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📚💼Greetings to all IT Auditors in our community!

When it comes to advancing your career in IT Audit, it's all about continuous learning and professional growth. Here are some of the most recognized qualifications that can help you reach new heights:

1️⃣ CISA (Certified Information Systems Auditor): The CISA certification is globally recognized as the standard of achievement for those who audit, control, monitor, and assess an organization's information technology and business systems.

2️⃣ CISSP (Certified Information Systems Security Professional): A highly respected certification in the IT industry, CISSP showcases an individual's knowledge of cybersecurity strategy and hands-on implementation.

3️⃣ CISM (Certified Information Security Manager): CISM is a leading certification for management-focused IT professionals, particularly those involved in information security governance, program development and management, incident management, and risk management.

4️⃣ CRISC (Certified in Risk and Information Systems Control): This certification is for IT professionals, project managers, and others whose role includes managing and identifying risks through appropriate Information Systems (IS) controls.

5️⃣ CGEIT (Certified in the Governance of Enterprise IT): CGEIT provides a professional advantage by demonstrating an understanding of the interface between IT governance and the business, and the capacity to drive improvements in the governance of IT.

Always remember, these qualifications not only help in career progression but also broaden your understanding and competency in the field. It's crucial to identify which certifications align best with your career goals.

Stay tuned for more career development tips, and keep auditing! 💻🔍
🔒📊 In today's digital world, securing critical applications and data is paramount. As part of our ongoing series on IT audit, we've gathered some common interview questions and potential responses that provide insight into how IT professionals approach this critical task.

🔐🔒 "What steps do you take to verify that only authorised personnel have access to critical applications?"
"To validate that only individuals with the right permissions can access our vital applications, we utilise a multi-layered approach. Firstly, we establish a robust role-based access control (RBAC) system 🗝️. This model ensures that each user has access rights only to the resources that are necessary for their job functions. Secondly, we enforce strong authentication protocols such as two-factor authentication (2FA) 🔒, which adds an extra layer of security.
Moreover, we conduct regular audits of our access control lists to catch any potential discrepancies or anomalies 🔍. If a user's role within the organisation changes, we promptly update their permissions to reflect their new responsibilities, removing access to any systems no longer relevant to their role. Lastly, we provide our employees with continuous education and training on the importance of information security to further bolster our defence against unauthorised access 🏋️‍♂️."

🔐🚧 "How do you enforce segregation of duties to prevent one person from performing conflicting functions in an application?"
"In order to enforce the segregation of duties and prevent any individual from performing conflicting functions within an application, we've established a rigorous system of checks and balances 🕵️‍♀️. This begins with a thorough analysis of each role and the responsibilities it entails, to identify any potential areas of overlap or conflict.
Following this, we assign roles and permissions within our applications in such a way that no single individual can control an entire process ⚙️. For instance, in the case of a financial application, the person responsible for creating a payment request would not have the ability to approve the same request.
We also make use of advanced access control systems, which allow us to finely tune permissions and ensure a clear separation of duties 📋. This is backed up by regular audits and reviews of these permissions, ensuring that they remain appropriate and that segregation of duties is maintained over time 🧐.
In addition, we have implemented robust reporting and monitoring systems, which help us to detect any unusual or inappropriate activities promptly 🔍. This multi-pronged approach ensures a robust implementation of the segregation of duties principle across all our applications 🤝."

🚧💻 "Can you explain how you ensure that applications are developed, maintained, and tested in a secure manner?"
“We take a holistic, security-first approach to the development, maintenance, and testing of our applications 📚.
From the outset, security is a paramount consideration during the development process. Our developers are trained in secure coding practices and are familiar with common vulnerabilities and how to avoid them 🎓. We use a DevSecOps model, integrating security practices into our DevOps processes. This includes activities like threat modelling, secure code reviews, and automated security testing in the continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipeline 🛠️.
Maintenance and updates of applications are performed in a controlled manner. We have a patch management process in place that ensures timely application of security patches 🧩. Any changes to the applications are done following the change management process, which includes risk assessment, testing, and approval before deployment 🔄.
Testing is a crucial part of our security approach. We carry out rigorous penetration testing and vulnerability assessments to identify and rectify any security flaws. Automated security scanning tools are used throughout the development process to catch any potential vulnerabilities early.
We also participate in bug bounty programs, welcoming external security researchers to discover and report potential vulnerabilities 🐛.
By incorporating these practices, we ensure that our applications are developed, maintained, and tested in a manner that prioritises security 🚀.”

🔒🔐 "How do you enforce password policies to ensure that users have complex passwords and change them regularly?"
"We have implemented a stringent password policy to ensure that all users create complex, hard-to-guess passwords and update them regularly 🛡️. Our policy mandates the use of a mix of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters to increase password complexity. The minimum length for passwords is set to a standard that balances usability and security, often at least eight characters.
To ensure passwords are changed regularly, users are prompted to update their passwords every 90 days. We also prohibit password recycling to prevent users from reusing old passwords.
Enforcement of these password policies is automated through our identity and access management system. It does not allow the creation of non-compliant passwords and automatically triggers password change prompts when required.
Moreover, we educate our users about the importance of secure password practices, including not sharing passwords, not writing them down, and not using the same password for multiple services. We believe that enforcing strict password policies, coupled with user education, is key to maintaining our system's security 🗝️."

