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πŸ‡¨πŸ‡­St. Gallen GayPride

The following chants were shouted at a GayPride in St. Gallen:

Your children will be like us -
your children are already queer!

No god. no state, no patriarchy!

Against machos and sexists:
fight the power, fight the cistem!

Do away with machoism -
against every role thinking!

What really pisses us off?
Classification into "woman" and "man"!

Better queer and full of life,
than uptight and straight!

We are queer and we are loud,
because you steal our future!

TERFs are in every city,
Form gangs, crush them!

We stay true to our motto:
queer, perverted and work-shy!

Straight is not a mandatory -
queer-hostility is disgusting!
"In searching the pages of its brief but eventful history I could find no more terrific indictment of bolshevism and I. WW.'ism than its own authoritative records, which prove conclusively that bolshevism is the autocratic rule of the lowest, least intelligent, least able class who believe that by "direct action" and "force" they can terrorize our people into turning over to them the conduct, ownership, and control of everything. Strikingly ignorant, malignantly cruel, with no concept of history, with but an elementary knowledge of social production, with little productive capacity, with no constructive ability, this movement in our country would be ludicrous were it not for the sentimental, weak-minded followers who, steeped in idealism and fanaticism, really believe in a bolshevik Utopia, where free milk will run in the water mains and life may be supported without toil, where knowledge may be gained without effort, and where the established truths of the centuries will be overthrown by soviet resolutions."
πŸ‡¨πŸ‡­Swiss Church Rewrites the Bible to be Queer Affirmative

[Source] (German)
2024/06/10 05:01:17
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