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Islamic Bookshelf
Nahj al-Balāghah: The Wisdom and Eloquence of ʿAlī (Parallel English-Arabic Text)

About the book

Taken from Brill

Nahj al-Balāghah, the celebrated compendium of orations, letters, and sayings of ʿAlī ibn Abī Ṭālib (d. 40/661) compiled by al-Sharīf al-Raḍī (d. 406/1015), is a masterpiece of Arabic literature and Islamic wisdom studied and memorized avidly and continually for over a thousand years. Showcasing ʿAlī’s life and travails in his own words, it also transcribes his profound reflections on piety and virtue, and on just and compassionate governance. Tahera Qutbuddin’s meticulously researched critical edition based on the earliest 5th/11th-century manuscripts, with a lucid, annotated facing-page translation, brings to the modern reader the power and beauty of this influential text, and confirms the aptness of Raḍī’s title, “The Way of Eloquence.”

Note-Not everything in the book can authentically be attributed to Imam Ali. There are many errors and Shi’ite biases. With that being said, many Sunni scholars have attested to the authenticity of parts of the work. It is of great value as a text to study in the field of rhetoric.
The parallel English-Arabic text is especially useful for students.

About the author

Sharif Al Radi was a Twelver Usuli scholar who lived from 970 to 1015 AD. He was an author of a commentary on the Qur’an among other writings. He is most well known for compiling Nahj al Balaghah

Nahj al Balaghah also has many commentaries on it. Some of the most famous ones include the Sharh of the Mutazali Shafi’i scholar Ibn Abi’l Hadid (d.1258AD), the Sharh by the Zaydi scholar Al-Mu'ayyad Yahya who ruled Yemen from 1328-1346 AD, and the Sharh by the modernist Shaykh Muhammad Abduh (d.1905AD)

About the translator

Taken from Brill

Tahera Qutbuddin
, Ph.D. (1999), Harvard University, is AlBabtain Laudian Professor of Arabic at The University of Oxford. Author of the award-winning Arabic Oration: Art and Function (Brill, 2019), she has published widely on Islamic preaching, Muḥammad’s ḥadīth, ʿAlī’s sermons, Fatimid poetry, Tayyibi Bohra literature, and Arabic in India.
The Alliance Between the Knights Templars and The Ismaili Assassins

A narrative that has been popularized over the past 15 years due to the Assassin’s Creed video game series is that the Templars were enemies of the Assassins.

While many of the games in this series are excellent and have much historical accuracy, there are many lies peddled in them as well.
The reality is that the Assassins (“Hashashin”/Hashish Users) had much in common with the Templars and they actively aided each other.

This piece by the Turkish researcher Mehmet Hasan Bulut is a very good summary of the situation. It is of little surprise that the descendants of the Assassins, like the Aga Khan, enjoy such favors from the enemies of Islam today.

The assassination methods of the Assassins were similar to those of the Jewish Sicarii originating in Palestine in the first century B.C. (Sicarii is the plural of Latin "sicarius" and means "dagger-wielder.") Just as the Sicarii covertly attacked the Romans – but mostly to their coreligionists who collaborated with the Romans – the Assassins hid a dagger under their cloaks and stabbed their targets by approaching them silently during the daytime. There was, however, one key difference between the Sicarii and Assassins: While the Sicarii surprised their targets by crying out loud as if they were a relative of the soon-to-be victim, the Assassins waited silently in the shadows, accepting and anticipating their imminent attack.

In 1192 AD, there were roughly 4,000 Jews who were members of the Assassins. They always targeted Sunni figures. Key Sunni figures who were assassinated by them include the famous Seljuk vizier Nizam al Mulk, Sharaf al Din Mawdud, and a host of other rulers, scholars, and Qadis. They even attempted to assassinate Sultan Salahuddin Ayyubi himself. Sultan Salahuddin testified that the Assassins and Templars were both working together.
Forwarded from The Foreword (Mahdi)
This will be on Monday Insha'Allah; our second session discussing Pinnacle Papers Volume 3: A Unique Pedagogical Approach in the Qur'an.

Please join us!