🔎🔍 "Can you give an example of how you monitor application activity to detect suspicious behavior or potential security threats?"
"We utilise advanced security information and event management (SIEM) systems and intrusion detection systems (IDS) to monitor our application activity continuously 🕵️‍♂️. These systems collect and analyse logs from our applications and infrastructure for signs of suspicious activity or potential security threats.
For instance, if there is an unusually high number of failed login attempts from a particular user account or IP address, it may indicate a brute force attack attempt. Similarly, any activity outside of typical working hours or from a new, unrecognised location could be a sign of a potential security breach.
Furthermore, we use user and entity behaviour analytics (UEBA) to establish a baseline of 'normal' behaviour for our users and systems. Deviations from this norm, such as a user accessing data they don't usually access or at unusual times, can trigger alerts for further investigation.
In the event of a potential threat, our security team is alerted in real time, allowing for rapid response and mitigation. This proactive approach helps us to identify and address potential security threats before they can cause significant damage 🔒."

🔒🔐 "Have you implemented any specific access controls for sensitive data or applications? Can you give an example?"
"We have implemented robust access controls tailored specifically for our sensitive data and applications 🔒. For example, we employ a role-based access control (RBAC) system 🤝. In this system, access permissions are based on the roles of individual users within the organisation. Each role comes with specific privileges necessary to perform that role, and nothing more. This way, we ensure that individuals have access only to the information and systems that are necessary for their job function.
For instance, in a healthcare setting, a general practitioner may need to access a patient's medical history, but they do not need access to the billing system. Conversely, a billing clerk may need access to the billing system, but they do not require access to medical records. With RBAC, we can enforce these restrictions to ensure the principle of least privilege.
In addition, for particularly sensitive data, we employ multi-factor authentication (MFA) protocols. This adds an extra layer of security, as users must provide two or more pieces of evidence to authenticate their identity before accessing the data.
Furthermore, we have implemented data encryption both at rest and in transit. This means that even if someone were to gain unauthorised access to our systems, the data they could access would be unreadable without the correct decryption keys.
Regular audits of our access controls ensure that they remain effective and appropriate over time, and any necessary adjustments can be made promptly 🧐."

🔒📑 "How do you ensure that applications are compliant with relevant regulatory requirements?"
"Ensuring that our applications are compliant with all relevant regulatory requirements is a multi-step process that requires constant vigilance and a proactive approach.
Firstly, we begin by understanding the regulatory landscape that is relevant to our applications. This includes regulations such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) for data privacy, the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) for payment card data, and potentially others depending on the specific nature of the application and the industries we serve.
Our legal and compliance teams work closely with our technical teams to translate these regulatory requirements into technical controls and processes that can be implemented within our applications. This can include things like data encryption, access controls, audit logging, and more.
We then carry out regular audits to ensure these controls are working as intended and that our applications remain compliant over time. These audits are both internal, carried out by our own compliance teams, and external, carried out by independent third-party auditors.
In addition to these regular audits, we also conduct risk assessments to identify any potential areas of non-compliance and to evaluate the effectiveness of our current controls. Any findings from these risk assessments are used to continuously improve our compliance posture.
Finally, we provide ongoing training to our staff to ensure they are aware of the regulatory requirements and their responsibilities when it comes to compliance. This ensures that compliance is not just a box-ticking exercise, but a fundamental part of our organisational culture 📊."

🔒🚫 "Have you had any incidents where application controls failed? If so, what were the circumstances, and what steps have you taken to prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future?"
"We have had instances in the past where application controls did not perform as expected. One notable incident involved a configuration error that inadvertently granted certain users more permissions than they should have had.
This was identified during a routine internal audit. Upon discovery, our immediate action was to correct the configuration and revoke the inappropriate access rights. Fortunately, our investigation showed that the over-privileged access had not been misused.
Following the incident, we conducted a thorough root cause analysis. The analysis revealed that the issue arose due to a lack of clarity in the change management process. To prevent such an occurrence in the future, we revised our change management procedures to include more stringent checks and balances. We also increased the frequency of our internal audits and introduced automated systems to alert us to any changes in user permissions.
Furthermore, we conducted additional training for our team to ensure a clear understanding of the access control principles and the importance of adhering to the procedures laid out in the change management process.
We see such incidents as opportunities for learning and improvement, and we are committed to continuously enhancing our security posture to prevent future occurrences 🚧."

