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PhD Course: Historical Perspectives on Current Economics Issues: Big Data

Organizer: University of Southern Denmark

▫️The course will feature lectures from Professor Gregory Clark, a leading economic historian. The focus will be the dynamics of social status determination over multiple generations, and the ability of a variety of social interventions to change social outcomes. The lectures on long-run social mobility and its determinants will constitute the main theme of the summer school.

📆12-22 August 2024

Deadline: 1 July 2024

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حلقه مطالعاتی آنلاین کتاب نظریه عواطف اخلاقی آدام اسمیت، در دانشگاه گلاسگو اسکاتلند
The Theory of Moral Sentiments Global Reading Group

Organizer: University of Glasgow

Host: Craig Smith (UofG)

▫️In this group, you will have the opportunity to read Smith’s great work of moral philosophy and discuss his ideas and their relevance to our world. Smith’s compelling analysis of how human beings experience moral judgment and how they come to develop a conscience and pursue virtue is one of the great works of moral philosophy.
This group is open to all levelsno prior experience in reading Smith or philosophy is required.

📆From 5 March 2024 - 7 sessions over 14 weeks

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مدرسه تابستانی اقتصاد کار در IZA، آلمان برای مقطع دکتری
25th IZA Summer School in Labor Economics

Organizers: Jonas Jessen (IZA and IAB), Simon Trenkle (IZA and IAB), Florian Zimmermann (IZA and University of Bonn)

▫️The IZA Summer School is open to PhD students working on labor economics and closely related topics. We particularly encourage applications from female students and students from disadvantaged backgrounds. Economy class travel and 5 nights of lodging can be covered according to the IZA Reimbursement Guidelines.

📆15-19 July 2024

Deadline: March 31, 2024

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مدرسه‌‌ی تابستانی اقتصاد سیاسی مکس پلانک
The Political Economy of Conflict and Redistribution

▫️The School provides research-oriented lectures by senior experts in the field of the Political Economy of Conflict and Redistribution. Methodologically it will cover theory and experiments in the field and in the laboratory. In addition to these lectures, participants will have the opportunity to present and discuss their own research and their research papers to the whole group.
This program is free of charge.

📆29 Jul - 1 Aug 2024

Application Deadline: 31 Mar 2024
مهلت ارسال مدارک برای ثبت نام تا ۱۲ فروردین ۱۴۰۳

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پانزدهمین مدرسه تابستانی اقتصاد کلان تجربی
15th Experimental Macroeconomics Summer School

Organizers: BESlab at The University of Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona & Nanyang Technology University, Singapore

▫️Graduate students and young faculty interested in macroeconomics or experimental economics are invited to attend this intensive 7-day summer school (which will include the two-day Workshop on Theoretical and Experimental Macroeconomics on June 28-29, 2024). The Summer School has received support from NTU and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. There will be no registration fee, but accommodation and travel is to be covered by the participant.

📆27 June - 3 July, 2024

Deadline: 30 March, 2024

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مدرسه تابستانی دانشگاه وارویک انگستان برای دانشجویان علاقه‌مند به ادامه تحصیل در مقطع دکتری
CAGE Summer School 2024: Pre-doctoral Research Training

Organizer: University of Warwick

Presenters: Arthur Turrell (Bank of England), Eric Melander (Birmingham), Peter John Lambert (LSE), Marie Segger (The Economist magazine)

▫️CAGE Research Centre is running a three-day Summer School which will provide a comprehensive introduction to the tools and systems needed for applied social science research.
Accommodation and meals will be provided free of charge to students. Economy only travel expenses up to £500 Europe, and £150 UK will also be covered.

📆1-3 July 2024

Deadline: Friday, 22 March 2024

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موقعیت کاری RA و TA در مدرسه اقتصاد استکهلم
Full-time positions as a Research Assistant

▫️The Department of Economics at Stockholm School of Economics, who is recruiting two Research Assistants. The positions are for one year starting at the end of August. We will sponsor work visa applications for non-EU citizens.
Applicants should have at least a bachelor’s degree in Economics or Finance by the time that the positions start but more advanced studies are a merit.

