and economic cooperation. Both Parties expressed an interest in deepening political dialogue and reaffirmed their commitment to effective cooperation at the #UN, #BRICS, the #G20 and other international platforms.

The participants also discussed further opportunities for the contribution of South Africa and a number of other representatives of the Global South in finding solutions to the Ukraine crisis proceeding from the common understanding of the origins and causes of the crisis.

During the discussion on Middle East issues, concerns were raised about the ongoing escalation in the zone of the Palestinian-Israeli confrontation. Additionally, the Ministers considered some aspects of the current situation in Africa and Europe.

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🇷🇺🇮🇷 On June 10, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov met with Acting Foreign Minister of the Islamic Republic of Iran Ali Bagheri Kani on the sidelines of the #BRICS Foreign Ministers meeting in Nizhny Novgorod.

During the meeting, Minister Lavrov once again expressed his deepest condolences to his Iranian counterpart over the tragic death of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi and Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian. He acknowledged their significant contribution to the development of multifaceted cooperation between the two countries. In response, Mr Bagheri Kani expressed his gratitude for the sincere sympathy and empathy shown by the top political leadership of the Russian Federation and all Russians towards the people of Iran. He emphasised that this gesture will always be remembered in Iran.

The Ministers emphasised the importance of continuing efforts to establish a strategic partnership between Russia and Iran in accordance with the political guidelines set by the leaders of the two states. Both Parties reaffirmed their commitment to the unconditional implementation of all projects and areas of cooperation agreed upon under the Government of Ebrahim Raisi.

An in-depth discussion was held on the main international and regional issues of mutual interest, including cooperation within BRICS and the #SCO.

The Ministers gave special attention to the finalisation of a new comprehensive interstate agreement, the main parameters of which have been coordinated by both Parties.

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🇷🇺🇱🇦 On June 10, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov met with Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of the Lao People’s Democratic Republic Saleumxay Kommasith in the BRICS Plus/Outreach format on the sidelines of the #BRICS Foreign Ministers Meeting in Nizhny Novgorod.

During the meeting, the Ministers discussed the state of Russia-Laos strategic partnership, as well as the prospects for further advancement. They focused on the implementation of agreements reached following talks between the Leaders of the two countries in Moscow on May 9.

The discussion also covered regional and global issues of mutual interest, as well as the #RussiaASEAN Dialogue Partnership in the context of the Lao People’s Democratic Republic’s chairmanship of #ASEAN in 2024. Additionally, they exchanged views on interaction within the #SCO and other multilateral formats, including BRICS.

The conversation took place in a friendly and trust-based atmosphere, which is a traditional feature of Russia-Laos relations.

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🇷🇺🇪🇹 On June 10, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov met with Foreign Minister of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Taye Atskeselassie on the sidelines of the #BRICS Foreign Ministers meeting in Nizhny Novgorod.

The discussion focused on key areas for enhancing mutually beneficial bilateral cooperation, trade, economy, science, technology and humanitarian ties.

Moscow and Addis Ababa reiterated their commitment to strengthening political dialogue and close coordination of approaches within the #UN and #BRICS, including in the context of the Russia’s BRICS presidency.

The two Ministers held a confidential discussion on engagement at the UN and other international organisations. Detailed discussions were held on conflicts in Africa, with a specific emphasis on the situation in the Horn of Africa.

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🇷🇺🇹🇭 On June 10, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov met with Foreign Minister of the Kingdom of Thailand Maris Sangiampongsa on the sidelines of the meeting of the #BRICS Foreign Ministers in Nizhny Novgorod.

During the conversation, prospects for the development of Russian-Thai cooperation in priority areas were discussed, including promoting political dialogue, further building up trade and economic ties and cultural exchanges, as well as issues of combining efforts on international platforms.

Current issues on the regional agenda were discussed.

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🇷🇺🇻🇪 On June 11, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov met with Foreign Minister of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela Yvan Gil on the sidelines of the #BRICS Foreign Ministers Meeting in Nizhny Novgorod.

During the meeting, the foreign ministers noted that Russia and Venezuela share similar perspectives on global and regional matters. They reiterated their dedication to building a genuinely multipolar world and advocating for strict adherence to international law, while renouncing unilateral coercive measures. They conducted a comprehensive synchronisation of their foreign policy approaches to enhance coordination, notably within the framework of the Group of Friends in Defence of the UN Charter.

The Russian side welcomed Venezuela’s interest in joining BRICS.

🤝 The Ministers highlighted the advancing bilateral relations, in line with their strategic partnership, emphasising the importance of enhancing political dialogue and broadening ties in trade, investment, science, technology, as well as cultural and humanitarian exchanges.