🚧🔍 "How do you prioritize application security risks and determine appropriate mitigation measures?"
"Our approach to prioritising application security risks is largely governed by a risk-based approach, guided by principles of risk assessment and risk management.
Initially, we perform a thorough risk assessment of each application.
This involves identifying potential threats and vulnerabilities, assessing the potential impact of those threats should they materialise, and evaluating the likelihood of their occurrence. For instance, a threat that could cause significant damage and is likely to occur would be given a high priority.
Once we have identified and prioritised the risks, we develop a risk treatment plan. This involves deciding on the most appropriate way to deal with each risk. Options can include accepting the risk, avoiding the risk, transferring the risk (e.g., through insurance), or mitigating the risk through the implementation of security controls.
The choice of mitigation measures is guided by the nature of the risk, its potential impact, and its priority. We generally aim to apply the principle of 'defence in depth', implementing multiple layers of security controls to provide redundancy and ensure that no single point of failure exists.
Once mitigation measures have been implemented, we continue to monitor and review the risks, adjusting our priorities and strategies as necessary. This is a dynamic process, as the threat landscape is constantly changing and evolving.
For instance, if we identified SQL injection as a high-risk threat to our application, we might prioritise input validation and parameterised queries as key security controls. On the other hand, for a lower-risk threat, we might decide that the existing controls are sufficient and that additional measures would not be cost-effective.
In essence, our approach is to continuously assess, prioritise, and treat risks, ensuring that our resources are effectively utilised to reduce risk to an acceptable level 🛡️."

🚧🔒 "Finally, how do you ensure ongoing testing and maintenance of application controls to minimize the risk of security incidents?"
"We have a comprehensive strategy in place to ensure the ongoing testing and maintenance of our application controls, which aims to minimise the risk of security incidents.
Firstly, we conduct regular audits of our application controls. These audits, carried out both internally and by external third parties, help to ensure that our controls are functioning as expected and that they continue to align with our security objectives.
In addition to these audits, we perform regular vulnerability assessments and penetration testing. These exercises simulate the tactics and techniques of potential attackers, helping us to identify any weaknesses in our application controls before they can be exploited in a real-world scenario.
We also make use of automated security scanning tools. These tools are integrated into our development pipeline and can identify common security issues in real-time as code is being developed.
When it comes to maintenance, we have a robust patch management process in place. This ensures that our applications are always up-to-date with the latest security patches and updates, minimising the risk of exploitation.
Moreover, we closely monitor the security landscape for emerging threats and vulnerabilities. When new risks are identified, we can quickly assess their potential impact on our applications and implement any necessary mitigations.
Finally, we invest in continuous training and education for our team. This ensures that they stay up-to-date with the latest security practices and can effectively maintain our application controls.
In short, through a combination of regular testing, proactive maintenance, and ongoing education, we aim to keep our application controls robust and effective, minimising the risk of security incidents 🚀."
Greetings all! 👋 Today we're discussing a pivotal aspect of modern business operations: IT Governance. 🌐

IT Governance isn't just a buzzword; it’s the backbone of well-managed digital operations, facilitating strategic alignment, risk management, and resource optimisation. 🎯💼🔒

Our trusted friends in this process? Two comprehensive frameworks known as COBIT and ITIL. 📚🖥️

First up, COBIT, which stands for 'Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology.' 📋 With a focus on bridging the gap between business risks, technical issues, and control requirements, it provides an invaluable framework for effective IT governance.

The beauty of COBIT lies in its ability to assist in aligning the IT strategy with business objectives. It creates an intricate roadmap that, when followed, fosters strategic harmony and bolsters business success. The end result? A tighter alignment of your IT landscape with the business side of things, leading to improved performance and value creation. 🎯💪

Then we have ITIL, or 'Information Technology Infrastructure Library.' 🛠️ Acting as a toolbox of sorts, ITIL focuses on the alignment and integration of IT services with the needs and objectives of the business.

A key strength of ITIL is its emphasis on managing IT resources more effectively. This allows us to ensure that no penny or process is wasted, leading to a lean, efficient IT machine. When applied correctly, ITIL not only optimises resource allocation but also refines service delivery, contributing to an enhanced customer experience. 💰⚙️

So, why is all this important? Well, in a world where businesses are increasingly dependent on IT services, strong IT governance is an absolute game-changer. It brings clarity to complexity, aligns strategy, manages risks, and optimises resources. And the frameworks like COBIT and ITIL are indispensable tools to get us there. ⚖️🌐💡

The takeaway here is simple: Embrace IT governance, leverage the likes of COBIT and ITIL, and watch your organisation flourish in an ever-evolving digital landscape. Dive into IT governance; your future self will thank you. 💼🚀

#ITGovernance #COBIT #ITIL #BusinessStrategy #RiskManagement #ResourceOptimisation #DigitalTransformation
🔐 Application Security Auditing: A Deep Dive 🔍

Ever wondered what goes into making an application secure? Let's unravel the layers of Application Security Auditing. 📱💻

1️⃣ Code Reviews 🧾 Our journey begins with meticulous code reviews, where our expert team scrutinizes every line of code written. This isn't a cursory glance - we're looking for potential vulnerabilities, code smells, and inefficiencies. Our aim? To create a solid, secure foundation for our software, making sure the first building block is as sturdy as it can be. 👁️‍🗨️

