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We hope you aren't experiencing too much anger today. But, we know it happens. When was the last time you were irate, livid, or furious? Or, were you just a little irritated? How do you usually deal with others that are angry? Let us know your experience below. #synonyms
Higher education can sometimes be pricey in the United States. When calculating the cost of tuition, students should also consider their cost of living.
Besides tuition expenses, what are some of the other things you had to pay for while you were studying at college or university?
We have some important #synonyms for you today! Take a look at the graphic below. What is the most important thing you have to do today? What's something significant that happened this week? Have you had a momentous month? What's the most consequential thing that has ever happened to you? Share your experience with us in the comments below. #synonyms
What comes to mind when you think of the word powerful? It might be physical strength, but there are many #synonyms for powerful that go beyond the physical. Check out the words in the graphic below. Then, try making some example sentences in the comments 💪 #synonyms
We hope this post finds you having a peaceful day. If you're not, what can you do to calm your mind? What would help you feel tranquil or serene? We want to know what gives you peace. Check out these #synonyms for "peaceful" and let us know in the comments.
Do you know someone who is always cheery? Could you describe them as positive, upbeat, or chipper? Tell us about who and what makes you cheery in the comments below. Try using some of these #synonyms for cheery in your sentences. That'll make us cheery as well 😀
If you're happy and you know it clap your hands! 👏👏 Today's #synonyms are for happy! Let us know what is making you happy today by using some of the synonyms from the graphic below.
The adjective "playful' often brings young children to mind. Children are spirited, lighthearted, and lively. Who do you know that has a playful personality? Tag them or tell us about them in the comments with today's #synonyms for playful.
Knowing how to effectively search the internet will give digital citizens access to a world of information and save them a lot of time. Take a look at the graphic below for our tips on successful searching. What are your search habits? Are you very specific or do you roam around the internet? Share with us below. #DigitalLiteracy #SmallTalk
It can be easy to get angry, especially when living through a pandemic. Some people feel enraged when they drive in heavy traffic. Others get ticked off or incensed at small things. It's not always as easy to calm down once we get angry. Breathing exercises or music can sometimes help. What do you do to calm down if you're peeved at something or someone? Use some of the words from the graphic below to let us know in the comments #synonyms
Last weekend I went on a long and strenuous hike in the mountains. When was the last time you did something hard or tough? Take a look at the #synonyms for the word difficult below and let us know in the comments.
Most of us appreciate when someone does something kind for us. It can also make us feel good to do something kind for others. Check out the #synonyms for kind in the graphic below and tell us about the last time someone was kind to you. How did it make you feel? Let us know in the comments.
We love making new posts for our pages, and we hope you enjoy seeing them. What kinds of things do you create, produce, or construct? Have you ever invented something or a new way of doing things? Try out these #synonyms for make in the comments below!
Big old houses, creepy crawly spiders, and ghastly ghosts: all these things can be scary. What sorts of things do you find scary? Try using some of the #synonyms for scary below to let us know!
We hope this post finds you someplace comfy or cozy and feeling relaxed. We're sharing #synonyms for "comfortable." What things, places, and people help you feel snug and comfortable? Let us know in the comments!
We're back this month with more #synonyms, words that have similar meanings as other words. First up: admire. Try using some of the synonyms below to tell us about someone or something that you revere, appreciate, or look up to.
Great! Grand! Wonderful! There are many ways to say "great" in English. Check out the graphics below and tell us about something excellent or superb that has happened to you recently. #Synonyms
Next up in our synonyms' series is the adjective "playful." Do you know someone who is lively, lighthearted, or perky? Tell us about them in the comments. #Synonyms
Identity theft is a serious and scary thing. Identity thieves can use your personal information to access your money, open a credit card in your name, or make your life miserable. What steps can good digital citizens take to protect themselves from identity theft? Share your tips in the comments. #DigitalCitizenship
Do you know someone who is really funny? Would you describe them as witty, humorous, or hilarious? Maybe that person is you! Try using these synonyms for "funny" and let us know about the funny person in your life. #Synonyms
2024/06/01 00:48:30
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