9 PM Singapore time is 2 PM UK time, 9 AM EST. (If you are in North America and the time is not convenient, please consider joining the Arkview Arabic Book Club.)
For the last several months, we have seen a lot of incredibly brave and commendable activism for Palestine, from encampments to more visceral action. However, these activists, for the most part, are not driven by Islam, instead, many of them, are influenced by decolonial theory - a body of work that attempts to dismantle the colonial edifice on all its levels, but also has certain positions and ideas antithetical to normative Islam. The question for Muslims is are these two worldviews completely contradictory or is somewhat of a reconciliation possible?

The Karima Foundation is offering this 5-week course looking at decolonial thought, what it is, and then dissecting it vis a vis Islam. There will be responses, critiques and also attempted reconciliations. This is a very important course for any Muslim interested in activism, politics and political philosophy.


For more info:
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New Publication in the Classical Text Series (via Ummatics)
Mālikī Authorities on the Imamate
by Dr. Shadee Elmasry

"The following excerpts represent the Mālikī school on the nature, obligation, and reasoning behind the imamate, the preconditions of the Imām, the obligation to obey the Imām, and the circumstances that obligate disobeying him. The authors of these excerpts, listed chronologically, are from among the most authoritative sources in the school: Ibn Yūnus, Ibn Rushd al-Jadd, Khalīl, Ibn Nājī, and al-Nafrāwī."
Talmudic Exceptionalism and Chutzpah

Live by the Law or Die on the Cross”
This is the rather provocative title of Jeremy England’s new piece.

First let us mention a brief biography of him for those unaware..
He is a physicist, an expert in AI, and he has also developed a theory on the origin of life, he has been touted as “the next Darwin”.
He is respected in academia because he went to Harvard, then Oxford, then Stanford, and he began teaching at MIT. He has worked for pharmaceutical giant drug kingpins GlaxoSmithKline (look up all the multi billion pound lawsuits) and other companies.

Many online have been shocked at how openly Zionist the message is and it calling for the annexation of the Gaza Strip.
Jeremy England calls for Israel to behave with complete disregard for international law (which the author says is a vestige of Christianity). He also states that Israel “must stop pretending it is a nation like any other.”
According to the author, since the Jews are God’s chosen people and face a battle for their lives, they must resort to the Talmud and nothing else.
The ends justify the means according to Jeremy England. It doesn’t matter if the rest of the world regards Israel as a criminal state, Israel is to be judged by its own standards and nothing else.

The above appears startling only to those unfamiliar with the methods of the Yahud.
However, we are not surprised at the least.
Quoting extensively from the Talmud, Jeremy England displays typical Zionist chutzpah.

This should serve as multiple lessons for Muslims…
1. The Zionists get away with saying stuff that no one else would. Imagine if a Muslim academic had written the same words about killing righteous enemies or said “We judge by the Sharia and nothing else. Let the international community do what it will.”
Look at the backlash the Kansas City Chiefs player Harrison Butker (not a priest, unlike the rabbi Jeremy England) got simply for talking about masculinity and the role of women in the home, and of the Bible, at the Benedictine College.
2. Watering down the religion for the kuffar is of no benefit. We must deliver our message in a complete, articulate, holistic manner, without all the liberal fluff.
3. Muslims must show others that the Zionists and their globalist enablers are the common enemies of all of humanity. It is clear that Sharia is fair and is the only alternative to the Talmud and the globohomo system we are all living in.
4. The Western media in general is for more deceitful than the Israeli media and the top Jewish intellectuals. At least the Israelis are honest. 90% of them are genocidal lunatics and don’t hide their hatred for the rest of the world.
5. It must also be noted that Jeremy England brags in the article about how he went to Oxford as a Rhodes Scholar. The Rhodes Scholarship is the oldest scholarship in the world, set up by none other than Cecil Rhodes himself. Rhodes was the owner of the De Beers Diamond group, bankrolled by the Rothschilds. His Rhodes Scholarships were set up with the explicit purpose of promoting a one world government. Always keep an eye on each year’s batch of Rhodes Scholars. We will make a separate post on this topic in the future.
Can’t seem to find a hard copy of this book anywhere. Amazon is selling it for $5,000.
Islamic Bookshelf
Can’t seem to find a hard copy of this book anywhere. Amazon is selling it for $5,000.
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Thankfully Archive has the PDF of the work.
State of Terror: How Terrorism Created Modern Israel by Thomas Suarez.