2️⃣ Static Analysis 📄 Next, we leverage state-of-the-art tools to perform static analysis. This involves evaluating the code without executing it, finding potential weaknesses and security risks. It's like proof-reading a book before it's published - we're looking for plot holes and inconsistencies that might impact the story later on. 🧐

3️⃣ Dynamic Analysis 🔄 But we don't stop there. We also conduct dynamic analysis, running the software in varied environments and inputs. This helps us uncover vulnerabilities that might only show up when the code is in action. It's like test-driving a car - you want to make sure it performs well on the road, not just in theory. 🚗💨

4️⃣ Secure Development Practices 🔒 And finally, we embed secure development practices into our DNA. Security isn't an afterthought - it forms the basis of our development process. We make sure that every step we take, every line of code we write, adheres to industry-best secure practices. We're committed to delivering apps that are not just functional, but secure and trustworthy as well. 🛡️👍

We'll continue to share insights into our security auditing process, so stay tuned! And remember, we're always here for your questions and feedback. 📮🗨️

Together, we can build a safer, more secure digital world. 🌐💪
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Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery:🌪🔥🌊

In today's digital era, the role of IT in underpinning almost every aspect of an organisation's operations cannot be understated. From communications 📞 and financial transactions 💳 to daily business processes and customer interactions, IT systems lie at the heart of business functionality. However, what happens when the unexpected strikes, such as a cyberattack 💻⚠️, natural disaster 🌊🔥, or infrastructure failure 🏢? The answer lies in two interconnected strategies: Business Continuity (BC) and Disaster Recovery (DR).

1. Business Continuity: Preparing for the Worst 🚧

BC planning revolves around the concept of ensuring that essential business operations continue to function during and after a disruptive event. It's not just about recovering IT systems, but also about considering how the business can continue to operate if, for instance, a key data centre is inaccessible or a major software application crashes.

A robust BC strategy considers:

- Risk Assessments 📋: Understanding potential threats to the business, their likelihood, and the potential impacts.

- Impact Analysis 💥: Evaluating how interruptions might affect different aspects of the business. This might involve reviewing how a loss of specific IT systems would impact daily operations, customer relations, or financial turnover.

- Strategies and Protocols 📘: These are predefined courses of action that guide businesses during a disruption. It can involve things like rerouting network traffic, moving to temporary offices, or employing remote working 🏡💼.

2. Disaster Recovery: Rebuilding and Recovering 🛠

While BC focuses on maintaining operations, DR zeroes in on the restoration of IT systems after a disaster. This includes data recovery, hardware and software restoration, and getting network infrastructure back online.

Key DR considerations include:

- Data Backups 📦🔒: Regularly backing up data to secure off-site locations ensures that data can be restored swiftly.

- Recovery Time Objective (RTO) : This is the maximum duration of time a business can function without a specific service or application.

- Recovery Point Objective (RPO) 📈: This defines the age of files that must be recovered from backup storage for normal operations to resume. In simpler terms, it denotes how 'old' the restored data can be.

Why Are BC and DR Paramount in IT and InfoSec? 🛡🌐

Given the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity threats and the escalating sophistication of cyberattacks, businesses are in the crosshairs more than ever. A single security breach can compromise sensitive data, denting company reputation and incurring hefty financial losses.

- Ransomware Threats: With ransomware attacks on the rise, having a DR plan can be the difference between paying a hefty ransom and restoring systems to their former state from backups 🔄🔐.

- Data Integrity: Following a cyber breach, it's crucial to have measures in place to verify the integrity of data and systems. This is where BC and DR come hand-in-hand with InfoSec practices.

- Regulatory Compliance: For many sectors, particularly finance and healthcare, regulatory bodies require companies to have a BC and DR plan in place. Non-compliance can result in heavy penalties 💷.

Concluding Thoughts 🌐🔚

In the interwoven worlds of IT and InfoSec, BC and DR aren’t just best practices, but essentials. Businesses that proactively invest in these strategies not only safeguard their operations, assets, and reputation but also enhance resilience against the unforeseen. In a world where uncertainty is a given, preparation and proactive strategy remain the best lines of defence. 🛡🌟


