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whereas (союз)

тогда как, в то время как;
используется для выражения контраста;
вводит придаточное предложение (за ним идет подлежащее и сказуемое)
НЕ используется с существительным или формой (НЕ предлог)


It's still cold in Russia, whereas the folks in Cyprus are already enjoying sunny days.
В России еще холодно, а вот ребята на Кипре уже во всю наслаждаются солнечными днями.

My readers have a great sense of humour, whereas not all of my friends do.
У моих читателей отменное чувство юмора, а вот не у всех моих друзей оно есть.

😀🥊Продолжаем учиться вести деловую переписку вежливо.

😜Вот если выстрелите, тогда и приходите. — So if you have eventually some needs from your clientele, it can have a real

😜Ой-ой, напугал! — We regret to know that you are not satisfied with our services.

😜Да идите вы знаете куда… — We consider the matter settled and close our files.

😜Ха-ха (три раза) — Very best regards.

It doesn't hold water

Шито белыми нитками (не выдерживает воды)

Эта идиома используется в случаях, когда требуется прочэлленджить аргумент собеседника, в прямой форме не согласиться с мнением оппонента.


— I think it's a good idea to cut down on bulk buying: our warehouses are overloaded already.
— This argument doesn't hold water, really. The main thing it helps us drive down the costs, and we'll still save money even if we rent out more warehouse spacing.

— Думаю, нам нужно прекратить закупаться оптом: наши складские помещения перегружены.
— На самом деле это не рабочий аргумент. Оптовая закупка помогает нам снизить затраты, и даже если мы арендуем больше складских помещений, мы все равно больше сэкономим в итоге.
Друзья, сегодня вновь в эфире с радиопередачей «Местный английский», и с очень интересной гостьей😊
Forwarded from Радио.Mesto
24 февраля 🎙
Анонсы передач Радио.Mesto, новости сообщества

🕥 18:30 - 19:00 Подкаст "Времени нет" с Натальей Переваловой

Поговорили о том, как быть честным в общении с собой и другими; что делать, если чувствуешь манипуляции; почему важно говорить о своих чувствах собеседнику. А ещё ребята рассказали о самых необычных бесяках из подкаста и о том, какие смешные истории случались в их дружеских отношениях.

В гостях Света Шедина и Алексей Иванов, авторы подкаста "
Но вы держитесь" и проекта "Аутентичная коммуникация".

🕥 19:00-19:30 "Местный английский" с Юлей Беймлиной

Беседуем с гостями, которым удалось выстроить карьеру или бизнес в международном контексте. Узнаем с какими трудностями в межкультурной коммуникации пришлось столкнуться и как их преодолевали.

В гостях Валерия Садовская,
аналитик стратегии в команде Стратегии МегаФон

Подключайтесь, услышимся вМесте! ❤️
Hey guys, Happy New Year! 🎅
It has been almost 2 years since I posted here last time 😿

A lot has happened over this period, and I’d like to share the highlights:

👌 I closed my startup NailThis (peer-to-peer speaking practice) back in the beginning of 2022 ⚰️
👌Since the end of 2021, I have worked as a product manager for Yandex Practicum, where I launched new educational products 🚀
👌A year ago, I moved to Bali, Indonesia 🇮🇩
👌I have visited Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, Singapore, and Hongkong, so now I feel I got to know Asia a bit 🌏

Throughout the whole period, I have pushed myself to take tough decisions. This channel has been on my mind, yet I haven’t found a reason either to come back or to shut it down completely.

Now I am here, at least for a few days, to share my adventures, news, and make a couple of announcements.

I am very curious how you are doing, where you live, and what’s up with your English — what role does it play in your life?

Yours, @ybeymlina
So why am I here today?👀

While in Yandex, I’ve researched numerous learning programs and realized one thing: ➡️ to grow in fluency you need autonomy and support at the same time, but on the market, you don’t get both.

I do believe you can take the best from the two worlds: step outside the classroom and act as a speaker, not a learner, while getting professional support. You can grow while being supported.

How? Simple.

When you join my peer-to-peer speaking service, every week you get:

- a new speaking partner
- meeting notes with a speaking task and phrases to use
- feedback

As a result, you grow fluency and vocabulary range. You become a confident communicator able to build relationships with new people.

You can check out the details here ⬅️

Better yet, book a free demo with me here⬅️ This way you can see how this speaking format can work for you. You need to be Intermediate (B1) or above to participate❤️

So this is why I am here today. Welcome to join the peer group that helps you grow🚀
Who is already with us 📸

Remember I invited you to take part in our peer-to-peer English speaking practice?

Today, I wanna tell you who you will have a chance to practice with when you join us

- A product manager, Moscow
- A data analyst, Israel
- A mechanical engineer, Indonesia
- A green peace activist, Serbia
- A DevOps team lead, Moscow

And many more 😍

We have a truly international community of overachievers. Highly ambitious and motivated, our peers have reached at least the intermediate level or higher and don't want to stop.

Welcome to the club🙌

Book a free demo today 🚀
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Channel name was changed to «English student to student»
Thank you for booking my demos guys 🤗❤️

While I have been meeting some of you over the recent days, I realized that some of you are not ready yet for this sort of autonomous practice. Or, some of you, have way more specific requests.

With this in mind, I have opened 3 slots for private students, to help you meet your specific goals or get ready for the international practice.

You can learn more about my private practice here ⬅️

You can book a free consultation until the end of the month here ⬇️

Open the world with English🔑🌐
Hey guys, I have started my Youtube channel in English

Check it out
Мой друг делится опытом, на мой взгляд интересно — зацените
What is it the picture of?

Of a brand new post in my brand new Insta account of a not so brand new English speaking product 😉

Follow to find counter intuitive yet helpful tips on how to nail speaking English as a foreign language ❤️

Here we go

Our new website has arrived — get to know ES2S and how we fulfil our mission: bringing the world closer by improving the quality of communication in lingua franca (aka English)
Hey guys, hello from Bangkok!

Let me share with you my top3 reels:

❤️ most liked one
Why you are stuck at Intermediate

👀 most viewed one
When will I become Advanced?

🙌 most shared one
Stop to do /VS/ Stop …ing

Follow me on Insta not to miss new reels and to learn 1 new phrase a day in stories 🪄
Your English growth starts here🙌
We have collected and analyzed 200 student speaking sessions at Intermediate-Advanced levels 🤩🪄

We have identified common errors that keep you guys from progressing and leveling your English up

We are ready to share this information with you at our broadcast. You will learn to notice - recognise - eradicate these errors. Then substitute them with a natural and appropriate linguistic behavior.

All details, date and time here.
2024/06/15 17:03:13
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