Russia reiterated its ongoing support for the efforts of Nicolas Maduro’s Government to stabilise the internal situation, particularly with regard to the upcoming presidential elections scheduled for July this year.

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🇷🇺🇪🇬 On June 10, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov met with Foreign Minister of the Arab Republic of Egypt Sameh Shoukry on the sidelines of the #BRICS Foreign Ministers Meeting in Nizhny Novgorod.

During their conversation, the Officials discussed various important aspects of the Middle East agenda, with a particular focus on the current escalation in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. They emphasised the urgent need to increase international efforts to achieve a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip and provide sustainable humanitarian access to the area, ensuring necessary assistance to the population of the Palestinian enclave.

The Ministers also explored ways to further strengthen the traditionally friendly Russian-Egyptian relations, including efforts to maintain political dialogue and advancing trade, economic, cultural and humanitarian ties.

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🇷🇺🇹🇷 On June 11, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov met with Foreign Minister of the Republic of Türkiye Hakan Fidan on the sidelines of the #BRICS Foreign Ministers Meeting in Nizhny Novgorod.

The Ministers exchanged views on the ongoing bilateral political dialogue and trade and economic cooperation. The Russian Side emphasised the importance of maintaining close interaction to address current issues, expand ties, and explore promising areas of cooperation further.

The meeting participants discussed various aspects of the international agenda, including the situation in the Middle East and South Caucasus, as well as developments on certain international platforms. Sergey Lavrov briefed his Turkish counterpart on the priorities of Russia’s chairmanship in BRICS. The Russian Federation’s key assessments of the situation concerning the Ukrainian conflict were also outlined.

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🇷🇺🇸🇦 On June 10, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov met with Foreign Minister of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Faisal bin Farhan Al Saud on the sidelines of the #BRICS Foreign Ministers Meeting in Nizhny Novgorod.

The two countries’ Ministers focused on the prospects of further cooperation in various areas of bilateral relations.

They had an in-depth discussion on topical issues on the global and regional agendas and reaffirmed their shared position on the need to consolidate collective efforts to ensure political and diplomatic settlements of acute crises on the Middle East, including the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, as quickly as possible.

Media is too big
🎙 Видеообращение С.В.Лаврова к участникам церемонии открытия отделения Посольства Российской Федерации в Боснии и Герцеговине в Баня-Луке (11 июня 2024 года)

💬 Момент поистине исторический – не каждый день в мире открывается новая дипломатическая миссия Российской Федерации. Очень рады тому, что это происходит в дружественной Республике Сербской.

Расширение дипломатического корпуса в Баня-Луке – свидетельство возрастающих значимости и авторитета Республики Сербской как участника международных процессов в соответствии с Дейтонским мирным соглашением. <...>

Наши связи с Республикой Сербской сегодня переживают небывалый подъём. Регулярный характер носят контакты на высшем и высоком уровне. Поддерживается плотный и доверительный политический диалог, в том числе по парламентской линии.

🤝 В Республике работают крупные российские экономические операторы, реализуются значимые инвестиционные проекты. Налажены разветвлённые связи в сферах культуры, образования, науки и спорта. Всё это формирует обширную двустороннюю повестку, которую необходимо не просто активно реализовывать, но и постоянно обновлять, искать новые направления и формы сотрудничества.

Приоритетное внимание будем уделять возведению в Баня-Луке русско-сербского храма и культурно-духовного центра. Считаем этот проект важнейшей составляющей для укрепления связывающих наши народы братских уз.

Продолжим развивать контакты между вузами России и Республики Сербской. Приветствуем начало работы Центра открытого образования на русском языке и преподавания русского языка на базе Университета в Восточном Сараево, ожидаем запуск аналогичного центра в Баня-Лукском университете.

С теплотой в сердце видим насколько сильны и искренни традиции антифашизма в сербском народе. Республика Сербская – поистине оплот исторической правды и борьбы с попытками искажения истории. Ежегодные массовые акции «Бессмертного полка» – яркое тому подтверждение.

❗️ Нельзя предавать забвению подвиги наших предков. Здесь мы с вами на одной – единственно правильной – стороне истории. Будем совместно продолжать отстаивать правду, свободу, справедливость.

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🇷🇺🇺🇸 Ответ Посла России в США А.И.Антонова на вопрос СМИ

: Уважаемый Анатолий Иванович, как бы Вы прокомментировали появившуюся в СМИ информацию о решении администрации снять ограничения на поставки американского оружия украинскому батальону «Азов»?