The excellent Israeli historian Ilan Pappe writes about this work

“A tour de force, based on diligent archival research that looks boldly at the impact of Zionism on Palestine and its people in the first part of the 20th century. The book is the first comprehensive and structured analysis of the violence and terror employed by the Zionist movement and later the state of Israel against the people of Palestine. Much of the suffering we witness today can be explained and connected to this formative period covered thoroughly in this book.”
Forwarded from The Foreword (Mahdi)
Healing with the Qur'an

In a world plagued by depression and anxiety, join us for an 8-week course with Shaykh Mahdi Lock as we delve into these issues and the causes and treatment according to the Quran. Based on the teachings of Imam Muhammad Said Ramadan al-Buti, this course will unveil hidden causes often overlooked within a secular paradigm, thereby offering a unique perspective and promising an insightful exploration of these prevalent mental health issues.

Insha'Allah, this course will offer spiritual enrichment, guiding students to improve their relationship with Allah, to detach from worldly concerns, purify hearts, and understand their purpose. Please don’t miss this opportunity to gain valuable insights and tools for emotional wellbeing.

🔹8 week online course
🔹Mondays 8-9pm
🔹Starts Monday 1st July
🔹Delivered by Shaykh Mahdi Lock
🔹Early bird ends soon!


More info: [email protected]
WhatsApp: 07479 545574
Dar al-Imam Mustafa Sabri is excited to announce the list of scholarly works that will be soon available for purchase from us —
-In Usul al-Din (Islamic theology):

‏شرح أسماء اللّه للإمام الرازي.

Imam al-Razi’s Sharh Asma’ Allāh al-Husna.

تحقيق الإقتصاد للشيخ الطاهر عبد المجيد.

Tahqiq al-Iqtisad of al-Ghazali by Shaykh al-Tahir ‘Abd al-Majid.

التحقيق التام في علم الكلام للسيد محمد الحسيني.

al-Tahqiq al-Tam Fi ‘Ilm al-Kalam by al-Sayyid Muhammad al-Husayni.

شرح العضدية للعلامة الدواني.

Sharh al-’Aqaïd al-‘Adudiyya by Imam al-Dawani.

-In Mantiq (Logic):

علم المنطق الحديث للدكتور محمد حسنين.

‘Ilm al-Mantiq al-Hadith by Dr. Muhammad Hasanayn.

شرح السلم مع تقريرات الشمس الأنبابي للإمام الباجوري.

Commentary on al-Sullam with al-Imam al-Anbabi’s comments by al-Imam al-Bajuri.

حاشية على المطلع شرح ايساغوجي ويليه شرح المتن للشيخ عليش.

Commentary on al-Mutala', the commentary of Isagoge followed by a commentary on the text of isagoge by al-Shaykh ‘Illish.

شرح الشمسية للقطب الرازي مع حاشية السيد الجرجاني وتعليقات الشيخ محمد بيصار.

Commentary of al-Shamsiya by al-Qutb al-Razi alongside its commentary by al-Sharif al-Jurjani and the comments of al-Shaykh Muhammad Bisār on it.

-In Usul al-Fiqh (legal theory):

قمع أهل الزيغ والإلحاد عن الطعن في الاجتهاد الشيخ الجكني الشنقيطي.

Qam’ Ahl al-zaygh wa al-Ilhad ‘An al-Ta’n fi al-Ijtihad but al-Shaykh al-Jukani al-Shanqiti.

منهاج الوصول إلى علم الأصول للقاضي البيضاوي.

Minhaj al-Wusul Ila ‘Ilm al-Usul by al-Qadi al-Baydawi.

الوسيط في أصول فقه الحنفية عرض البحوث القسم الثاني من كتاب التوضيح شرح التنقيح لصدر الشريعة للشيخ أحمد فهمي.

al-Wasit Fi ‘Ilm Usul Fiqh al-Hanafiya, exposition of the researches in the second section of al-Tawdih Sharh al-Tanqih of Sadr al-Shari’a by Shaykh Ahmad Fahmi.

-In Nahw and Sarf (grammar and morphology):

شرح الآجرومية لشيخ الإسلام أحمد دحلان.

Sharh al-Ajrumiyya by Shaykh al-Islam Ahmad Dahlan.