For more insights and updates on IT audits, InfoSec, and more, stay tuned to our Telegram IT Audit channel!
➡️Case Study: Streamlining User Access Management at TechSolutions Ltd. 🔒🔑
TechSolutions Ltd., a leading tech firm in the UK, faced challenges in managing user access to its extensive network. With an expanding workforce of over 5,000 and a diverse range of IT systems, the company grappled with inefficiencies in access provisioning, revocation, and changes. Privileged access management became a pain point, with service accounts being frequently overlooked. They also lacked a periodic user access recertification process.
The Challenge: 🚫💻
1. Access Provisioning: New hires waited days to gain necessary system access, impacting productivity.
2. Access Revocation: Departed employees still had lingering access to systems, posing a security risk.
3. Access Changes: Employees switching roles faced delays in access modifications.
4. Privileged Access Management: A lack of clarity on who had elevated rights meant potential internal security breaches.
5. Service Accounts Management: These were often created ad hoc without a clear audit trail.
6. User Access Recertification: Without a process in place, there was no assurance that users only had necessary and appropriate access.
The Solution: 🔍🛠️
- Automated Access Provisioning: Introduced a system that automatically provisions access based on pre-defined roles. New employees now had access on day one, with systems tailoring according to their role. 🌐🆕
- Immediate Access Revocation: Integrated HR exit procedures with the IT access revocation system. As soon as an employee's departure was recorded in HR, their system access was automatically revoked. 🚷🚪
- Streamlined Access Changes: An employee changing roles triggered an automated workflow that adjusted their access rights in line with their new position. This minimised downtime and reduced the manual workload. ♻️🔄
- Centralised Privileged Access Management: Introduced a single dashboard that monitored and controlled all privileged access. Critical systems flagged any unauthorised access attempts, and alerts were sent out in real-time. 🚫👑
- Service Accounts Audit: Conducted an extensive audit of all service accounts. Instituted a policy of regular audits and mandated documentation for the creation of any new service accounts. 🧾🤖
- Periodic User Access Recertification: Implemented a bi-annual review process where managers had to confirm or adjust the access levels of their direct reports. This ensured employees had only the access they genuinely needed. 🔄
Within a few months, TechSolutions Ltd. witnessed a 60% reduction in access-related complaints from employees. The IT team saved approximately 30 hours a week, previously spent on manually managing access. The company also saw zero breaches from mismanaged internal access for the first time in years, fortifying its internal security posture.
Key Takeaways:
1. Automation is King: Streamlining processes like provisioning and revocation can lead to huge efficiency gains. 🤖👑
2. Consistent Oversight is Essential: Especially with privileged access and service accounts. A singular oversight can be detrimental. 🛡️🔍
3. Recertification isn’t Redundant: It’s an essential component to ensure right access is provided. Regular checks can prevent potential breaches. 🔄
TechSolutions Ltd. serves as a prime example of how systematic overhauls in user access management can lead to operational efficiencies and enhanced security. Their journey underscores the importance of keeping access management systems updated and aligned with the organisation's evolving needs.

Stay tuned to our IT Audit channel for more such insights and case studies! 🔍🌐
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🟡Hello IT Auditors!🕵️‍♂️🕵️‍♀️

Data security is an integral part of our profession. Today, let's dive into the crucial aspect of Database Access Management Controls, with a focus on MS SQL Server, one of the most commonly used database management systems. 🔍🔐

Let's get started! 🚀

🔑 Key Roles in MS SQL Server 🔑

Effective auditing requires a thorough understanding of roles and their privileges. Here are important roles in MS SQL Server:

1. sysadmin: The overseer with full control over the server. 👀
2. serveradmin: Capable of altering server-wide settings and shutting down the server. 🌐
3. securityadmin: Manages logins and their properties. They can GRANT, DENY, and REVOKE server-level permissions, and can reset passwords for SQL Server logins. 🔒
4. dbcreator: Can create, alter, drop, and restore any database. 🏭
5. bulkadmin: Authorized to run the BULK INSERT statement. 📦
6. diskadmin: Administers disk files. 💾
7. setupadmin: Can add and remove linked servers, and execute some system stored procedures. 🖇️
8. db_owner: The keeper of the database, capable of performing any activity within it. 🏦
9. db_accessadmin: Manages access to the database. 🚪
10. db_securityadmin: Manages role membership. 🛡️
11. db_ddladmin: Capable of running any DDL command in a database. 🏗️
12. db_backupoperator: Can back up the database. 📀

Remember, understanding these roles and their responsibilities is key to effective auditing! 🧐

🎯 What Needs To Be Audited? 🎯

Regular audits are essential for maintaining database security. Key areas to focus your audits on include:

- Permissions configurations 📝
- Authentication and password policies 🔐
- Activity monitoring & auditing procedures 👀
- Regular user access reviews 🔄

💡 Extracting Account Data💡

Auditing often involves extracting data. Here is a simple SQL script to extract user account details:

USE [Your_Database_Name];

SELECT pr.principal_id,, pr.type_desc,
pr.authentication_type_desc, pe.state_desc, pe.permission_name
FROM sys.database_principals AS pr
JOIN sys.database_permissions AS pe
ON pr.principal_id = pe.grantee_principal_id;

This script will give you a list of all users, their IDs, names, types, authentication types, and permissions status for your chosen database.

🏁 Final Thoughts 🏁

Effective Access Management is a cornerstone of IT Audit. By understanding roles, conducting regular audits, and utilizing extraction scripts, you can ensure the security of your data.

We hope this exploration of MS SQL Server access management controls was helpful. Your feedback is crucial to us. If you found this post helpful, give us a thumbs up 👍! If not, a thumbs down 👎.