📆Deadline: 10 April 2024, 11:59 PM CEST

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موقعیت کاری تمام وقت در اقتصاد سلامت، مدرسه کسب و کار emlyon فرانسه
A full- time position in Health Economics / Analytics (all levels)

▫️emlyon business school invites applications for a professor position (all levels) in health economics or health analytics (data science, decision theory, policy evaluation, ...). Applications are invited from highly motivated candidates who have demonstrated research excellence or significant potential in these fields.

📆Deadline: 31 March, 2024

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مدرسه تابستانی در مقطع کارشناسی فلسفه، سیاست، اقتصاد و حقوق
Philosophy, Politics, Economics, and Law Undergraduate Summer School

Organizer: The University of Arizona, USA

▫️The Philosophy, Politics, Economics, and Law (PPEL) Undergraduate Summer School features a curriculum focusing on the practical problems of organizing and running human society. Registration, meals and student housing is free.

📆4-7 June , 2024

Deadline:15 April, 2024

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وبینار تاریخچه ثروتمندان در غرب
Gods Among Men: A History of the Rich in the West

Speaker: Guido Alfani (Bocconi University, Milan)

▫️HEDG Hosts is a series of events organised by the Historical Economics and Development Group at the University of Southern Denmark. His newest book discusses inequality with a unique focus on the role of and perceptions about the super-rich.

📆 11th April, 11am Danish Time
پنج‌شنبه ٢٣ فروردین ١۴٠٣، ساعت ١٢:٣٠ به وقت ایران

👉🏼Register here

قابل توجه پژوهشگران و دانشجویان: ورکشاپ "قصه‎گویی در اقتصاد" به میزبانی انجمن بین‎المللی اقتصاددانان ایرانی (به زبان فارسی)
Become a better economic storyteller

Instructors: Ramin Nassehi (University College London), Arash Naghavi (University of Wuppertal)

▫️This workshop, which will be delivered in Persian (Farsi), is targeted at economics students and researchers who are keen to improve their presentation skills.

Workshop Objectives:
Develop the ability to motivate your audience regarding your research
Master the art of presenting research questions in a clear and concise manner
Enhance your skills in explaining data and methodology effectively
Learn strategies to communicate research results with clarity and impact
Discover techniques to make your conclusions memorable

📆24 April 2024, 18:30 Tehran time, 16:00 London time

👉🏼Register here

موقعیت کار پژوهشی در آلمان
Research Assistants (Doctoral Researcher/PhD)

▫️The position is offered for a period of 3 years, if no former times of qualification must be considered. The starting date is 1st of August. The position is part-time (75 % of regular working hours) with salary and benefits commensurate with a public service position in the state Hesse, Germany (TV-H E 13, 75 %).

📆Deadline: 12 May, 2024

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مدرسه اقتصاد سیاسی برای دانشجویان تحصیلات تکمیلی و پژوهشگران پست-داک
23rd Summer School in International And Development Economics: Political Economy and Development

Organizers: Unimi, Unito, Bocconi, CEPR, IGC

Lecturers: Claudio Ferraz (UBC, NBER), Sandra Sequeira (LSE, CEPR)

▫️The school is targeted to graduate students, doctoral students and post-doctoral researchers in economics in the field of “Political Economy and Development”, with a focus on governance and accountability in developing countries and the consequences for socio-economic growth, corruption, migration and conflict.
Participants will be charged €650, and a limited number of fee waivers can be assigned to students from Developing Countries.

Location: Castello di Gargonza, South-East of Florence, between Siena and Arezzo, Italy.