فتح رب البرية على الدرة البهية للإمام الباجوري.

Fath Rabb al-Bariyya ‘ala al-Durah al-Bahiyya by al-Imam al-Bajuri.

حاشية على شرح شذور الذهب للأمير.

Commentary on the commentary of Shudur al-dahab by al-Amir.

الخلاصة السنية في القواعد النحوية والصرفية للعلامة الشبراخيتي.

al-Khulasa al-Saniyya fi al-Qawa’id al-Nahawiyya wa al-Sarfiyyah by Imam al-Shubrakhiti.

*All of these books were carefully picked up depending on the accessibility of people's to it and the audience's needs. They are suitable for beginners and mediators alike, and beneficial to both students and scholars.*

Fauci’s Confession

Dr. Anthony Fauci has confessed that the six feet social distancing, masks for children, and other covid protocols were all baseless.

We have been exposing this since 2020. Let this be a lesson for all the so called maulanas, shuyukh, etc that wished to “follow the experts”.
This is what happens when you don’t research and blindly trust kuffar who have all sold their souls for money.

Muslims must have their own experts in every field. And no, someone from a Muslim background who went to medical school and studied the Rockefeller curriculum like all the other retarded kafir doctors, does not count as a Muslim medical expert.
Shame on all the fools who barred people from coming to mosques, who forced people to wear masks and distance in mosques, and who encouraged them to get the toxic vaccines.

The damage has already been done.
We pray that in the future the masses of Muslims (especially those gullible ones in the West, many in Muslim countries didn’t care about the covid protocols) don’t fall for such nonsense.
The insults and abuse hurled at us and our friends for simply sharing books and documentaries during the “pandemic” can be forgiven.

But the damage done by lockdowns and vaccines is permanent. God will deal justly with those ulama who enabled them.
Forwarded from Rigel Publishing
‘Islam Answers Atheism’ by Asrar Rashid now available in Pakistan 🇵🇰! Buy today at:
Which locations would you like us to ship to? (Trying to get an idea of how we will prioritize shipping)
Anonymous Poll
Middle East
Forwarded from The Foreword (Mahdi)

Alhamdulilah, a new blog post.

This extract from al-Fiqh al-Manhaji offers a day-to-day summary of how to perform the Hajj, which is not normally found in fiqh books.
The Future of Food
If it is true that “you are what you eat,” as the old adage has it, then what does that make us?
As consumers of heavily processed, chemically treated, GMO-infested gunk, we in the modern, developed world have solved the problem of hunger that plagued our forebears since time immemorial by handing our food sovereignty over to a handful of corporate conglomerates.
The result of this handover has been the creation of a factory farming system in which genetically engineered crops are doused in glyphosate and livestock are herded into tiny pens where they live their entire lives in fetid squalor, pumped up with antibiotics and growth hormones until they are slaughtered and shipped off to the supermarkets and fast food chains.
There are plenty of documentaries and exposés detailing the dangers of this industrial farming system that we find ourselves beholden to. Any number of activists ringing the alarm about these problems. Numerous campaigns and marches organized to raise awareness about these issues.
Yet still, nation after nation gets fatter and sicker as traditional diets based on fresh produce sourced from local farmers are displaced by the fast food pink slime sourced from the industrial farms of the Big Food oligopoly.
But, as bad as things may be, they’re about to get even worse. As crisis after crisis disrupts the food supply, the “solution” to these problems has already been prepared.
New technologies are coming online that threaten to upend our understanding of food altogether. Technologies that could, ultimately, begin altering the human species itself.
This is your guide to The Future of Food.
(via The Corbett Report)

This is an excellent new video by James Corbett. This is the link to the full video with the transcript and sources

This is a link to Henry Kissinger’s startling 1974 memorandum on “Overpopulation” and the geo-strategic use of birth control and food control. The title page is the image used in the picture above.
Forwarded from Asrar Rashid Official
Join in to Shaykh Umar Vadillo’s discourses on the Muslim perspective of economy.
Forwarded from Asrar Rashid Official
This new edition of the late Shaykh Hashim Yusuf alRifai's work 'Advice to Our Brothers the Scholars of Najd' has a new introduction by Asrar Rashid. This is recommended essential reading:
2024/06/17 01:19:26
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