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However, the sheeple and the simple minded will welcome it!

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Croatian MEP, Mislav Kolakušić, to the EU Parliament:

"It would be healthier and safer for humanity to sign an agreement with the Columbian drug cartel [than to sign an agreement with the World Health Organisation]."

"[The WHO] should be declared a terrorist organisation."

The next fake pandemic will be more tyrannical and it'll end with deadlier vaccine.

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Be careful about who want to choose.

Reject DeSantis, Embrace Trump

Kayleigh McEnany
If we can't vote them out, then we must shoot them out. @KayleighMcEnany
I'm sure you've heard the news. The American Republic which was built against the British crown tax scam got too big overtime with lots of different useless ministries and surveillance organisation. US citizens who were paying low taxes and had actual freedom of speech are now paying difference kind of taxes (income, VAT, corporate, property, etc) and the central bank keeps printing money by increasing the national debt (a leftist economical scam to deny that it'll cause inflation). All of these stolen money are funding different kinds of non sense governmental projects domestic and international like spreading LGBTQ+ in middle east while American citizens are suffering from the economy.

US now has a big welfare state which is creating more parasites by encouraging people to be inactive and unproductive. Leftists are in the high societal ranks and owning the elite class. You'll get in trouble and cancelled because of political correctness.

Immigration which was a strong point and foundation of the US (it had literally an open border) now become to a system that made legal and beneficial immigration so hard so it'll prevent most liberty lovers and descent people who loves America to get in but at the same time they are importing various kinds of terrorists like Islamist who are screaming Death to America, socialist and communist from different nations and lot's of foreign agents (China, Iran, Russia, etc) who are the US enemy. They control the airport so tight but floods of unknown people can get in illegally from borders.

I don't know about you by I still think this is the solution. Even if they allow Trump to get elected, what will you do after him? Also, he can't have total control and freedom due to the huge bureaucracy to reverse the trend, it'll just make it happen slower.

Start creating autonomous communities based on common values, respect other communities freedom and support eachother as a network of liberty lovers, invest time and money in your values and freedom by supporting your community, stick to your guns (not just by buying them but also using them against those who are dreaming to make US to USSR), produce more children and protect them from getting brainwashed by the system. Reject the modern structure & values and create strong family unites and be faithful to each other.

Voting will not solve the issue, we're passed that moment. USA needs a revolution if it want to stay USA. Look at what they did to Canada.

Also, democracy is just a mob rule and it's soft version of socialism. Leftists use it to make the country a communist shit hole or a fascist state slowly over time just like cooking the frog on the stove.

You shouldn't respect freedom of people who wants to take away other people's freedom and liberty. They shouldn't be allowed to vote for taking more money from your income just because you are working harder or smarter than them. Those who are after other people's property, freedom of speech and lifes must be taken to Pinochet helicopter ride no matter what's their excuse (climate change, inequality, racism, sexism, religion, etc).

Them: Trump is convicted, he's a criminal.


Yeah, it doesn't matter :)))

When you allow a murderer lives without any consequences, you'll take the consequences because he'll murder again.

Kill those first, who want to kill you.

Take their money from those who want to take your money.

Take and seize their property from those who want to take your property.

Don't wait for an attack from your enemy, attack them when they're are yelling about their future plans and desires.

At 35th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square Massacre, we must remember how communism can destroy lifes and economy and the mass murders that socialists did. It turned Chinese people into the state's slave and even with a few economical adjustments, they are still under total control of state and 24/7 surveillance.

Also we shouldn't forget the Chinese imperialsim and how they are still occupying other nations' lands and suppressing their culture, language and religion. The current Chinese state must collapse and freedom should be brought to oppressed people like Ugyurs and Turkic people who are getting eliminated by Chinese supremacists and you'll never see leftists, activists and college students talking about them.

The Chinese system has always been a role model for blood thirsty globalists, elites and socialists and they are trying to make US, EU, Australia and New Zealand like China so after that they can create their one global socialist government.

Any socialist is a terrorist.

2024/06/10 05:42:10
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