#Database #AccessManagement #MSSQLServer #ITAudit
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Unveiling the Secrets of Joiners/Leavers Testing on MS Windows 🕵️‍♀️💼

Greetings, tech aficionados! Today, we're diving deep into the rabbit hole 🐰 of IT auditing by tackling an evergreen issue—Joiners/Leavers testing for Windows accounts. And guess what? We're doing it the techie way, using PowerShell scripts! 🎩🐇

Setting the Stage 🎭

Joiners and Leavers are like the revolving door 🚪 of your IT environment. You've got newbies needing access (Joiners) and folks clocking out for the last time (Leavers). So, how do you keep tabs on these changing roles without tearing your hair out? 🤯

Enter PowerShell—a knight in shining armour for the IT auditor. ⚔️

Getting Hands-on 🤲

1️⃣ PowerShell for New Account Creation 🆕

If you've got the technical chops, PowerShell is a goldmine. 🏆 Run this basic script to fetch newly created accounts:

Get-LocalUser | Where-Object {$_.Enabled -eq $true -and $_.LastLogon -le (Get-Date).AddDays(-7)}

2️⃣ The Human Element: HR Data 📋

Let's not put all our eggs in one basket 🧺. Cross-reference the PowerShell data with what HR has in its treasure trove. Often, you can get this directly as a spreadsheet or extract it from an HR system using APIs.

Marrying the Two 💍

Let's do a ‘joining of hands’ 👐 between the PowerShell data and the HR data. You could use Excel's VLOOKUP function or, for those who like living on the edge, another PowerShell script to correlate the two sets.

# Assuming $hrData and $psData hold our two sets
Compare-Object $hrData $psData -Property Username

Independent Leavers Extraction 🎣

Sometimes HR may not be as quick on the draw 🤠. We can independently extract leaver data using PowerShell.

Get-LocalUser | Where-Object {$_.Enabled -eq $false -and $_.LastLogon -le (Get-Date).AddDays(-30)}

When Two Worlds Collide 🌍🌏

What's the end game? 🔚 You should be able to identify discrepancies like:

- New accounts not yet documented by HR 🤷
- Accounts belonging to leavers that are still active 🧟‍♂️

The Final Curtain Call 🎭

Performing Joiners/Leavers testing isn’t just crossing the t’s and dotting the i’s; it's essential for keeping your digital fortress 🏰 secure. With PowerShell and some good old HR data, you can be your company's unsung hero! 🦸‍♂️

So, folks, this isn't just a flash in the pan; it's a tried and tested method to keep your IT environment as clean as a whistle. 🎶 Until next time, keep those scripts running! 🏃‍♀️💻

Happy Auditing! 🕵️‍♀️🌈
SAP Modules IT Audit: A Deeper Look 🧐

SAP systems are vast and intricate. As we know, the devil is often in the details. Let's dig deeper into privileged access and change management within our focus modules.

🔍 Privileged Access

Ensuring that only the right individuals have elevated privileges is crucial.

Example: If a user has access to transaction codes (t-codes) such as SE38 (for running ABAP programs) or SE93 (for creating custom t-codes), they can potentially bypass business controls.

Audit Script for Privileged Access:

WHERE B~TCODE IN ('SE38', 'SE93');

This script fetches users with potentially risky t-codes. Such access should be regularly reviewed and justified.

📌 Audit Tip: Always verify the purpose for having privileged access. Temporary access for projects should be revoked immediately after completion.

🔍 Change Management

Changes to system configurations or custom developments can introduce risks if not properly managed.

Example: SAP's Transport Management System (TMS) manages the movement of changes. Unauthorized or untested transports can result in business disruptions.

Audit Script for Change Transports:


This identifies changes in the development system. You'd want to ensure these are properly documented, tested, and authorised.

📌ELECT DISTINCT ATrack changes from development through to production. Every transport should have corresponding documentation and approval.

🔍 Segregation of Duties (SoD)

SoD conflicts can lead to fraud if a single user can perform conflicting tasks, e.g., create a vendor and approve payments to that vendor.

Example: In the MM module, t-codes MK01 (Create Vendor) and FB60 (Enter Vendor Invoice) should not be assigned to the same user.

Audit Script for SoD:


This identifies users with potential SoD conflicts in the MM module.

📌 Audit Tip: Implement automatic SoD checks using tools like SAP Access Control to regularly monitor and report potential conflicts.

🛡️ Wrap-Up: Delving into the specifics of SAP makes it clear that an effective audit requires a mix of technical and functional understanding. Always be proactive and keep abreast of the latest SAP developments and risks.

