Injective Launches Gas Compression: Lowest Transaction Costs in History

Injective today is introducing one of the largest technical breakthroughs to date with the release of gas compression, making transaction costs on Injective the lowest in all of crypto.

For instance, minting 1,000 NFTs on Injective will cost merely $0.30 which is over 100X lower than the cost Ethereum or 500% lower than the cost on a chain such as Polygon. High frequency traders or dApps requiring complex transactions can achieve sending hundreds or even thousands of transactions per second at a fraction of the cost relative to any other chain.

In essence, now any transaction whether that be for staking, trading on a dApp, lending, minting an NFT, voting on a gov proposal and more will incur effectively zero cost.

It is truly the beginning of a new age for Injective and Web3 as a whole.

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The First Ever Omnichain Domain Release for Injective and Solana

The first ever omnichain domain name service has officially launched on mainnet, vastly enhancing the user experience across Solana and Injective.

Anyone can now can use and build dApps across Solana and Injective using the same domain, further unifying the two ecosystems.

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Ethena Shards Expand Beyond Ethereum, Launching Exclusively on Injective

Ethena is integrating with Injective today, marking its first expansion outside of the Ethereum ecosystem.

Both the Injective and the broader IBC community now have access to USDe, enabling users to earn Ethena Shards beginning on March 11th.

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Injective Launches inEVM on Mainnet: The First Rollup to Hyperscale Concurrent VM Development @everyone

inEVM enables Ethereum developers to build dApps that leverage blazing fast speeds & near zero fees while achieving composability across WASM and EVM

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Clusters, the fastest growing cross-chain naming protocol, has officially integrated Injective address support.

Clusters, will now allow any Injective user and wallet to directly have one shared identity across Ethereum, Injective and Solana 🚀

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Today, Injective is unveiling the Ionic upgrade to the Injective Bridge.

Advanced interoperability meets superior UX with near 0 fees.

Now users can take advantage of a one click bridging experience across chains like Solana, Cosmos and Ethereum.

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SA World is announcing a major move to migrate their gaming platform from Polygon and BNB Chain to exclusively launch on the Injective ecosystem.

SA World, one of the largest gaming platforms with over 500,000 users can now leverage Injective’s unmatched tech 🎮

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INJ 3.0 is coming to Injective to bring the ultimate upgrade to Injective tokenomics, making $INJ the most deflationary asset to date.

The new proposal would directly reduce the supply of INJ at a rapid rate.

The gov discussion is now live on the Injective forum: Link
Injective is teaming up with Jambo to bring seamless Web3 access to users globally.

Starting now, a number of Injective dApps will be available on the JamboPhone, enabling millions of new users to access the Injective ecosystem.

Jambo is the largest Web3 mobile infrastructure company, creating affordable mobile phones for emerging markets.

Injective dApps such as Ninji Wallet are already integrated onto the JamboPhone, providing a seamless gateway into the broader Injective ecosystem.

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Injective's $INJ 3.0 governance proposal is live!

If the proposal passes, the largest upgrade to $INJ's tokenomics will occur, making it one of the most deflationary assets to date.

🗳️ INJ stakers and validators have 4 days to vote for IIP-392: Link
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INJ 3.0 is officially live on mainnet, allowing $INJ to become one of the most deflationary assets in all of crypto.

Over the next two years, the supply of INJ will be decreased on an accelerated pace.

A new era of Injective begins now.

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XION Integrates Injective as the First Blockchain for its Chain Abstraction Layer

Injective has integrated with XION, the first L1 built for mainstream adoption through generalized abstraction 🔥

This integration sets the stage for non-crypto natives to onboard onto Injective, advancing the mission to democratize finance through decentralization.

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Today, Injective is unveiling a major enhancement to the groundbreaking $INJ burn auction 🔥

Now, anyone, dApps, protocols and for the first time ever, individual community members are able to contribute to the weekly burn.

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$BTC Total Transactions: 1 Billion
$INJ Total Transactions: 600 Million

Arbitrum and Injective are Together Pioneering Novel Interoperable EVM Infrastructure

inEVM is unveiling its integration with Arbitrum today!

By customizing Arbitrum’s unique Orbit stack, inEVM unlocks new frontiers for developers everywhere, empowering them with lightning fast speeds and robust interoperability.

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Today, Four Pillars released an extensive report analyzing Injective, its robust tech stack, its integrated multi VM development framework and much more.

Four Pillars is one of the fastest growing institutional research firms in Web3.

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Fireblocks Integrates Injective to Expand Institutional Access

The worlds leading digital asset custodian, Fireblocks, has integrated Injective to accelerate institutional adoption.

Now some of the largest institutions can directly access $INJ and seamlessly onboard onto the Injective ecosystem.

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Binance Pay Integrates Injective to Expand Real World INJ Access

Binance Pay has officially integrated INJ, allowing 30 Million+ users globally to make payments and shop using INJ.

Flights, hotels and more can all be purchased using INJ, enabling mass real world access for the Injective ecosystem.

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2024/06/03 11:13:19
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