📆3-6 Sep 2024
Deadline: 3 May, 2024

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سخنرانی محسن جاودانی در دانشگاه تهران، سوگیری ایدئولوژیک در اقتصاد جریان اصلی
Neoclassical Economics and Ideological Bias

Organizer: University of Tehran

Speaker: Mohsen Javdani (Simon Fraser University)

▫️Mohsen is an Associate Professor of Economics in the School of Public Policy and Urban Studies at the University of Simon Fraser in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

Mohsen's Podcast (Persian):

📆Saturday, 11 May 2024, 12:30 Tehran time
شنبه ٢٢ اردیبهشت ساعت ١٢:٣٠

👉🏼Register here

8 بورسیه دوره دکتری در دانشگاه ورونا ایتالیا
PhD Positions - University of Verona

▫️This year, eight scholarship positions are available, offering a gross monthly stipend of approximately 1,600 euros for the full duration of the four-year program. The stipend will increase by 50% when PhD students are conducting research abroad.
The Program offers two dedicated tracks: “Economics (ECO)” and “Mathematics and Data Analytics for Finance (MDAF)”. We invite applications from outstanding graduates who hold or are expected to hold a master’s degree in Economics, Finance or related fields.

📆Deadline: 23 May, 2024

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انجمن سلطنتی اقتصاد بریتانیا: آیا اقتصاددانان اهمیتی می‌دهند؟
Royal Economics Society (UK🇬🇧) Annual Public Lecture 2024: Do Economists Care?

Speaker: Jane Humphries (University of Oxford)

▫️The lecture will be focused on economists'
neglect and failure to value caring labour and
its implications.

📆Mon, 10 Jun 2024 14:00 BST

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بورسیه دوره دکتری در دانشگاه کافوسکاری ونیز ایتالیا
PhD Positions - Ca' Foscari University

▫️University of Venice offers 5 positions with fully funded scholarships for 4 years, starting from September 2024. The amount of a scholarship is about 20.000 euros gross/year. From the first year, PhD students have about 2.000 euros/year to spend for conference participation or summer/winter schools.

📆Deadline: 23 May, 2024 at 13:00 Italy time
مهلت اپلای: فردا 15:30 به وقت ایران

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سخنرانی ریچارد لیارد در دانشگاه گلاسگو
Maurice Bloch Seminar: Wellbeing as the Goal of Government

Speaker: Lord Richard Layard (Centre for Economic Performance, LSE)

Chair: Jonathan Evans (University of Glasgow)

▫️Richard will first set out the case for having people’s wellbeing as the overarching goal. This implies that public funds should go to whom the wellbeing benefits are highest relative to the cost. This involves a whole set of new priorities, including more attention on mental health.

📆Wednesday 29 May 2024, 1pm London time

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🌐Zoom Link

4 بورسیه دوره دکتری و یک موقعیت پست‌داک در دانشگاه Mainz آلمان
Sholarships in the Graduate Research Group “Behavioral Measurement and Field Experiments in Finance and Economics”

▫️The graduate research group is a joint initiative of the University of Mainz, Goethe University Frankfurt, and the Leibniz Institute SAFE, funded by the Gutenberg Council for Young Researchers.
The scholarship offers the opportunity to work towards a PhD on a full-time basis for 3 years. The PhD scholarship amount is monthly €1,550 plus a research cost allowance of €100. The postdoc scholarship amount is €1,900 and a monthly research cost allowance of €300.

📆Deadline: 10 June 2024

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موقعیت دستیار پژوهشی در دانشگاه بولونیا ایتالیا
Research Fellowship in Experimental Economics, University of Bologna

▫️Call for applications for a 12-month research fellowship (€19,367) at the Department of Economics at the University of Bologna, as part of the project DYNOSOR (DYnamics of SOcial NOrms under collective Risk). The main topic is Social norms and their dynamics in situations characterized by risk and uncertainty (climate change, pandemics, natural disasters). A Master's Degree or equivalent in Economics or a related social science field is required.

📆Deadline: 26 June 2024

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