Remember: In-depth SAP audits can reveal unnoticed vulnerabilities. Stay curious and diligent! 🔎
Case Study: Change Management Controls and Segregation of Environments in SAP R3 and Oracle EBS
Change management controls and segregation of environments are essential for maintaining the integrity and security of enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems such as SAP R3 and Oracle EBS. ERP systems store and process critical business data, so it is important to have robust controls in place to manage changes and prevent unauthorized access.
Change Management Controls
Change management controls are a set of processes and procedures that ensure that changes to ERP systems are made in a controlled and authorized manner. These controls typically include the following steps:
Change request: A change request is initiated by a user or business process owner who needs a change to be made to the ERP system. The change request should describe the change in detail, including the reason for the change, the impact on the system, and the proposed implementation plan.
Change review and approval: The change request is reviewed and approved by a change management board (CMB). The CMB is a group of individuals responsible for assessing the impact of changes and approving or rejecting them.
Change implementation: Once the change is approved, it is implemented by a qualified team of technicians. The team should follow the approved implementation plan and test the change thoroughly before it is deployed to production.
Change deployment: Once the change has been tested and approved, it is deployed to the production environment. The deployment should be closely monitored to ensure that it is successful.
Post-change review: After the change has been deployed, it is important to conduct a post-change review to verify that it has been implemented correctly and that it is meeting its intended purpose.
Segregation of Environments
Segregation of environments is the practice of separating ERP systems into different environments, such as development, testing, and production. This separation of environments helps to prevent unauthorized changes from being made to the production environment and to minimize the impact of changes on production operations.
Practical Examples
Here are some practical examples of change management controls and segregation of environments in SAP R3 and Oracle EBS:
Extracting changes in SAP R3: To extract changes in SAP R3, you can use the Transaction Change Monitor (TCODE: SCC3). The SCC3 transaction allows you to view and track all changes that have been made to SAP objects, such as tables, programs, and function modules.
Sampling changes in SAP R3: To sample changes in SAP R3, you can use the following script:

WHERE CHANGEDATE BETWEEN '2023-09-19' AND '2023-09-20'
LIMIT 100;

This script will select a random sample of 100 changes that were made to SAP objects between September 19 and 20, 2023.
Extracting changes in Oracle EBS: To extract changes in Oracle EBS, you can use the Change Management workbench. The Change Management workbench allows you to view and track all changes that have been made to Oracle EBS objects, such as tables, programs, and forms.
Sampling changes in Oracle EBS: To sample changes in Oracle EBS, you can use the following SQL query:

WHERE CHANGE_DATE BETWEEN '2023-09-19' AND '2023-09-20'
LIMIT 100;

This query will select a random sample of 100 changes that were made to Oracle EBS objects between September 19 and 20, 2023.
Change management controls and segregation of environments are essential for maintaining the integrity and security of ERP systems such as SAP R3 and Oracle EBS. By following the best practices outlined in this case study, you can help to ensure that changes to your ERP system are made in a controlled and authorized manner.
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Case Study: Navigating the Maze of SOC Reporting in IT Audit with Multiple Subservice Organisations

Introduction 📑
In the realm of IT Audit and Information Security, SOC (System and Organisation Controls) reports and ISAE (International Standard on Assurance Engagements) frameworks serve as the cornerstone for assuring robust control environments. However, when multiple subservice organisations come into play, the audit landscape becomes increasingly complex. This case study aims to dissect this complexity by providing practical examples that apply SOC and ISAE frameworks.

Methodologies 🛠️
There are two primary methods for including subservice organisations in a SOC report:

Carve-Out Method: The subservice organisation's controls are explicitly excluded from the service organisation's SOC report.
Complementary Subservice Organisation Controls: The subservice organisation's controls are included within the scope of the service organisation's SOC report.
Let's dive into two abstract examples to understand these methods better.

Case Study 1: FinTech Corp 🏦 - Carve-Out Method

Background 🌐
FinTech Corp is a financial technology company that utilises a third-party cloud service provider (Cloudify Inc.) for its data storage and another third-party payment gateway (PayRight) for processing transactions.

Problem Statement
FinTech Corp needs to undergo a SOC 2 audit but is unsure how to deal with its subservice organisations, Cloudify Inc. and PayRight.

Solution 💡
FinTech Corp opted for the Carve-Out Method. In its SOC 2 report, it explicitly stated that Cloudify Inc.'s and PayRight's controls were not covered. It mentioned that for a comprehensive understanding of the control environment, user entities should consult the SOC reports of Cloudify Inc. and PayRight.

Takeaways 🎓
Less complex for FinTech Corp
Shifts responsibility to user entities to get the complete picture
Easier to implement but potentially less thorough

Case Study 2: HealthMate 🏥 - Complementary Subservice Organisation Controls

Background 🌐
HealthMate is a healthcare provider that uses multiple third-party services, including a cloud-based Electronic Health Record (EHR) system and a payment processor.

Problem Statement
HealthMate is subject to stringent data protection laws and needs to include its third-party services in its SOC 2 report.

Solution 💡
HealthMate chose the Complementary Subservice Organisation Controls method. They included the controls of their EHR and payment processor within their SOC 2 report's scope. This required rigorous assessment and coordination with the subservice organisations.

