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Migrating 500+ Tests from Mocha to Node.js

A quick retrospective of how the Astro team migrated more than 500 test suites from Mocha to the Node.js test runner. -

Vue Templates: Should They Start from the Top or the Bottom?

A question arises: "Some people and projects write SFCs differently, especially the order of template, script and style tags.”. This blog post shares an opinionated view on the best way to structure your Single File Components. -

From 0 to Production - A Modern React Tutorial

I’d be surprised if you’re not familiar with Theo, but if not, let’s just say he’s a popular developer YouTuber 😉 He may become even more popular thank to this video which, over three hours, covers modern React app development, complete with server components, Next.js, TypeScript, the Drizzle ORM, pnpm, and shadcn/ui. -

How to Implement Rate Limiting in Express.js

A practical walk through a simple setup. A viable option against certain bots and users, though not a universal solution for DDoS or determined attackers. -

How to Use Vue Router: A Complete Tutorial

One of the most powerful features of modern single-page web applications (SPA) is routing. Vue Router is the official library for page navigation in Vue applications. This article will go over everything you need to know to use Vue Router comfortably. -

A Better Frontend Component Structure: Component Trees

As we create large applications, deducing how components are connected and interact becomes a challenge. In this article, the author provides a solution to easily avoid frontend component directories with high cognitive load. -

A Trip Report from the Latest Node.js Collaboration Summit

Twice a year, Node's collaborators and community members meet at collaboration summits to share knowledge, discuss problems, and flesh out new ideas. The last one took place in London earlier this month and featured discussion on Node’s HTTP stack, a new node --run feature, ES modules support, package management, and more. A good update! -

Should AVIF Be the Dominant Image Format on the Web?

Tim Severien explores how AVIF compares to competing image formats like JPEG and WebP. -

Stateful Logic Reuse ft. Composables

Code reuse is arguably one of the most satisfying experiences of a developer's life. Since it leads to lesser code to manage. This blogpost provides insight into what the term "Stateful” means. -

2024/06/01 02:28:17
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