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starting now!!! 👆
📢 NuCypher DAO Proposal #2 – Halt NU Inflation Indefinitely & Remove Voting Endpoints from StakingEscrow is active 📢

In order to parametrize, deploy and activate the Vending Machine contract, which will allow NU & KEEP stakers to upgrade their respective tokens in exchange for T, we require both token conversion factors to be frozen. This is only possible if neither token supply is growing. This proposal would therefore halt all NU token distribution immediately following the necessary two-week DAO validation window.

👀 Read the full forum proposal here:

🗳 Validate the upgrade here:
Note that the validation page for proposal #2 can take a little while to load
The Inaugural Threshold Council election votes just kicked off!

Cheers to everyone who participated in the strong community nomination process on the Threshold forum. We have super solid candidates up for the vote on both sides.

This is a 7 day token holder weighted vote that allows you to vote for multiple candidates. Each voter may spread their voting power across any number of choices.

Also very stoked to officially share with the group here that Jake Lynch was selected by both teams as the neutrally appointed Threshold Council member.

KEEP token holders vote for Keep community candidates here 👇

NU token holders vote for NuCypher community candidates here 👇
Three transactions have been submitted to the Threshold Council for review and signing:

1) mint 10B T (4.5B for NU vending machine, 4.5B for KEEP vending machine, 1B for Threshold DAO treasury)
2) transfer 4.5B T to the NU vending machine
3) transfer 4.5B T to the KEEP vending machine

Once the two transfer transactions have been signed by a threshold of council members and executed, T will be live. Threshold Network is born.
Channel name was changed to «Threshold News»
The Threshold Council has funded the vending machines. Threshold Network is born 👶.

T meet everyone, everyone meet T. We think you're going to get along great 💜

If you're an early tester and want to upgrade your NU and/or KEEP into T while the official Threshold UI is being finalized, you can do so on the temporary UI linked below. Be careful, check the addresses you're interacting with against the ones listed below, and don't blindly ape! Do NOT send tokens directly to the address via a simple transfer or they will be lost forever! 🙈 🙊 🙉

* Wrapping UI for early testers:
* T token contract address: 0xCdF7028ceAB81fA0C6971208e83fa7872994beE5
* NU<>T vending machine contract address: 0x1CCA7E410eE41739792eA0A24e00349Dd247680e
* KEEP<>T vending machine contract address: 0xE47c80e8c23f6B4A1aE41c34837a0599D5D16bb0
The Threshold Council deposited ~$20M 💸 of protocol owned liquidity (POL) into the Curve T+ETH pool and staked the LP tokens into Convex , as per a proposal from the Treasury Task Force.

A share of the resulting CRV/CVX rewards will accrue to the DAO, diversifying the treasury and allowing Threshold to build governance power in strategically relevant protocols as a way to facilitate the success of our future tBTCv2 (and thUSD? 👀) pools.

Congrats, you're now part of a revenue-generating DAO! 🤩
Forwarded from Ryan | Threshold
Today at 3:00pm ET is the Threshold Community
Wide call 📞

🥩 Staking Updates and Rewards
📊 Threshold DAO Budget Proposal
⚙️ Integration Guild Update
💰 Treasury Task Force
📢 Marketing Guild Update

Join here:
Governance is incoming everyone!

Ultimately, Threshold DAO will be powered by Governor Bravo but before those contracts are deployed the DAO will use Snapshot.

In order to participate in governance, you will need to select a delegate, which requires an on-chain transaction. You can self-delegate to your own address.

Delegation will soon be supported on the Threshold staking dashboard, but for now you will need to interact with the contracts directly via Etherscan if you want to participate in the first several Snapshots.
If you are a T staker (or migrated your legacy NU/KEEP stake), you can delegate using the delegateVoting function on the staking contract:

Liquid T holders should not delegate to participate in Snapshots (although they will once the DAO switches to Governor Bravo, at which point further instructions will be shared).

There are several imminent proposals that will be going up for Snapshot votes, so please delegate ASAP if you want to participate::
* Purchasing T - ETH curve liquidity:
* Request for funding thUSD smart contract development
* Budget allocation for the guilds
* Token swaps with strategic partners
* Inflation rewards for stakers
Four governance proposals for your consideration

Woah boy, have we got a slate of snapshot proposals for you!

Please head over to to review and vote on the following proposals:

(1) The DAO bootstrap proposal (finally our Guilds will be able to start shifting into high gear!):

(2) Discretionary budget for the Marketing Guild (contingent on the DAO bootstrap proposal being approved):

(3) Funding request for the Threshold USD front-end application development:

(4) Binance Learn & Earn 2.0 campaign

The voting period for these snapshots is March 1, 23:59 UTC through March 8, 23:59 UTC.
Channel photo updated
👋 User Study participants wanted!

🎙️Interviews will be ~60 minutes, recorded and fully anonymized.

💰 Participants will be paid 60 USDC.

👉 If you’re interested, answer this survey here and enroll in our user study.
If you are a tBTC (v1 or v2) LP in any AMM (Curve, mStable, Saddle, etc.) pools with exposure to renBTC, we highly recommend that you withdraw your liquidity immediately and eliminate any exposure to renBTC.

As per Ren Labs (, the Ren bridge is shutting down imminently and BTC redemptions will be suspended . It's unclear what will happen to the renBTC peg once that happens, but it's very likely to have a significant negative impact and effectively brick any pools with renBTC exposure.

The Threshold Treasury Guild is evaluating the deployment of new pools without renBTC shortly.
Forwarded from Will
Gm ballers. Big updates incoming!

There is a new weekly Threshold DAO wide call starting this Friday at 11am ET. We will be discussing the impeding launch of tBTC v2 and Optimistic Minting with Matt.

What is Optimistic Minting? Why is it 😍? What does this mean for the DAO? Wen v2?

All the alpha drops this Friday in our Discord server so come through to the call there 🤙

P.S. there will be an OAT for attending shoutout Nico.
2024/06/11 17:45:30
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