💬 А.И.Антонов: Мы, действительно, видели публикации в местной прессе на сей счет. Подобные шаги Вашингтона применительно к откровенно националистическому формированию не могут вызывать ничего, кроме крайнего возмущения. Причем в данном случае самые серьезные озабоченности возникают не только в отношении стратегии Америки на Украине, но и применительно к подходам США в сфере борьбы с терроризмом.

• Мы являемся свидетелями продолжающегося роста террористической активности в мире. Это кошмарное явление отравляет жизнь гражданам в разных странах, причем Соединенные Штаты - не исключение. Могу подтвердить, что сообщения с угрозами в адрес, например, российского посольства поступают практически ежедневно. Причем не только руководству, но и рядовым дипломатам.

• Ужас в том, что власти США своей русофобской политикой таким тенденциям только попустительствуют. Так, мы прекрасно знаем, что в некоторых штатах, прежде всего на западном побережье, собираются группы выходцев с Украины и симпатизирующих Киеву релокантов из нашей страны. Кто-то молодежь пестует, муштрует, накачивает ядовитой пропагандой. Готовит к заброске на поле боя на Востоке Европы, а может быть и к другим бандитским выходкам. На это тратятся большие деньги. И вряд ли организация подобных экстремистских ячеек проходит незамеченной для правоохранительных органов. Однако ничего не делается, несмотря на очевидные риски.

• Напомним администрации старую русскую поговорку: «Не рой другому яму, сам в нее попадешь». Нынешняя ситуация, в том числе вокруг возможного возобновления «накачки» оружием неонацистов из «Азова», не может не напоминать о плачевном опыте США на Ближнем Востоке. Американские специальные службы и военные неоднократно поощряли - ради борьбы с «общим врагом» - появление вооруженных групп то в Афганистане, то в Ираке. Результатом же становились кошмарные явления вроде ИГИЛ. Гибель сотен тысяч мирных граждан. Миллионы беженцев, в т.ч. в Европе. Затягивание кровавых конфликтов на десятилетия.

• Российская позиция в отношении необходимости борьбы с терроризмом - четкая и последовательная. Мы выступаем за многостороннее сотрудничество и взаимодействие для искоренения этой раковой опухоли. Россия против политизированных попыток делить преступников на «хороших и плохих». Ублюдков без родины и без совести надо наказывать и изолировать, а не использовать в конъюнктурных целях.
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🇷🇺🇺🇸 Ambassador Anatoly Antonov’s answer to a media question

: Dear Ambassador Antonov, how would you comment on the information in the media about the administration's decision to lift restrictions on U.S. arms supplies to the Ukrainian Azov battalion?

💬 Anatoly Antonov: We indeed saw publications on this topic in the local press. Such steps by Washington in relation to an openly nationalist formation can cause nothing but extreme indignation. Moreover, in this case, the most serious concerns arise not only in relation to America’s strategy in Ukraine, but also in relation to US approaches in the fight against terrorism.

• We are witnessing a continued increase in terrorist activity around the world. This nightmarish phenomenon is poisoning the lives of citizens in various countries, and the United States is no exception. I can confirm that we receive threatening messages against, for example, the Russian Embassy on an almost daily basis. And not only to the leadership, but also to ordinary diplomats.

• The horror is that the United States authorities, through their Russophobic policy, only condone such tendencies. For example, we know very well that in some states, primarily on the west coast, groups of natives of Ukraine and relocants from our country sympathetic to Kiev are gathering. Someone is nurturing, mentoring, pumping poisonous propaganda into these youths. They are being prepared to be sent to the battlefield in Eastern Europe, and maybe to other bandit antics. A lot of money is being spent on this. And the organization of such extremist cells hardly goes unnoticed by law enforcement agencies. However, nothing is done despite the obvious risks.

• Let us remind the administration of the old Russian saying: “Don't dig a hole for someone else, you will fall into it yourself”. The current situation, including the possible resumption of the “pumping” of weapons into the neo-Nazis from Azov, cannot but remind us of the deplorable experience of the United States in the Middle East. The U.S. special services and military have repeatedly encouraged - for the sake of fighting a “common enemy” - the emergence of armed groups in Afghanistan and Iraq. The result has been nightmarish phenomena like ISIS. The deaths of hundreds of thousands of civilians. Millions of refugees, including in Europe. The prolongation of bloody conflicts for decades.

• Russia's position on the need to combat terrorism is clear and consistent. We are in favour of multilateral co-operation to eradicate this cancer. Russia is against politicized attempts to divide criminals into “good and bad”. Bastards without a homeland and without conscience should be punished and isolated, not used for opportunistic purposes.
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2024/06/12 03:46:57
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