Takeaways 🎓
Provides a more holistic view of the control environment
More complex to implement
Requires strong collaboration between the service and subservice organisations

Conclusion 🎬
The selection between the Carve-Out and Complementary Subservice Organisation Controls methods is not a one-size-fits-all decision. The Carve-Out Method is simpler but may leave gaps in assurance. On the other hand, the Complementary Subservice Organisation Controls method is more comprehensive but requires a higher level of effort and collaboration.
🚀 On-Premise Active Directory Audit Work Program - SOX Compliance (Aircraft Manufacturer) 🚀



Ensuring the integrity and security of the Active Directory (AD) environment is crucial in adhering to SOX compliance for our esteemed aircraft manufacturer. This audit work program aims to provide a meticulous review of AD configurations, access controls, and monitoring mechanisms.


Phase 1: Documentation and Configuration Review

1. AD Topology and Configuration:
- Obtain and review AD topology diagrams.
- Review AD domain and trust configurations using:
Get-ADDomain | Format-List Name, Forest, ParentDomain, TrustedDomain


Phase 2: Access Controls

1. User Account Management:
- Review user account configurations:
Get-ADUser -Filter * -Property * | Format-Table Name, Enabled, PasswordLastSet, PasswordNeverExpires

2. Group Membership:
- Analyse critical group memberships:
Get-ADGroupMember -Identity 'Domain Admins' | Format-Table Name, ObjectClass

3. Password Policies:
- Review domain password policies:
Get-ADDefaultDomainPasswordPolicy | Format-List *


Phase 3: Change Management and Monitoring

1. Group Policy Objects (GPO):
- Review and assess GPO settings:
Get-GPO -All | Sort-Object DisplayName | Format-Table DisplayName, GPOStatus, CreationTime

2. AD Object Modifications:
- Monitor AD object modifications:
Get-ADObject -Filter {whenChanged -ge 'mm/dd/yyyy'} | Sort-Object whenChanged | Format-Table Name, whenChanged


Phase 4: Logging and Monitoring

1. Event Log Verification:
- Verify security-related event logs:
Get-EventLog Security | Where-Object { $_.EventID -eq 4720 } | Format-Table TimeGenerated, EventID, Message

2. Audit Policy Review:
- Assess audit policy settings:
Get-AuditPolicySubCategory | Format-Table SubCategory, AuditFlags


Phase 5: Incident Response and Recovery

1. Incident Handling Procedures:
- Review incident response plans and recovery procedures pertaining to AD.

2. Disaster Recovery:
- Assess AD disaster recovery plan and backup strategies.


This audit work program is structured to provide a comprehensive review of the AD environment ensuring SOX compliance, ultimately ensuring a secure and compliant operational framework for our esteemed client in the aircraft manufacturing sector. Stay tuned for more insights and feel free to reach out for any queries or discussions! 📬🔐
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Hello everyone! 🌟

📣 BREAKING NEWS: Cyber threats aren't waiting for anyone. They're evolving, becoming smarter and, unfortunately, more damaging. Welcome to the IT Audit universe, where today we're tackling the behemoth that is a Cybersecurity Audit! 🛡️🔒

So, What's the Fuss About Cybersecurity Audits?

For the uninitiated, a cybersecurity audit might sound like a glorified antivirus scan. But let me tell you, it's like comparing a tricycle to a Tesla. A cybersecurity audit is a sophisticated, multi-layered examination of your organisation's digital backbone. Why? Because attackers are also sophisticated, and they're not just after your data; they could sabotage your infrastructure, reputation, and even your morning coffee order. ☕️👾

Your Digital Lifeboat

Imagine you're on a ship, and the ship represents your organisation. You wouldn't sail without lifeboats, would you? A cybersecurity audit acts as your digital lifeboat, ensuring you're prepared for the high seas of the cyber world, replete with pirates and storms! 🌩️🏴‍☠️

**The Five Commandments**📜

Cybersecurity isn't just about having a fancy firewall or a complicated password. It's a complex ecosystem, built on five key pillars:

1️⃣ Identify: Think of this as your digital inventory. What assets do you have, and what's their worth? Not just hardware, but data, personnel, and even your coffee machine connected to the Wi-Fi! ☕️📊

2️⃣ Protect: Here's where you pull up the drawbridge and fill the moat with crocodiles. You've got your inventory; now how do you protect it? Firewalls, encryption, two-factor authentication—the whole nine yards. 🛡️🐊

3️⃣ Detect: This is your digital watchtower. Constant vigilance is the mantra here. You need to know the moment an arrow (or a Trojan horse) approaches your castle walls. 🏰👀

4️⃣ Respond: So, an arrow has hit. What next? You can't just pull it out and hope for the best. You need a calculated response to neutralise the threat and prevent more arrows. 🏹🚨

5️⃣ Recover: The battle might be won, but the war is ongoing. How quickly you recover sets the stage for future defence. It's about learning, adapting, and coming back stronger. 🔄💪

Stay Tuned for a Rollercoaster Ride!

In the coming weeks, we'll be your tour guide through the labyrinthine world of cybersecurity audit controls. For each pillar, we'll dissect the controls, giving you actionable insights, pro tips, and even some horror stories to make it all stick. 😱📚

So, fasten your seatbelts, because we're about to launch into a journey that could very well save your digital life. 🚀

Until next time, audit like you've never audited before! 🔥
2024/04/28 21:46:02
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