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You're not alone, God is for you and will never leave you. Fight all of your battles in prayer and then let God do the rest..
Maybe we were just a love story that was never meant to have a happy ending, maybe we were too good to be true and now there's nothing left for us to do
- but maybe somewhere along the way you'll find a piece of me in an unexpected place and it'll remind you of our summer nights, it'll remind you of all the times when it was only you and me and there was nothing between us but what the night could bring and maybe we were better than we ever thought we could be, but maybe there is more for you than nights with me.
Whenever Eid comes, it brings a lot of happiness and memories with it. I wish these memories be the more precious ones for you! Wishing you smiles & all things nice. May this Eid bring all the comforts you have ever wanted, And all the joy & laughter you have ever wished .

Happy Eid Mubarak.🤍
You were supposed to be the one who comforts me, and now it's you who gave me all the trauma I never wished for..!
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Prioritize you. Put yourself first. It may sound harsh, but the reality is not everyone has a soft and gentle nature like yours. Most of the time people are only concerned about themselves. You matter and you hold high value, choose yourself. 🤍
"Maybe right now it feels like nothing will ever get better and that your mind might only wander to everything that could go wrong or situations that will stress you out.
But darling, there are so many good things in the world - good things that will happen to you. Think about all the beaches we are going to see, all the concerts we are going to go to, all the people we have not met yet, all the places and cities we are going to visit, all the recipes we are going to try out, and all the endless opportunities we will be offered.
Your mind may portray the future as dark and scary but that does not mean that it is. You are going to bloom and you are going to be happy. Your future shines so bright. Please do not listen to the voices in your head; instead of imagining everything that could fail, imagine everything that can (and will) go right".

.. 🌸💙
- I don’t know who needs to read this BUT....

Stop Doubting Yourself
Stop Procrastinating
Stop Being Negative
Stop Being Mean
Stop complaining
Stop wasting time
Stop Listening to Haters
Stop daydreaming about the future
Stop doing something just to fit in
Stop living to please others
Stop blaming other people
Stop dwelling on past mistakes
Stop giving empty promises
Stop lying to yourself.
Stop spending time with wrong people
Stop worrying too much.
Stop comparing yourself with anyone
Stop trying to be someone you’re not
Stop hating your body
Stop trying to impress others
Stop running from your problems
Stop being jealous of others.
Stop trying to make things perfect
Stop acting like everything is fine if it isn’t.
Stop blaming others for your troubles
Stop trying to be everything to everyone.


.. 🌸💙
“To be creative means to be in love with life. You can be creative only if you love life enough that you want to enhance its beauty, you want to bring a little more music to it, a little more poetry to it, a little more dance to it.”

― Osho
The thing that you're struggling with, that no one seems to understand, that makes you feel weak and inadequate....That very thing will become the source of strength that connects you to the hearts and lives you were meant to touch. Don't give up. 💙

Someone still talks about the old you because they do not have access to the new you. Hold the key. Don't give them permission to stay near at your door. Keep it shut for toxic people.
You know yourself better than anyone else. Their labels and judgement are nothing when God knows your value and worth.
Keep shining. Keep growing.Keep doing what is best for you. 💙
At night when the stars light up my room, I sit by myself talking to the moon.

One day, I'm gonna meet my missing moon..! 💙
Never forget how they gave you distance when all you needed was love..!
"I hope you find the kind of moments that take your breath away. The kind of moments that change you. I hope you travel to places that cleanse you; I hope you go to concerts that ring through your bones and make you feel alive. I hope you connect with the small things—I hope you look at someone mid- conversation and you feel your stomach surge with the feelings you have for them. I hope you surround yourself with the kinds of friends that encourage your spontaneity, that are always there for you. I hope you live. Truly. I hope you don’t hold back. There is so much to feel in this world. I hope you feel it all."

-Bianca Sparacino
You don't have to respond to every act of provocation whether its online or offline. You should not be easily controlled by those who are out to trigger a reaction in you. Know your worth. Maintain your calm. Remain focused. You have so much more to offer.
"You can still be the person you want to be, my love. Mistakes, setbacks and bad days do not erase your progress. No matter how tough life might seem at the moment, remember that you are still rising despite the weight. Bad days do not make you a bad person. Accept them as they come, let yourself feel and then learn from them. A difficult time does not take away your growth - difficult times actually help you become the person you are meant to be. You are doing such a great job.".

Overthinking has the capacity to affect multiple areas of our lives. Worrying and overthinking is something that we all experience at some point in our lives, however when it's left unchecked or if we let those thoughts overpower us,it can take a toll on our well-being. Dwelling on those same thoughts can be mentally exhausting. Sometimes, quieting our thoughts requires stepping outside of our usual perspective. How we see the world is usually shaped by our life experiences, values, principles and assumptions. Considering things from a different point of view can help us work through those troubling repetitive thoughts. Overthinking is the result of one fact of human existence- we all have patterns to our behaviour. These patterns develop based on our life experiences. Now just as these patterns are learned, they can also be unlearned. Something to always remember- Learn to manage your stress rather than have it manage you.

.. 🤍🌸
Make time to be with yourself and do more of what brings peace. Don't underestimate the power of watching sunsets while taking a walk, joking and laughing with your loved ones, giving break to your mind & listening more to your heart, body & soul. This is the minimum you deserve.🌸
Every Night, It's An Endless Battle Between Sleep And thoughts...
​​Pain doesn't just show up in our lives for no reason. It's a sign something needs to change.🌸
Don't take it to heart

Ignore the hurtful words of a toxic person. Sometimes he himself does not understand what he is talking about. We agree that such statements or complaints are difficult to ignore, and even more difficult to overcome emotions and not give a negative reaction. It's not your problem. You don't have to apologize, worry, or explain anything.
2024/06/12 05:16:31
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