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In the meanwhile Mapflow plugin got more than 68K downloads in total. 😉 Great to hear about the applications discovered by the external experts.
This week we've been invited to conduct a practical seminar for MSU students (faculty of geography and faculty of space research) by the faculty senior research scientist Mikhail Zimin. It was nice to visit MSU after a long time. Hopefully, it was also useful for those looking forward to becoming geospatial and mapping professionals to learn about scalable methods and tools to analyse Earth Observation data and to produce mapping on a large scale.

Following the seminar, we discussed some UI improvements that we are going to implement in the next version of the #Mapflow-#QGIS plugin to make it easier and more intuitive to get started with. 😉
The hottest spot on the Mapflow usage map ever is the Reunion Island (if weighted by processing cost and density), where our customers mapped all the populated infrastructure in the area of 2,500 km². Thanks to them for trusting our product and look for their success story that will be published on our website.
Media is too big
We wish you all the warmest season greetings and share Geoalert Mapping and Happenings in 2023 🤗
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New Year retro meeting 😊
Roads in South Africa: Maps vs Aerial Imagery

If you are following our blog, we promised to tell about the hottest spot on the Mapflow usage map (there was a small island of ~2,500 km² where our customers mapped all the urban infrastructure).
Thanks to our customer Pauline from AGORAH agence d'urbanisme de La Réunion here we come with a user story:
"Our goal is to create an assessment of urban sprawl on the island. We use the buildings model by #Mapflow to extract rooftops from the imagery of high resolution. Mapflow is very easy to use and the buildings model shows good results!"
We also got a piece of AGORAH's work showing the comparison of AI mapping with ground truth data. Given these results, we are looking forward to providing a better experience for urban mapping and planning solutions.
We'll be speaking at the webinar: "Introduction to Geospatial AI tools..." organized by the Mongolian Geospatial Association, featuring our friends from @geosemantica
The webinar will be conducted in English on February 7.
Welcome to join, resigter here. 👈
From the user #feedback following the application of Segment-anything model to some airport area. The application of such output is limited as there's a lot of clutter, and the rating is low as the user might have expected smth more relevant. And still, the picture is interesting to look at and to explorer the details.
The way you can visually detect anomalies in #3Dbuildingfootprints extracted with #Mapflow. 😉
Qgis2threejs is a useful plugin for #QGIS that you can leverage upon downloading the results with the Mapflow plugin.
It takes a minute to detect and fix the issue, the rest is OK.
(BTW If you want to try Mapflow 3Dbuildings send us a request by email as it's still in experimental mode and not available by default)
It's been a while since the open public webinars. So we decided to do it more often and joined this one dedicated to the Mongolian #Geospatial community, thanks to the organizers from GeoMedeelel and other participants from @geosemantica

Following the webinar, we got some feedback from the user who tried to detect yurts with the buildings model, so the results were poor as buildings and yurts look quite different.

As #Mapflow doesn't host the custom models (like for yurt detection) and provides a limited list of the models available by default, contact us if you plan a specific project so we can upgrade your account to have access to some custom models.

Check our webinar recording here
From the #Mapflow user #feedbackagricultural fields segmentation in Iran.
Last week we got 30 rated results. Avg rating is 3.76 ⭐️
Meet the new version of #Mapflow-#QGIS plugin (v. 2.5.0).

The big thing here is OAuth2 (read more about how to set up oAuth in QGIS) – a new and more secure way to login.
You will not need to get API token (the most frequently asked question about Mapflow is "where can I obtain API token?"), so you can use your regular Mapflow email and password the same as for the web App.
We are planning to make it the only way to log-in to Mapflow, but currently it is a new and experimental feature, so we will be grateful for your feedback if anything works wrong / unclear! You can switch this new option off and use your token just like before.

And as always, improvements and bugfixes:
- now "clear search" really makes the table clean from the previous search results
- we started working on Projects so you can select a project to fetch all processings data from. This is gonna be a useful feature for those who have many processing to sort them out and organize by some semantics or geographical regions. It's available in the "Settings" tab (however, no UI to Create Projects so far, use the appropriate method in API to create the new one)
2024/05/28 22:48:39
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